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Il centenario che salt dalla finestra e scomparve (VINTAGE)
Il centenario che salt dalla finestra e scomparve (VINTAGE) | Jonas Jonasson
"Una commedia umoristica, dal ritmo vivace, talvolta forsennato". - Severino Colombo, Corriere della Sera "Un romanzo scatenato, prossimo alla dimensione esilarante del cartone animato. Siamo grati all'autore". - Marta Morazzoni, Tuttolibri - La Stampa "Difficile non farsi conquistare da questo arzillo incrocio tra Mr. Bean e Forrest Gump". - Cristina Taglietti, Io donna
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3.5⭐️ Read this for #bookclub and while I liked certain aspects about the book, it was just ok. A lot of it felt like it was not exactly plausible, but I think that was the point of the book. It was needed escape from my heavier books. #2024 #fiction #bookreview #reread #historicalfiction


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This was a good book that was easy to enjoy. Allan is 100 and sneaks out to have an adventure. The book goes back in time to his wild life and back to his current adventures with new friends along the way. Thanks @Jemmygem for the book recommendation!

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Blueberry 🧡 13mo
Eggs Brilliant 🥰🤗 13mo
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Eggs On my TBR!!! 13mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 💙 13mo
fredamans Such a great read! Also my choice. 13mo
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#temptingtitles #withold this has been on my TBR for a long time because I can‘t decide if it will be a fun adventure or too over the top!

@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

fredamans I also chose this book, which I loved btw!! 1y
Eggs Me too. It‘s been on my radar a long time 1y
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Quirky and humorous, not what I expected. I enjoyed the chapters based on Allan's journey but found his backstory tiresome after a while. I appreciated the author's sense of humor and writing very much.

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Eggs 💛🖤💛 2y
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I‘d heard so many good things about this book and I‘m glad I picked it up.

There were a few funny bits of this book - I actually preferred the present day events as he picks up a gang of friends as they try to escape being caught by mobsters and police. The historic retellings of past events, although far fetched and theatrical, I found somewhat boring. It didn‘t appeal.

Definitely worth one read through - I‘m torn whether to read the sequel.


This was a bit too quirky and nonsensical for me to really get into or enjoy. I only finished it because I was so far through it.

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This was a funny and brilliant book, I loved it. All the characters were funny and amusing, how each story blended into the other was so good. I have had this book for almost two years, so glad I finally read it.

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My current read and I love it. The MC is just awesome, if I have that much energy at 100 years old all the better.

Andrew65 Loved this and it‘s follow-up book. 2y
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Wow. That book was… something. I have really mixed feelings about this one. On one hand it was pretty engaging, even funny at times, and certainly weird (which can be a good thing!). But it missed the mark with some of the jokes, and just felt like it was about to spring some really asshole-y quip. But overall it was okay, especially for something I randomly picked up in a Little Free Library. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
And yes, that *is* a massive cup of tea.

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Things are what they are, and whatever will be will be. ❤️

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“Allan woke up and wondered whether it wouldn't soon be time to go to.”

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Audible makes me feel better about my concerning sleep issues 🥹. Just one more chapter! I won't be tired in the morning, I promise.

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Wild. Guess what happened.
I decided instead of spending hours contemplating if the book I chose was the one I wanted to read next, I made the decision to read two books!
Well, technically this one is going to be read to me but, I'm still creating the movie in my head! I get addicted to books easily so; I hope this doesn't cause 2x the heartbreak when they're over.

BookBabe Your images are lovely! 😃You can grow your community on Litsy by following and commenting on others‘ posts (and making great posts like you already are!) ❤️ I can recommend a few people that you might enjoy following… @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @catebutler @LeahBergen 2y
LeahBergen @BookBabe Aww, thanks! 😘😘 2y
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Overbookd Thank you! 🥰 I will do that ! 2y
catebutler You are so sweet, thank you! 💓 2y
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An enjoyable an entertaining read, if only it was true! it would've have read as a fascinating biography.

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Everywhere you go books can be the gateway to new friendships 😃
Beautiful day today and had conversations about The 101-Year-Old Man who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared in the hot tub.
@NataliePatalie Wish you were here 🏊

JamieArc I‘m a lap swimmer and pictures like this are such eye candy for me 😍 3y
NataliePatalie Looks so nice outside!!! 25 degrees here right now lol 3y
maich So jealous.😊 We have cold winter. It is -8°C (17,6°F). 3y
Blueberry @maich these temps are not the norm but it does happen sometimes. California Bay Area. 3y
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Day 109.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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This book was highly recommended, and I‘ve been loving Swedish authors lately- but I loaned it from my library and it got automatically returned yesterday, meaning I had it for 21 days. It typically takes me at most 5 days to finish a book. I was 67% of the way through.
It had a “good” storyline and I enjoyed the character Allan, but that was about it. Maybe I will finish it later, but for now I had to DNF it. What were your thoughts on this one?

Blueberry I loved it. 3y
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Thanks for the tag @Littlewolf1 and @Mynameisacolour !

1.) The tagged title was a surprising adventure I accidentally picked up at work one day. I scanned the first couple pages (for work purposes of course) and decided that I needed to finish it.
2.) Samwise Gamgee… or maybe I just ride the Eagles to my destination?
3.) Space! I want to see galaxies form and stars collapse!

Littlewolf1 That‘s a great book choice for #1 3y
wisherwishinguponastar @Littlewolf1 I forgot about it until I thought about this prompt. I am going to suggest it more at work now! Thanks for the reminder! 3y
BookmarkTavern That‘s a fantastic title for one! I‘ll have to check it out! Thank you for sharing! 3y
wisherwishinguponastar @ozma.of.oz Thank you for the prompt! It was a lot of fun! 3y
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One of my favourite books! The story is so funny and there are so many details. The way Allan handels life and everyone he meets is so sincere and honest. He doesn't care about politics or religion, he just likes to blow stuff up and drink a lot. The other characters all bring another piece of personality. Thus writer makes jokes, without trying to be funny or charming, which makes the best kind of humour!


The author's writing style is a bit different and I can see why it might not be enjoyable for some, but it was a fun and refreshing reprieve from those that contain emotionally charged storylines.

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Kinda reminds me of Forrest Gump but with a 100-year old man instead. It has a bit of humor in it. Curious how it will turn out.


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Found this on audible included in my subscription. I hadn‘t heard of it before, but it‘s pretty interesting so far!

IuliaC I liked this one 😊👍 3y
wanderinglynn I liked this one too! 👍🏻 3y
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I enjoyed it at the start but the humor was wearing a bit thin on me by the end. It‘s cheeky and fun for the most part but it had this running gag of just constantly stumbling into the next adventure at the expense of his most recent adventure and I was tired of it by the end.
It was alright, but not a win for me.


Vtipný a květnatý příběh plný zvratů.Druhá polovina knihy byla zábavnější.

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What a quirky, bananas book! A man in a retirement home skips out on his own birthday celebration to go on the lam, commit some crimes and maybe a little light murder and tells his life story along the way. Quite strange and funny, I enjoyed on #audio and apparently there is a movie so I may search that out. Definitely different but what a great ride! #ReadingEurope #Sweden

Jaimelire I watched the movie. Missing a lot of details but worth a watch. Of course, book is better 👍 4y
LoverOfLearning Sounds like such a quirky book! 4y
Mrs_B Awww I love this one! It‘s bonkers but great. 4y
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It isn't funny at all! Actually is quite dumb.
To be funny you must be clever and I don't think the author made it.
Too long, too childish. I can not believe it had such a success around the world.
I think I would not give to Mr Jonasson a second chance in the nearly future.

#jonasjonasson #the100yearoldmanwhoclimbedoutthewindowanddisappeared

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‘Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world. It beats money, power, and influence‘

Allan Karlson, despite being 100, has great love and enthusiasm for life that has served him well during those 100 years.

Do you want to play @EadieB Check out @KVanRead ‘s thread for the rules.

Thanks for the tag @Book_Fiend_Melissa

MsMelissa I need to read this one! 4y
Andrew65 @Book_Fiend_Melissa It‘s a good light, entertaining and humorous read taking in some of the key world characters during the 20th century. (edited) 4y
KVanRead He sounds like a perfect choice 👏 Thanks for playing! 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 Thanks for the tag! 4y
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This novel tried to be like Forrest Gump. But while Forrest Gump works as a movie, this attempt at a similar, Gump-style novel is a bit too bizarre, and falls flat.

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I enjoyed how this fictional character‘s life was intertwined with real historical figures. A bit far fetched, but a really fun read.

IuliaC I enjoyed this one too 😊 4y
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A madcap screwball comedy/ adventure. Like a G rated Disney film....wholesome and silly but utterly delightful and charming. I did feel it dragged in parts but as an audio, it allowed me time to drift off without missing anything significant. A heart filled pick♥️

TrishB From 75% in I just wanted this to finish! Dragged on. 4y
MicheleinPhilly @TrishB Same. I skimmed the last bits. And 1 of my co-workers keeps suggesting it for book club. I‘ve been lobbying against it behind the scenes. 😂 4y
TrishB I definitely couldn‘t read again @MicheleinPhilly !! 4y
MsMelissa I feel like I‘ve owned this book forever and still haven‘t read it! Looks like I need to. 4y
Cinfhen It‘s sweet and silly and covers a lot of world history in an engaging manner @Book_Fiend_Melissa When u want something lite it‘s a good pick BUT it does dragggggg in parts as @TrishB @MicheleinPhilly will tell you 😜 4y
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The story oscillates b/n past n present of 100 year old man. Present story is a pick where past is so-so. Interesting in the beginning but tedious at the end. It made me LOL as well as furious. Still going for pick cos of novel thought n narration. After finishing I wondered how can a person write so well! It‘s like Author first shows you random stars in the sky n finally makes a smiley face by connecting them.

story 3🌟
writing 4🌟


Blackink_WhitePaper It was my #august #doublespin choice. But couldn‘t get time to post the review. It‘s also my choice for #readingEurope2020 #Sweden 4y
UwannaPublishme Great review! 🙌🏻 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I'll check you off for August!! 4y
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Librarybelle Sounds interesting! 4y
Blackink_WhitePaper @TheAromaofBooks that‘s great 😀 thank you 😊 💐 (edited) 4y
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#3books.... that were recommended to me!!!
The tagged book is my current audiobook, recommended by my SIL and it‘s absolutely charming 🥰
The middle book was recently recommended to me by @BarbaraBB and then the next day it was a #KindleDailyDeal, so of course I bought it 😊
Crimson Petal has been recommended to me by SO MANY FABULOUS Littens and it‘s about to FINALLY be read!!! Planning on starting this weekend, all 900 pages😰

rockpools Good luck! 4y
Cinfhen Thanks @rockpools xx 4y
Freespirit I really liked Birdsong😊 4y
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OriginalCyn620 The tagged book is on my TBR! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks These look good!! 4y
Reviewsbylola You‘ll love Crimson!! 4y
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Gotta LOVE the new Audible Plus catalogue 🧡So MANY great titles 🙌🏻Just started this audiobook on the recommendation of my SIL/ so far it‘s wonderful.... #OveAndLeoVibes @KarenUK 🥰

Velvetfur Oohh I just finished the paperback of that! Haha coincidence 😁 I really loved it, you will too 👍🏻 4y
Cinfhen It‘s so sweet and adorable so far @Velvetfur 😃 4y
wanderinglynn Super cute & fun story! 👍🏻🧡 4y
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Soubhiville Add me to the list of fans of this book! I laughed a ton reading it. 4y
Chrys I loved this book 4y
KarenUK Then I‘ll definitely have to make it a future listen! 😍🎧💕 4y
Cinfhen When you want a G rated book @KarenUK this one is perfect 👌🏽 I‘m loving it @Chrys @Soubhiville @wanderinglynn 4y
Reviewsbylola Audible Plus is the reason I resubscribed! Such a great value. 4y
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#3Books that made me want to travel
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

? "Resto qui" (I'm staying here) by Marco Balzano
? "L'isola delle farfalle (Butterfly Island) by Corina Bomann
? "Il centenario che saltò dalla finestra e scomparve (The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared) by Jonas Jonasson

OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚👍🏻 4y
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#3books #LOL which made me laugh.

Olive again is fun to read but heart touching as well.

OriginalCyn620 I‘m reading Olive, Again this month! 4y
AmyG @OriginalCyn620 It‘s so good. 4y
Blackink_WhitePaper @AmyG yes 🥰😍 4y
Blackink_WhitePaper @OriginalCyn620 that‘s fantastic! Hope u ll like it. 😅 4y
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Taking a break from The Selection series (even though I don't want to) to read my #librarybookclub pick. I hope it's good!

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Have got mixed review for the tagged book. Supposed to be a funny one. Let‘s see! #doublespin

I m much excited about my #bookspin a #historicalfiction

Both these books were in my TBR from longtime. So starting to read this straight away. #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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#IfYouLikeThis #Up

This sounds so good and is now on my TBR!

Mrs_B I love this book! 4y
Klou This is my choice for this one too. It does sound good!! 4y
Andrew65 I loved this! So much fun and so quirky. 4y
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