Not for the faint of heart— you may find yourself rooting for the killer. Of course, the murders are also painful & affecting, but who was most guilty? Quite thrilling but damn dark 🖤
Not for the faint of heart— you may find yourself rooting for the killer. Of course, the murders are also painful & affecting, but who was most guilty? Quite thrilling but damn dark 🖤
This was a delightful multiple murders mystery that kept me guessing until the end 🖤🖤 thank you so much @ulrichyumiodd for the #allhallowsreadswap it was perfect for my scaredy-cat fright level
Road trip and a new book ❤️ a gift from #allhallowsreadswap the cover is gorgeous and I‘m sucked right in
I had a hard time at the beginning understanding the non murder plot, like how it was connected. It made more sense the further you went. There were a lot of the characters, main and side, that I was conflicted how I felt about. Feelings definitely changed through the book. It didn‘t suck but definitely not a book I‘d read much more of.
This book was ssooooo good! Plenty of thrilling moments, and interesting relationships between the characters. The depiction of New York City during the Influenza days, and even the descriptions of early 1900s autopsy methodology, were quite interesting. 4 stars.
#Scarathlon #TeamSlaughter #ScarathlonDailyPrompts #Poison @Clwojick
#haunted #scarathlon #teamhendrix
One of my favorite covers and certainly about #poison this is a good fall book as are the author‘s other book.
Nature was fierce in her efforts to cover the dead with life, rooting them down without mercy and preventing them from haunting the living.
I would give most of the book ⭐️⭐️⭐️ but I did like the ending and grew to like the characters so the ending gets ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Congrats @Texreader for your 200k! Thanks for hosting #karensgiveaway 🧡🥳 A book I am “dying” to read is A Beautiful Poison.
First off, thank you @ulrichyumiodd for sending me a book that is so “me” that I covered the review pic in stickers to show all of Litsy how much I loved it! I want to gush about it, but word limit ☹️ In short: The writing style, the characters, the amount of research that went into it 😍 Also, as a New Yorker who is currently living through a pandemic, I got all the feels. I just ordered another of Kang‘s books. My giant TBR stack be darned 😂
As someone who lives in NYC, this seems eerily familiar for *some* reason 😷😷😷
I love this book. I just couldn‘t put it down. It is very well written, and the characters are flawed in a way that make them feel real. I enjoyed the murder mystery aspect of the book, but I think I would have been fine with any culprit, as long as it made sense - and it did. As a side note, it was especially chilling to read about the Spanish flu while we‘re in the middle of a new pandemic. Stay safe, everyone!
I didn‘t like this one as much as I‘d hoped to. It was interesting that one of the MCs was a radium girl, but no one in the book ever learned that she had radium poisoning. There was an unnecessary same-sex attraction that went nowhere and didn‘t help the plot. I thought the characters were pretty well written. It did have a couple of twists that I didn‘t foresee, and the writing was pretty. But on balance...eh.
Beautifully written. The story lines are intertwine in ways that keep you guessing without making you feel you are being either lied to or the writer is too clever for you. Which in my case, both of these were true. In a good way. A very good way.
It's science porn, mixed with a really good mystery, New York at the end of WW1 where more than one killer is roaming around one human, one terribly inhuman. #booked2019 #happyplace
Need to win. Pens vs the Blue Jackets. Third jersey tonight and no Bob in the 🥅. I'm at 60% in this historical mystery. It's really, really good.
I'm half way through this one. So far it is still keeping me interested. 🐧 at home battling the Florida 🐆 it's a must win game to stay in the last 16 teams for the playoffs. Canes are in Boston, if they lose 🐧 jumps over them and if the Isles also somehow lose it's only 2 points between 2nd place. All the games are important now. Matt 'Dad' Cullen is playing his 1500th game tonight. #readingandwatchinghockey
This is the main event. ? in Montréal and ? vs Buffalo in TO. Will probably switch between the two.
Saturday late afternoon game is Hawks in LA. #readingandwatchinghockey
This has the making of a 🔥 dumpster game. But I hope the 🍁 will rise above the idiotie. So far the Gilded Age story is good.
A really cold evening... hockey and a good book. McDavid vs Matthew then Hawks in California.
Snow drift upon snow drift with a dash of icy road. This is my next #booked2019 📚
Tonight is the battle of the QEW. Sabres at TO.
This is my second Lydia Kang book, and I enjoyed it as much as I did The Impossible Girl. The development of the central mystery and of the three protagonists' alternating perspectives is strong, with some great twists and effective nuance. I listened to this one via @scribd, and the narrator was great!
I had high hopes for this book. I was disappointed. The three main characters were caricatures and the weird comparisons—and overuse of—drove me bonkers. And so. many. adjectives. and. adverbs. Leave no noun or verb naked! 😟 #lmpbc
Knocked out 2:44 so far in the #24b42019. Looking forward to finishing this one. It‘s “fine.” 😉 #lmpbc #dogsoflitsy
If only my editing work was complete. We have a ton of snow and it‘s 🥶. Perfect reading weather! #snowydayreading
Cabbages don‘t make decisions!
I‘m intrigued by this story but the author‘s overuse of adjectives and weird comparisons is driving me a bit bonkers! @Wife @kspenmoll @RedxoHearts @suvata #lmpbc
I woke up this morning to a surprise gift in my email! Thanks @Eyelit I'm excited to read to it and to spread the joy myself! #kindlitsy
Mondays are deadly and toxic. In the mood for some poison reads 🤨
How do you cope with Monday blues?
#mondayblues #mondays #mondaymood
Forgot to post when this arrived from @Wife
Group R, #lmpbc, @kspenmoll @RedxoHearts @suvata
I‘m looking forward to giving this a whirl. Must finish book club book first. Focusing on finishing a book on a deadline can kind of stink. 😄 Too many enticements ...
#LMPBC GroupR @Maria514626 @kspenmoll @RedxoHearts @suvata I‘ll be sending this out today. I don‘t want to say too much, but I had high hopes for a book that includes Radium poisoning, the Spanish Flu, and Bellevue Hospital. I was disappointed ☹️ I give 1/5☠️. It was a quick read and does have some Litsy Love from others.
This is a terrific book, set in 1910s New York with multiple murder mysteries whose resolution did surprise me, even when I thought I figured it out. Add in a “radium girl,” CSI at the old Bellevue hospital, and many characters coming of age terrified of the draft. Your feelings for characters will change as the story progresses. Very well done. Free on Kindle/Audible!
I‘m surprised at how well-written and interesting this Amazon free Kindle/Audible book is. Like this quote describing a folded piece of paper: “The ink smelled fresh and the paper was springy, as if it hadn‘t been folded for very long.” What a lovely detail to determine whether a note was recent in this murder mystery. I‘ve seen this book described as YA. I disagree; it‘s absolutely not. I‘m 37% in and strongly recommend it so far.
I thought I had it figured out (I kind of did) but there was a twist! However, it didn't quite fit.
Loved the historical feel of this novel. Loved all the various interpretations of “poison.” Loved the intricacies of a triple narrative.
Frustrated with the characters struggling over the cause of Birdie‘s illness and that the author seemed ambivalent that the reader would understand the cause. While the narrative flowed well, the idea that Birdie was keeping all that from us is disingenuous, mad capped ghost in the machine ending.
The first time Allene sees two childhood friends in four years, a woman dies at the party they are attending and not long after, a strange note appears. While this is the first death, it isn‘t the last. The three friends race to solve the mysterious deaths even as more people die. Jasper & Birdie, in particular, are great characters, Gilded Age NYC a fantastic setting, and the book a fun YA historical fiction full of secrets and mysteries.
Previewing another book by an author participating in the book festival I‘m helping to organize. Gilded Age New York, mysterious deaths, and unsuitable friends... Certainly sounds fun, doesn‘t it?
I did not see that ending coming. This was an easy read and I enjoyed it.
This in no way ended the way I expected it to, and that's a good thing! I picked it up because I was drawn to the era and the promised mystery. While it's a YA, I think it deviates from your standard characters found. There is a love triangle but it's not sappy, and honestly each main character of the trio is a little bit unlikable at times, which is not something that YA always does.
Solid read. Solid stand alone. Thoroughly enjoyable story.
1) want to read at least one physical book per month
2) beautiful poison, city of bones, I see you
3) fantasy, ?
4) depending on my funds, 1-4
5) Have none. Why should I? I joined for the fun.
#2018goals @IheartYA
Never heard someone wax poetical about chemistry before.
The plot sounds intriguing and it‘s only $1.99 on Amazon for your Kindle! (Or $5.99 in paperback for people like me that love the feel of a book in hand...)
Any Litten friends read this one? Would love to know if it‘s a Yay or Nay!
#cybermondaydeal #sotempted
Just picked this up and opened it randomly at chapter #eighteen.
#novemberbythenumbers @Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck
I have very little self control when it comes to books right now. #BookMail #HereItGoesAgain #TuneIntoNovember
Dear Jo ( @Itchyfeetreader) - you have outdone yourself! This is a wonderful and generous surprise.
Don't worry about the wrapping, my daughter tore into it without a second thought. 😉 I'm supposed to tell you, the witch was yummy and she's looking forward to trying the eyeballs. Further she plans to colour in the bookmarks for me. 😁
See, you've made two people happy.
Thank you very much!
I thought this was fantastic. It made me want to read some of the non-fiction works she listed in the acknowledgment section and I rarely read non-fiction. It was just so fascinating.
Yay! Gift opening time for #letsgetcozy ! Very excited to read the two (!) books @Rachael_reads picked for me. Love that cover for A Beautiful Poison. I also got a very pretty bookmark and a journal. Thank you so much!!