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Der Winterschmied
Der Winterschmied: Ein Mrchen von der Scheibenwelt | Terry Pratchett
102 posts | 131 read | 1 reading | 42 to read
Tiffany Weh ist eine Hexe in Ausbildung und im besten Teenageralter. Da sie sich ungern etwas verbieten lsst, schon gar nicht das Tanzen, kann sie sich auch bei der Feier, die den bergang vom Sommer zum Winter markiert, nicht zurckhalten. Und so passiert das Unvermeidliche der Winterschmied selbst, Herr ber Eis und Schnee, wird auf Tiffany aufmerksam und verliebt sich in sie. Von Stund an berschttet er sie mit Schneeflocken, und Tiffany muss sich schnell etwas einfallen lassen, wenn es jemals wieder Frhling werden soll auf der Scheibenwelt ...
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These are a cute subset of the witch storyline. Tiffany is a fierce YA protagonist.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Mendy Paul Hi Author can we discuss on some tips? 1mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
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Another Terry Pratchett, another absolutely brilliant story of growing up, taking responsibility, and choosing to live on your own terms. Funny, and sharp, and sad. I will be thinking of it for a long while, as it always is with Pratchett‘s books.

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#Naturalitsy #Midwintersolace #Fridaynightshare

I am going to be completely predictable and nominate Wintersmith 😁❄

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88 @alldebooks

AllDebooks Wonderful x 9mo
TheBookHippie 🤍❄️🤍 9mo
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I'm still testing positive after a week. I'm so annoyed!
Rereading the Tiffany Aching books is helping. And the jumper pattern name suits the snow outside and the book title. It's called: Blizzard ❄️

catiewithac Hope you‘re feeling better soon!!! ❤️ 2y
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Wintersmith | Terence David John Pratchett
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Wintersmith marks the 500th book read this year! Didn't start posting here til later in the year, but Storygraph has been keeping track. This total is the cumulative result of picture books, comic books, graphic novels, poetry, novellas and novels, and having reached around 250 mid-year, I'm a bit surprised it took less than another six months to double it! Guess we'll see what I manage for the rest of November and December! 🪅🎊🎉🎇🎆

Wintersmith | Terence David John Pratchett
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Really enjoying the developing adventures of Tiffany Aching, with a side order of the Nac Mac Feegles. Horace the cheese was a delightful addition! I really appreciate the way the ill-conceived courtship was handled here: giving a young person a chance to speculate on romance while always aware of the mistake made, the elemental force led astray from its true purpose, not tragic, just an experience to learn from. Aching's got Weatherwax's number!

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Wintersmith | Terence David John Pratchett
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Goth to the max. 🖤

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Always love Pratchett‘s witches! 🧙‍♀️🖤
I enjoyed this introduction to Tiffany Aching (who would have thought so much trouble could arise from one dance?!) Though I did feel a bit icky that she was 13 😬

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This book was quite an adventure. The Nac Mac Feegles really stole the show in this one. I really love those little guys. I‘m so excited for the next book. I‘m glad I‘m all caught up for OokBOokClub.
#TerryPratchett #Wintersmith #OokBOokClub #Discworld #SirTerryPratchett @julesG

julesG 🎉🎉 I need to catch up, too 2y
GingerAntics @julesG you do?! 2y
julesG I've wanted to read the TA books with my daughter, but we haven't really got to them yet. 🙈🙈🙈 2y
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GingerAntics @julesG oh I bet she would love them!!! 2y
GingerAntics @julesG wait, so you haven‘t read them with us? 2y
Branwen I love these books SO MUCH! 2y
GingerAntics @Branwen so do I. Such a great little sub series. 2y
julesG No, haven't read them with the book club. 2y
julesG You may stone me now. 2y
GingerAntics @julesG 🤣😂🤣 no, it was very smooth. lol I didn‘t read or listen to Two Gentlemen of Verona when we read it. I just listened to the audio play this week. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 2y
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charl08 Love this. 2y
GingerAntics @charl08 right? It was such a hoot. 2y
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😂🤣😂 Rob Anybody is getting some amazing lines in this one.
#TerryPratchett #Wintersmith #nacmacfeeble #Discworld #SirTerryPratchett @julesG

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They‘ve got Tiffany there. Technically, they did not break in. They just walked in. It was practically an open door. They were pretty much invited in.
#TerryPratchett #Wintersmith #Discworld #SirTerryPratchett @julesG

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Sooooo, I should have read this back around the start of the year, but of course that‘s when all the madness I just got out of started. I‘m finally starting it now, though, so I can join in on the next #OokBOokClub of the Tiffany Aching books after this one “I Shall Wear Midnight.” I‘m so excited to return to the world of Tiffany Aching!!! Thanks @julesG #TerryPratchett #Wintersmith #Discworld #SirTerryPratchett


While this probably my least favorite of the Tiffany books so far, I still enjoyed this book. Gotta say, the Miss Treason stuff was my favorite and hit me the hardest, with Tiffany getting to hang out with Nanny Ogg a close second.

Wintersmith | Terence David John Pratchett
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I‘m a bit behind the #OokBOokClub or #PratchettPosse here, but I have to say I loved this one as re-read this month just as much as I did when I originally read it. And couldn‘t have been more perfect for this time of year. A great Tiffany story with the witches, Feegles, Horace, and of course a strong dose of Winter. ❄️


This Roland subplot is Grim!

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Hoping to turn this one around fast so I can be caught up on #OokBOokClub !

Wintersmith | Terence David John Pratchett
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Welcome to the #OokBOokClub open discussion for #Wintersmith! Feel free to discuss anything! Don't forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

BookmarkTavern I absolutely adored this story. I hadn‘t read the Tiffany books before, and I‘m delighted to be reading them now. Watching Tiffany make use of the huge support system she has was such a joy. And I was totally shocked by Annagramma‘s arc! But it was so perfect?! ❤️❤️ 3y
DrexEdit I am enchanted by Tiffany, but more importantly, so is my husband! We have been listening to the audio versions of the Tiffany books together. No one is more surprised than I am! He's a reader, but mostly non-fiction. I can't remember the last time he read fiction, much less read the same book as I was reading! Tiffany FTW! 💜 3y
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julesG @DrexEdit ❣️👏🏻👏🏻 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m a little behind here, but even though this was a re-read for me I really enjoyed it. Just perfect for this time of year too. I always love Tiffany and the Feegles. (edited) 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @ozma.of.oz Yes! A great story arc! 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DrexEdit That‘s excellent! I so love the Tiffany books 3y
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Tiffany‘s studies as a witch are interrupted when she accidentally draws the Wintersmith‘s gaze. And she has to fix things before the Disc is covered in an endless ice.

A thing I love about these books is that she has a multi generational support system. Lots of MG/YA books have adults that are evil, absent, or incompetent. Tiffany has so many people that she can turn to when she needs help & she does & they help as they are able to. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

SolaRaynor I haven't read any Terry Pratchett in awhile, I'll have to check this out! 3y
keys_on_fire Your description is so intriguing! Def going on my TBR! 3y
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#OokBOokClub-ers, our Discworld adventure continues TODAY with #Wintersmith!

Looking forward to our discussion next month!

Happy reading!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

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Spent a cozy evening at home tonight reading about Tiffany Aching‘s adventures. What a treat to light my new beeswax candle for the first time this season. It‘s been getting darker here and I‘m glad I splurged and got some new candles. ☺️

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“It was lonely on the hill, and cold. And all you could do was keep going. You could scream, cry, and stamp your feet, but apart from making you feel warmer, it wouldn‘t do any good. You could say it was unfair, and that was true, but the universe didn‘t care because it didn‘t know what “fair” meant. That was the big problem about being a #witch. It was up to you. It was always up to you.” #screech #QuotsyOct21

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OK, this is a small thing that got into my head & now I can't get rid of the thought. Perhaps a fellow Litten can ease my mind. 😊 I am totally weirded out by the hyphen in the center Wintersmith cover. It's absolutely correct, but it looks totally weird on a cover to me. I'm wondering what made the publisher decide to put a hyphen in the title?! See the other Wintersmith covers for reference. ⬇

DrexEdit I think more often the cover designer will choose a font & letter spacing so that the whole word fits without hyphenation. See also the Threadneedle cover at the top right. Another long word title that the designer has split into two lines, but there's no hyphen! This, although technically incorrect typesetting, looks right to me! ⬇ 3y
DrexEdit I'm just wondering if this bothers anybody else, or if hyphens in titles are just something I've not had enough exposure to. Perhaps there are numerous examples that I just haven't seen? What say you Littens? 😆 3y
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Just a friendly reminder that next month we'll be reading #Wintersmith! Dig out your books, put in your library holds, or place your orders! The next Discworld adventure continues on November 8th! Woohoo!

If anyone wants to be tagged/untagged for future posts please let me know! Happy to oblige!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

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Started the next Tiffany Aching book this past weekend…while canoeing! 😀#readingoutdoors

Nute Lovely! 3y
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Another super fun Discworld/Tiffany Aching book! My main listening time for these books is before I go to sleep. So many times I‘ll be laying in the dark grinning like an idiot because of the antics of the wee free men 😆😁. I also think Tiffany is a great heroine. I‘ve already started the 4th TA book. 4⭐️

Question for all you #Discworld lovers out there — which books should I read after I finish the last 2 TA books? The witches? 🤔


SayersLover The witches are my favorite ones! Also they will be a good transition since you already know Granny Weatherwax. I also recommend “Reaper man” particularly if you need some humor around Halloween. 3y
rwmg I would suggest reading the witches first before The Shepherd's Crown (the last Tiffany Aching book) if you want the full emotional experience 3y
JenlovesJT47 @SayersLover thank you! Definitely going to read that one in October. And I love Granny Weatherwax! But I‘m having a hard time finding the audiobook for the first witch‘s book. 🤔 3y
JenlovesJT47 @rwmg thank you for the heads up, will do! 🤗 3y
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Happy birthday to my favourite author of all times. It would habe been your 73rd birthday.
No one else wrote universal truths like you. 🥺
#gnuterrypratchett #speakhisname

Ruthiella I still have to read Pratchett! I am hoping to read The Truth sometime this year. 3y
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What a perfect, joyous conclusion to the madness that was 2020. A humorous, fey variation of Hades & Persephone. A fun, easy read!

#bookspinbingo @thearomaofbooks
Square 11 ✔️

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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I love this series, and Stephen Briggs is a brilliant performer. But who the hell added the cheesy twinkle music to this one?! It was awful. It came in at weird times and some of it was over the performance. Ugh.
Other than that, it‘s another Tiffany Aching story that does my soul good. I sure miss having Terry Pratchett in this world.

Traci1 I love the Tiffany Aching stories. The wee free men always have me laughing out loud. 4y
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#funfriYay @HappilyEverKrafter
I would love to have dinner with Terry Pratchett, Octavia Butler, Katherine Mansfield, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie! I'm holding a sketch of Adichie that my super talented best friend did for me!

HappilyEverKrafter That sketch is amazing! 4y
Centique That would be an amazing dinner party! 4y
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I love this series. It was recommended by my favorite librarian

MariaW 😊 4y
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A wonderfully fitting book for November with winter about to begin ❤️❄️📚

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Book 82 of the year, finished Oct 2, audio

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I wonder if Sir Terry wrote that before or after he was diagnosed with Alzhiemers.

It's hard to tell. Wintersmith was published in Sept 2006 and he publicly announced his diagnosis in Dec 2007.

Either way. Freaking foreshadowing gut punch.

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I forgot to post my reading stats for May! It was a pretty good month. Thanks to a few short e-books, my total books read was a bit higher than in previous months. My favourites were the Tiffany Aching books. I‘m just kicking myself for not ordering the next book! And I‘m proud to say after six long months I FINALLY finished David Balfour! #MayStats

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Minerva isn‘t happy that I‘ve decided to read instead of taking her outside. #CatwithBook #CatsofLitsy #SundayReading

Prairiegirl_reading What a cutie!!! 5y
PurpleyPumpkin Sweetie!😻 5y
Karkar Oh that face 😍 5y
jenreads7 Hello, Minerva! I love her name! 5y
Dragon 😻 5y
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#Booked2019 Finished the Winter section with over a month to spare. Go me! I think it‘s because I‘ve actually written them all out in a journal instead of just printing off separate pages & then losing them. I‘m already planning for Spring, though the Cli-Fi is giving me pause🤔 How are you guys doing with your challenges? Are you doing just the one or multiple? Do you journal or spreadsheet? Enquiring minds are dying to know🧠

jenniferw88 Spreadsheet and Goodreads for tracking. Doing ok with challenges. I'm using this for clifi 6y
Cinfhen Woohoo 🎉 love the journal approach!!! I like to track my challenges that way too!! I‘m also doing #pop19, #MMD and #Nonfiction2019 6y
Lizpixie @jenniferw88 I‘ve been shelving them on good reads too. I read N.K.Jemisons trilogy last year and loved it. I‘m leaning towards either Who Fears Death 6y
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Lizpixie @Cinfhen I was going to do #pop19 but worried I was overdoing them. I‘m also doing #nonfiction2019 but which one is #MMD? 6y
WanderingBookaneer 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
WanderingBookaneer @Cinfhen : I am doing those challenges as well. I use a journal to keep track. 6y
WanderingBookaneer An interesting CliFi is 6y
Cinfhen Modern Ms. Darcy ~ it‘s only 12 prompts - if I‘m being truthful it‘s more annoying than challenging one prompt although it counts as 3 is to read 3 different books written by the same author! 6y
Cinfhen You‘re probably doing a few more than just the ones I‘m doing, right @WanderingBookaneer ??? 6y
Lizpixie @WanderingBookaneer I saw The Water Knife on a list for Cli-Fi, I think it was a Book Riot article? I‘m definitely leaning toward Who Fears Death, it‘s set in a future Africa with a touch of magical realism. Looks very interesting. 6y
WanderingBookaneer Who fears death is great. I love Nnedi Okorafor. 6y
Lizpixie @Cinfhen oh ok, that‘s the classics challenge isn‘t it? So far I‘m doing #Booked2019 #NonFiction2019 #MountTBR2019 #LitsyAtoZ2019 & #LittenLoveBingo. Now I‘m thinking of adding #Pop19 just to add to the fun!🕺🏻 (edited) 6y
Lizpixie @WanderingBookaneer have you read Nnedi Okorafor? Do you recommend it? 6y
Cinfhen No, MMR is not classics!! That‘s a HARD PASS for me. I‘ll try to find the link & share it with you, Liz. You should add #pop19 #WhyNot !?! There‘s plenty of crossover 6y
alisiakae Spreadsheet and journal! 😂 spreadsheet for #pop19 and #readingwomen, journal for #booked2019 #nonfiction2019 and #mounttbr. Two of those challenges I‘m doing for fun without an actual goal of completing, the others I do hope to complete! 6y
LibrarianRyan 👍🏻😁🤓 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Congrats on the Winter finish!! Just a spreadsheet for my challenge / reading tracking. I‘m doing #booked2019 #readingwomen #mounttbr #nonfiction2019 and #litsyatoz. I wasn‘t going to do the last one, but really it‘s a good addition to what I‘m already doing. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @WanderingBookaneer Thanks for the suggestion—The Water Knife looks interesting! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen Your comments on #MMD are cracking me up. But seriously, that prompt to read three books by the same author? Isn‘t that the opposite of what reading challenges are supposed to do? i.e. get you to read more authors and more diversely (edited) 6y
Cinfhen Ha!! Right @BarbaraTheBibliophage I mean it‘s a quarter of the challenge!!!!! 6y
Cinfhen And there‘s a separate prompt to read a book by your favorite author @BarbaraTheBibliophage Really??? That‘s not very challenging!!!! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen Remind me not to suggest this for #booked2020 ... hahahahaha 6y
WanderingBookaneer Yeah, they kind of phoned it with that one. But I did find it challenging because I have read most books by my favorite authors. I ended up doing Jacqueline Woodson. I‘ve read 2 of the 3 already. ( @Cinfhen ) 6y
Cinfhen I get what you‘re saying @WanderingBookaneer it‘s making me dig deeper into a favorite authors back catalog, which is somewhat challenging and frustrating!!! I like shiny new books 😉 6y
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Book 9 of the year finished Jan 25. Audio.

This one was ok. Not my favorite of Pratchett's to be certain, but that may be because I loved Hat Full of Sky so much.

Tiffany made a spur of the moment choice that had a string of complicated and dangerous consequences and she had to work her way out of the situation.

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Tiffany does something impulsive and must deal with the consequences. But how can she stop the Wintersmith when she doesn't know how to take on the role of Summer? Another great one from Pratchett.

#BookishBingo category: Snow on the cover

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I like a lot of the characters in Discworld, but the witches are definitely my favorite 😆

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A day late again for #winterwonderland but The Wintersmith makes an appearance as a man made of snow.... So many snowman decorations picked up by my youngest boy... They are all over the house #frostythesnowman ⛄❄️⛄
@TrishB @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Love the snowmen ⛄️ 6y
MayJasper I love all of his books 6y
MayJasper Great pic 👍 6y
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aprilpohren I love snowmen! 6y
TrishB Loving the ⛄️⛄️ 6y
Cathythoughts Beautiful pic 💫💫☃️ 6y
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weather, just part of everything.
But humans arose and gave them names, just as people filled the starry sky with heroes and monsters, because this turned them into stories.
And humans loved stories, because once you'd turned things into stories, you could change the stories.
you could certainly end up thinking that the world would be considerably improved if you gave them a slap. But you didn't
#favouritevillain #decinbooks18