Ship… boat… it‘s all the same to me 🤪 #Boat 🚤 🌊🛟 #ArtfulAugust 🖌🖼🎨
#BookNerd 🤓💙📚
Ship… boat… it‘s all the same to me 🤪 #Boat 🚤 🌊🛟 #ArtfulAugust 🖌🖼🎨
#BookNerd 🤓💙📚
Nice day to sit in the yard and listen to the audiobook. 🥰
One of my favorite books so far! It was hilarious and entertaining! It was too short though! I wanted more!!! But definitely a great book.
Possibly one of the best books I have ever read. All the important plot is wrapped up, it leaves you to hope for another book, and it expands the universe perfectly. While the talking bits are a bit boring I 100% recommend.
Fiction Questions
1. Magnus Chase goes through a lot of weirdness and hardship as an einherji, and I can see a little bit of myself in him. He cares for his friends in a way that he almost treats them like family, no matter who they are as people.
2. Throughout the story, Magnus Chase will always be there for his friends, and I think that plays well with his character because of the mythology and the constant themes of betrayal in them.
This series just doesn‘t have the same wit and magic as the Percy Jackson series. The end was so anticlimactic and of it weren‘t for the amusing narrator I would have been bored. Also, the sword is so annoying all the time that it really ruined this series for me.
Oooh I was looking forward to this one...
Unfortunately it was messed up a bit when the big moment was as cliché as you can get in stories like this.
I saw the line leading up the the big moment, and just though "please tell me this isn't where this is going" but it did.
The story didn't quite match the build up from the previous books
Everything happened and then resolved really quickly.
Not the best Rick Riordan has written, but still not bad
“He made a quick chopping gesture, sideways, then down, like he was tracing a backward question mark. ‘Never.‘” I was able to picture this description of an ASL sign well enough to know the word before I heard it. Well done, Mr Riordan.
“Percy studied Riptide — Though I could have told him from experience that it was almost impossible to tell a sword‘s gender by looking at it.” 😂
What happens when I run out of Riordan audiobooks though? Hopefully more Rick Riordan presents titles will be out by then.
Just finished Magnus Chase and the ship of the dead. It was way more than anything I expected. To be honest I loved this more than PJ. I feel so connected to the characters... Rick Riordan has managed to unleash his magic again 🐍🐺🐺
Finished reading hammer of thor and it was soo funny. Rick Riordan has managed to unleash his humour skills again. Now starting ship of the dead. I've grown attached to the characters and am feeling sad that this is the last book in the series... And the cover looks so awesome 🐺🐺🐺
Five stars amazing book. I bought this in October for eighty dollars and got it signed. Love the art
Regarding audio books, this is one of the best! Interesting story by the genius Rick Riordan, Norse Mythology with Thor & Loki and one of the best narrators! The whole series is amazing! I listen thru them while cooking & doing chores around the house! Never a dull moment😆 #NorseMythology #mythology #MagnusChase#audiobook #readinglife
“The big picture cannot be changed. But in the meantime, as Loki once said, we can choose to alter the details. That‘s how we take control of our destiny.”
I stared to think about halfway through, "you know, there is no good way to end this series without Ragnarok." So I guess I was pleasantly surprised that this is only a trilogy.
As before, I love Riordan's exploration of subjects like gender fluidity, deaf culture, race, and religion. And he managed to throw in a "Bigly" reference to boot.
Now, to try to finish this one up... (it got caught in my slump)
Loved it, as always 💘
I am rereading this book in spanish because I love this trilogy and i always read the books in both languages 🌚
Riordan books are always a fun ride. Nothing earth shattering, but I always know I'm going to enjoy the stories. I wasn't crazy about the first Magnus Chase book, but by book three the characters have grown on me. I adore the diverse characters: Sam (the Muslim valkrye), Hearthstone (deaf), Alex (genderfluid AND thelove interest!), TJ (son of a freed slave)... And that's just in the Magnus part of the story! Riordan is always an insta-buy!
It's very difficult to read when Tommy is laying on my book and making THAT face! 😍😍😍
#KAL #CatsOfLitsy
Our old lady cat Lola doesn't often read with me, but she's making an exception tonight. Unfortunately she is super slobbery and keeps rubbing her face on the corner of my book... 😝
#KAL #CatsOfLitsy
Working today & no charts for us to audit, so I get to listen to my book while I code! #audiocoding
This series is adorable and fun and I love it so much. It‘s definitely my favorite of Riordan‘s because the characters are fantastic. Magnus is just your regular guy trying to make it depending on his friends to help save the day. Alex is gender fluid and funny and sometimes mean but they are dealing with a lot. Sam is the best Valkyrie I‘ve ever gotten to read. So much happens and I hate this is the end of their stories because it‘s all so good!
It‘s no surprise that I loved this book ❤️ Rick Riordan has such a fun writing style with characters that feel really real. Magnus Chase‘s humour throughout the third book was so great to read. And I really enjoyed how the side characters in this book felt just as important as the main character. Seriously can‘t wait for the next book!
I LOVED this; Riordan always manages to hit every possible emotional note, and Magnus‘ journey with his crew was no exception. (I love all of the characters, but I love Hearth and Blitz the most.) #theshipofthedead #rickriordan #magnuschase
Today is so dreary!! So, I‘m curling up with Magnus again while my (Un)Stuffed Cabbage Soup burbles away on the stove! #theshipofthedead #rickriordan #magnuschase
Can‘t wait to dive in, but I‘m also feeling very, very lazy at the moment, so I‘m watching “Monk” until I feel like actually holding a book open. 😂 #theshipofthedead #rickriordan #magnuschase
Looking forward to finishing this one before the semester starts. Not as good as the Trials of Apollo, but I guess I‘m just partial to Riordan‘s Greek Gods.
Rick Riordan has written yet another great book filled with amazing characters that you can‘t help but come to adore. Once again he demonstrates his ability to bring mythologies alive in highly entertaining ways. If I had once complaint, it would be that the pacing in this book made some of the confrontations feel less grave than in some of his other books. Overall, a great book and one I would highly recommend.
The Lightning Thief was the first book my then 14 year old nephew really got into. With such a recommendation, I had to read it & like him, I loved it. I have since read all of Riordan‘s books & find that they are consistently fun & funny, filled with fantastic adventures & kids doing incredible, crazy things, & underneath it all, wonderfully educational about various world mythologies. Magnus Chase is no exception &, as expected, it‘s a fun read.
“I like my rivers the way I like my enemies—slow, wide, and lazy.”
I mean, who doesn‘t?
I suppose it may not be everyone‘s thing, but I love the humor in these books—from the chapter titles to the random ways characters string words together. Riordan‘s formula is a good one and while the original Percy Jackson series stands as the best, all the books really do have the same wit and humor and are thoroughly enjoyable. Scandinavian cow, huh?
I‘m fairly certain it‘s going to take a little time for me to really focus on another book—The Bear and the Nightingale was just so good. So rather than starting something I really want to devote my attention to or which will require me to focus, I‘m going to read an always reliable, always entertaining author. I often describe Riordan‘s novels as summer blockbuster movies in a book and I mean that in the best possible way. They are always fun.
I always like the snark even if there‘s a lot of similarities in all Riordan‘s books
I have this pile of books that I am trying to get rid of. All FREE just asking for postage costs! Let me know if you're interested! (Also up on Twitter so I'll advise when books are gone!
*Magnus Chase and A Kingdom Falls claimed*
Still haven't read Ship of The Dead but at least my Rick Riordan collection looks good.
#RickRiordan #MagnusChase #PercyJackson
My Barnes and Noble signed edition #bookhaul from yesterday! My store had a super limited stock! There were only two copies of both Rick Riordan's book so luckily I was able to snag that for my best friend and I. I also already own Book of Dust but I'll be returning the other copy since I couldn't pass up on a signed copy! Used all of my gifts cards but it was worth it!
#blackfriday #signedbook #haul
Just picked this up for my son‘s birthday. He‘s going to be so excited! @Liberty #BOOKFRIDAY2017
So guy in the background: Abe Lincoln or that one guy from Lord of the Rings?
I think this is my favorite installment so far. Another fast-paced adventure, this time on the Big Banana (because why wouldn't a Viking ship be bright yellow), but this time we got to spend a lot more time with all of the wonderful characters in this world. We learned more background and what drives them, and they all became more real. I'm also still really pleased with the representation in this world. Everyone deserves to be seen in stories!
Rick Riordan‘s humor is always on point
My last 5⭐️ read was Magnus Chase #3 by Riordan!
Really enjoyed this one! I find the Magnus Chase books read a little slower than a lot of Riordan‘s other series. But I also enjoy having a narrator with a less snarky outlook (don‘t get me wrong, I love Percy, but just to mix it up), and the great focus on teamwork and the whole ensemble of characters.
I always enjoy all Riordan's books but this trilogy is special. The characters from Magnus Chase are the best characters i've ever read. And the story is amazing too! So this trilogy is almost perfect. I loved the book, I loved the end and I love all the characters and their development. This trilogy is a #mustread!
📷: annieftbooks /// instagram.