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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
Violin prodigy Etta Spencer had big plans for her future, but a tragic accident has put her once-bright career at risk. Closely tied to her musical skill, however, is a mysterious power she doesn't even know she has. When her two talents collide during a stressful performance, Etta is drawn back hundreds of years through time. Etta wakes,confused and terrified, in 1776, in the midst a fierce sea battle. Nicholas Carter, the handsome young prize master of a privateering ship, has been hired to retrieve Etta and deliver her unharmed to the Ironwoods, a powerful family in the Coloniesthe very same one that orchestrated her jump back, and one Nicholas himself has mysteries ties to. But discovering she can time travel is nothing compared to the shock of discovering the true reason the Ironwoods have snared her in their web. Another traveler has stolen an object of untold value from them, and, if Etta can find it, they will return her to her own time. Out of options, Etta and Nicholas embark on a perilous journey across centuries and continents, piecing together clues left behind by the mysterious traveler. But as they draw closer to each other and the end of their search, the true nature of the object, and the dangerous game the Ironwoods are playing, comes to lightthreatening to separate her not only from Nicholas, but her path home... forever.
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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BookmarkTavern 😍😍 2w
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Alexandra Bracken (born February 27, 1987) is a #1 New York Times bestselling American author known for The Darkest Minds series and Passenger series.
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KateReadsYA Wow we share the same birthday 🥰 3mo
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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The time would come—not at this moment, not even in the coming days, but soon—when Sophia would answer for what she had done. But for now, she was of far more use to Nicholas alive than in the presence of her maker.
“Look lively,” he said. “We‘ve a journey to make.”
#Passenger #AlexandraBracken #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookbag #bookbags #Fantasy #YoungAdult #TimeTravel #HistoricalFiction #Romance #ScienceFiction #Historical 💘💘💘💘💘

Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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I read this book in 2016 for the first time and fell in love with everything about it. But then I had to wait for the second one and somehow never got around to reading it.
So I picked up Wayfarer, but was so totally confused with the events happening that I had to come back to this one for a quick update.

I thoroughly enjoyed this re-read and the first chapter of Wayfarer already has me wanting to know just what exactly is going on.

Enchanted_Bibliophile Somehow I was convinced one of the main characters passed away 🤷🏼‍♀️ So imagine my surprise when I opened the next book to find them alive and well 🫤 1y
TheSpineView Great job! 1y
Clwojick Wwoohoo! Well done! 1y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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As they ascended, retreating farther from the winding trails that marked the way to nearby villages, the world opened to him in its purest form: silent, ancient, mysterious.
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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After driving home in snowy weather, it was a delight to open this spring filled #speculativespringswap box! @Pigpen_Reads sent such an amazing package! 📚6 books I‘m very excited to read from my TBR. Book sleeves, bookmark & tea bag holders, tote and a fabric basket filled with candy, all in such lovely spring fabrics! 🌸 Handmade soaps which I love — the whole box smelled delightfully like lavender when I opened it. ⬇️

Pigpen_Reads I'm so glad you like it! It was fun getting your package put together 😊 2y
MeganAnn Lip balm, notecards, pens and markers I can always put to good use. I noticed some of my brush markers are drying out so those are especially needed! And the floral travel mug is so pretty! Thank you so much @Pigpen_Reads 💖🎉✨🙏🏻 I love everything! Extra thanks to @Avanders for always being such a wonderful swap host 😍✨👏🏻 #sss (edited) 2y
Avanders Wow!! 😍😍🔮🧬🦠 2y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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As they ascended, retreating farther from the winding trails that marked the way to nearby villages, the world opened to him in its purest form: silent, ancient, mysterious.
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken

“It matters not who you love, but only the quality of such a love. A flower is no less beautiful because it does not bloom in the expected form. Because it lasts an hour, and not days.”

Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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It took me a long time to finish reading this book. This book really didn‘t grab my attention at the beginning. I had a hard time holding my attention to read it. But it did get interesting toward the end of it. Hopefully the sequel will be more interesting. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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What to read? She asked. Feeling a bit like the sea today with my book choices. Maybe I‘ll sample each and choose from there. Hubby brought me coffee so I‘m happy and ready to read.

Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Read a little. Work a little. Clean a little. Try not to eat all of my food. Repeat.

Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Day 2- #7days7covers #covercrush Post a cover you love each day for 7 days. No explanation needed. Tag someone new everyday. If you haven‘t been tagged in this consider yourself tagged :)

DrexEdit 😍😍😍 5y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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#7days7covers #covercrush Day 3
@hes7 Do you want to show us your favorite covers?

swishandflick Great cover! 👏🏽 5y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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There‘s a great deal of world travel in this series—including throughout time! #globetrotter #letstravelaugust

OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚🌎 5y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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This was fantastic!!!!

Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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As they ascended, retreating farther from the winding trails that marked the way to nearby villages, the world opened to him in its purest form: silent, ancient, mysterious.
#Passenger #AlexandraBracken #book #books #firstline #openingline #funko #funkopop #popvinyl #Belle #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #bookwarm #bookwarmth #bookwhore #bookworld #bookexpo #epicreads #Fantasy #YoungAdult #TimeTravel ❣️❣️❣️❣️

Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken

Good world-building

Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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I was surprised at how much I loved this book. I fell for the characters and very much enjoyed this take on time travel. #audiobook #scribd #timetravel #ya

Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Jumping into another #timetravel book for my next #audiobook #scribd #ya

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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Last completed book of 2018 for me, and this one was an absolute gem. Nicholas Carter is the light of my life, and Alexandra Bracken‘s writing just gets better and better. Can‘t wait to get my hands on a copy of Wayfarer!!!

Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Here is all my goodies my partner sent me for the #sss #StuffedStockingSwap. Thanks so much @mem_ugh! On the side is the best slipper socks I've ever seen they are so comfy and warm. In the cute little boxes is some candy I will be enjoying soon. I can't wait to get to reading the books you sent! @Avanders

Mem_ugh Yay, I‘m glad it reached you okay!!! Aren‘t those slipper socks the best? I bought myself, my sisters, and my mom all a pair! 6y
Avanders ♥️🎄❄️💙🥰 6y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Between a pick and so-so for me. It‘s a good story but not great. Lots of twists and some confusion, which is to be expected with a time-travel story. Over all I give it 4 stars. Next up is the sequel, Wayfarer. Which I heard was not as good but worth reading.

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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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No work for this girl tonight! Snowed in with my book and cinnamon raisin and blueberry bagels! 📖 🥯 Probably watch a movie with the kiddos after I finish my book. I hate snow!😩 But I like the excuse not to leave the house. 😂

UwannaPublishme Stay warm! 6y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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A nice and different take on the time travel genre.
Action packed with lots of feels

Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Knowing that this story had mixed reviews, I hesitated to start reading it, but I am glad that I finally picked it up. Etta's story traveling the past to save her timeline kept me engaged until the last page and I am excited to see what happens in the next novel. If you like the idea of the butterfly effect and time travel (and a little romance), I would recommend this story to you.

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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Kat-Marie I really enjoyed that book! The sequel was not as good in my opinion, but it was still worth reading. 6y
sammisho Totally agree. Disappointed by the sequel 6y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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I liked this so much more than I expected! Time travel books can be hit or miss for me, but the concept was interesting, the characters were solid, and the story kept me saying “just one more chapter.” I did not see the ending coming, and because of that I‘m very glad that I have the next one to start right away. This was the first of Bracken‘s books that I‘ve read, and now I definitely want to check out more of them.

Cinfhen I‘m intrigued but I don‘t usually enjoy this genre... 6y
GypsyKat @Cinfhen I‘d probably stick to a genre you like in that case. I do enjoy this genre, it‘s my go-to escapism kind of reading so this was a good match for me. Everyone is different. 😊 6y
Cinfhen Good advice! I just need a #timetravel book for #pop18 but I have other options on my shelves!!!! 6y
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GypsyKat @Cinfhen 😊👍 6y
LauraWeasley This is still on my TBR but I've seen so many mixed reviews which always makes me a bit nervous... 😁 Glad you enjoyed it, though! 6y
sammisho @Cinfhen I loved The Austen Project or A Murder in Time for a time travel book 6y
sammisho I loved Passenger! Got the next one on my kindle to to read soon. Fun story! 6y
Pamwurtzler This sounds intriguing- stacked! 6y
GypsyKat @LauraWeasley It‘s a YA time travel book, so I went in not expecting to be wowed. But I liked it a lot! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
Cinfhen Thanks for the recommendations @sammisho I was thinking of reading The Time Traveler‘s Wife or 6y
sammisho @Cinfhen Time Traveler's Wife is one of all time favorite books! 6y
Cinfhen Cool @sammisho and I just saw you HATED The Interestings too, which means you have awesome taste in books 😉 6y
BooknerdsLife @GypsyKat this book surprised me too! Didnt think I'd love it as much as I did. 6y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Doing a little reading in bed. I hate to put it down, but I‘m starting to nod off here. 😴

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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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I‘d like to win to read Passenger: love time travel, nautical tales, and the USA colonization to country time period!!!

I love summer for the sun and warm 70-80 degree temps; I‘m finally warm enough not to need layers on! lol

CoffeeNBooks I'm jealous that you live somewhere with 70-80 degree weather in the summer! 😃 I'm in Florida, and that's March/April weather for us. By summer it's 90 and sweltering. 🌞🤣🌞 6y
CrowCAH @CoffeeNBooks I‘m in Michigan! 6y
CoffeeNBooks Well, ok, so our winters are much milder than yours. 😃 6y
CrowCAH @CoffeeNBooks very true! 6y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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It‘s so pretty! I love the metallic silver! 😍

QueenOfWands I didn't realize that tree was under there. I had to go check my copy. So pretty! ❤ 6y
GripLitGrl 😍😍😍 6y
SassyBookworm Wow 😍 6y
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Tinky5870 Is this one you told me about? It‘s gorgeous! 😍 6y
GypsyKat @Tinky5870 It is! Isn‘t it so pretty?! 💗 6y
Tinky5870 @GypsyKat Absolutely! 😍❤️ 6y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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After owning this for a year, I‘m finally starting this one tonight. I‘ve heard mixed reviews so my hopes aren‘t super high, but weather it‘s good or bad I‘ll still enjoy this beautiful cover! 💗

That-Bookish-Hiker I really enjoyed this book mostly because of the time traveling aspect. I also liked it more than the second one. 6y
TheBookgeekFrau Gorgeous cover! 6y
BooknerdsLife I really did enjoy this one..but I went in with no expectation either ☺️ 6y
ladym30 I liked it. 6y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Been meaning to read this for years... enjoying it so far!

SassyBookworm Love the cover! 6y
LorieL @Chrysta23 Yes, it's one of my favorites! 6y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Okay, I know I'm late to the game with this one, but this is a great book! Once I got a little ways into, I couldn't put it down.....and that's how I know a story is really good, when I can't wait to get to the next part ⛵

Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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I would give this book a pick just for the hero, who is African American, and the biracial romance, which is not seen nearly enough in YA fantasy, or any genre! But I will also give this book a pick because it was well written, fast paced,and full of adventure. I love time traveling tales and this one did not disappoint.

RaimeyGallant Nice review. 6y
readinginthedark Good to know! I never picked this one up, because the cover was too similar to another book I was reading when I saw it, but this sounds even better! 6y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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My house is a disaster, I have no groceries and my kids have done nothing but watch TV this morning... but I'm ignoring it all to finish this book in bed. Sorry not sorry.

Tamra No sorries. 6y
Cinfhen Sounds like you made the right decision ❤️ 6y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Outdoor reading season is finally here!

Soubhiville Hallelujah! 6y
Daisey Until this weekend! 6y
sammisho @Daisey I know!!! I am trying not to think about it! We will be on Soccer fields!😭 6y
mrozzz The BEST season 6y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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The sun is out for the first time in weeks in KC, which means I am back to side line reading.

Daisey I made a point that come home early today so I could spend some more time outside! 6y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Trying to write some in my novel with a very cute and successful distraction.

somebooksaround ❤️❤️ so much goodnesss!👑 6y
TheLibrarian How cute!!! 6y
Smrloomis Cute! And welcome to Litsy! 🎉 6y
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Smrloomis Oops forgot to add a tag that might be useful ☺️ #litsywelcomewagon 6y
StellaDz What a cute puppy!! 😍 6y
theresidentromantic Welcome to Litsy!! ❤❤😙 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 🖐😁 6y
BookwormAHN Welcome to Litsy 😸 6y
MayJasper Ooh #dogsoflitsy how handsome. Hello and welcome 😊 6y
Maria514626 Welcome to you and your cute friend! 😄 6y
niha923 Welcome to Litsy! 📚🎉📚 Such a gorgeous dog 😍 6y
airelalove Thanks for the warm welcome everybody ❤️❤️ Elphie sends her love! 6y
LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! New book friends are the best! We hope you‘re loving it here! Checkout these #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: http://bit.ly/litsyvideos There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out #LitsyHappenings for details. #LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
TK-421 Welcome to Litsy! 😊 6y
Wife Welcome to Litsy!🌹 6y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Gymnast Mom survival kit

CrowCAH How is this? I‘ve been wanting to read it; love one travel! 6y
sammisho @CrowCAH Too soon to tell, but I love time traveling books too so I hope it's good! 6y
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sammisho @RaimeyGallant Not yet but I own it! I am afraid it's going to make me give side eye to all my fellow gymnast parents! Lol 6y
RaimeyGallant It might. :) 6y
TaylorMay Yay gymnastics! You are amazing. I still don't know how my mom did it for over 10 years 6y
sammisho @TaylorMay Awww thanks! Anything for our babies! 6y
sammisho @CrowCAH I liked it! Would recommend! 6y
CrowCAH @sammisho great to hear! Can‘t wait to read it!!! 6y
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Time travelling books. I guess Harry Potter counts

Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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I didn't fully enjoy this series until the second book. It was difficult for me to keep track of the rules the travelers must follow and all the different timelines. But overall the characters were very unique and I couldn't finish Wayfarer fast enough.

Passenger | Alexandra Bracken
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