Yay! The winner of my #7777giveaway is @Rachel.Rencher ! Email me at evemag92@ hotmail.com I will be sending you these three beautiful books and a couple other goodies! Thanks so much to everyone who played!
Yay! The winner of my #7777giveaway is @Rachel.Rencher ! Email me at evemag92@ hotmail.com I will be sending you these three beautiful books and a couple other goodies! Thanks so much to everyone who played!
1) cats! I‘ve seen so many movies/books with alternate dimensions and I feel like I never see animals! I would miss my cats 😩
2) not let what people said get to me and enjoy what I liked to do (which is read) and not care if people thought it was weird
3) my weirdness! I laugh at my own jokes, randomly sing or dance, and I‘m definitely a little nerdy
Thanks for the chance to win!! @Meaw_catlady #7777giveaway
These questions are so fun! 🤓
1. I would miss water features. I kind of feel like I moved to an alternate dimension when I left the mountains to live in a desert. No lakes here... only reservoir things. 😖
2. I would learn to stand up for myself earlier than I did.
3. I would never in a million years trade my relationship with my husband. We're goofy and loving and it's perfect. ❤
Thanks for the chance @Meaw_catlady ! #7777Giveaway
Such a nice #giveaway by @Meaw_catlady ! Thanks for the opportunity to win! Your questions are fun and are what convinced me to participate.
🐈 I would miss all animals if they were not there, but specifically my own kitties: Gilbert, Gabriel, and Sharky.
🔙 I would put more focus on family than on my education and career.
💕 I would never want to change my love of nature and animals.
Thanks @Meaw_catlady for the opportunity to enter your #7777giveaway
1. My pets
2. I might have choose to go to a different undergrad college.
3. I love my life right now & I‘m in a really good place. So even though I wonder what would‘ve happened if I‘d made different choices, any arbitrary turning along the way and I would be elsewhere; I would be different. If that makes sense.
Thanks to the wonderful and very generous @Booksandcooks and her #7777giveaway, I‘m the ecstatic new owner of these beauties! 😍😍😍 #bookhaul #amazonprime Thanks so much, Meg! 🤗
#7777giveaway My last 5 star read was The Power by Naomi Alderman. This book was so powerful (pun intended) that I started to look at the world differently when I wasn't reading it. It has the unique characteristic of being both important and a page-turner.
It's not just a feminist book for women, because it introduces some important points about how the one in power has the same traits, just for being in power. Regardless of gender.
This #play was my last #FiveStarReads - so theatrical with a brilliant woman at the heart, battling between her intellectual convictions and her love for a flawed artistic genius (Voltaire). 3F/2M cast, historical costumes ❤️
#7777giveaway Congratulations @Booksandcooks !!
Congrats @Booksandcooks for reaching a fab Litsy milestone! Thank you for doing a giveaway 💛 My last five-star read was this book of short stories by the South Indian writer C.S. Lakshmi, who goes by the pen name Ambai. Dreamy, poetic stories about feminism, sexuality, religious freedom, & the importance of art & knowledge. #7777giveaway
@Booksandcooks is doing a #giveaway for hitting 7777 followers, wow! Congrats! That's awesome!
My last five star read? The Stone Sky was pretty freaking fantastic and did get five stars from me, but I felt even with it's plot faults, Turtles All the Way Down WAS the last book I read. It struck so many right chords with me that it can't not get five stars. :)