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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
Its up to a famous rapper, a biologist, and a rogue soldier to handle humanitys first contact with an alien ambassadorand prevent mass extinctionin this novel that blends magical realism with high-stakes action.After word gets out on the Internet that aliens have landed in the waters outside of the worlds fifth most populous city, chaos ensues. Soon the military, religious leaders, thieves, and crackpots are trying to control the message on YouTube and on the streets. Meanwhile, the earths political superpowers are considering a preemptive nuclear launch to eradicate the intruders. All that stands between seventeen million anarchic residents and death is an alien ambassador, a biologist, a rapper, a soldier, and a myth that may be the size of a giant spider, or a god revealed.
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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A perfect chaos with magic, aliens and a lots of creatures from the sea ?
It's a different setting and spin on the first contact story, focusing less on the aliens but more on the variety of people's reactions.
Kudos for actually using the "take me to your leader" phrase without being ridiculous.

@Catsandbooks @Texreader

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor

Good story of various Nigerians and a guy from Ghana involved with extraterrestrials who come to bring good changes to Lagos but a lot of chaos happens first. This is my second from the author.

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Starting this one which is at my Library.

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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Another from the Black Stars collection that isn‘t listed in the database yet. This one features a djinn who is released from the book she‘s been captured in when it is burned in a library by Al-Queda. I‘m about halfway through and it‘s very good so far.

Our last morning at Lakehouse BnB at Canyon Lake, enjoying the view and a cup of tea before the rest of the house stirs.

Cathythoughts Great picture 👍 3y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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As diverse, chaotic, and disorientating as Lagos itself, Lagoon never quite coalesces into one story. Instead it weaves together vignettes as an alien walks out of the water bringing change in her wake. Some welcome her, some fear her, and others seek to take advantage. There‘s a dazzling array of characters, human and not, making it more like a collection of folktales rather than a sci-fi. A unique and imaginative take on the first contact theme.

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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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I largely enjoyed this mix of sci-fi and drama. It utilizes aliens and a “first contact” story to draw attention to various social issues. The pacing sometimes bothered me, as it would shift violently at times, and the prose didn‘t always hit home. But the story is strong and unique.

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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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#TBRPile 📚 “She slices through the water, imagining herself a deadly beam of black light.”

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Lagoon is about aliens coming to Lagos, Nigeria. It got off to a promising start, with three different characters converging to meet their visitors. Sadly, I didn't rate the latter half of the book at all. It all became a bit of a chaotic mess. Intriguing start, but ended in a giant splat of half-baked plot ideas.

⭐⭐⭐ 3 stars max.

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Been meaning to read this one for ages... LOOK. AT. THAT. COVER!!!!!


Mandoul Great cover! 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Mandoul it's off to an intriguing start! 😁 3y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Not going to post my September effort, haha ? At least I finished Oathbringer and can now start reading my deliciously enormous copy of Rhythm of War... it's not on the Bingo board because its not going to get finished this month - especially not with "It" on the go.

Anyhoo - here is my Bingo board for October!!! Its full of books I can't wait to read ?

Happy October ??

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Another amazing story by the author. In this book the layering of human accounts and folklore was done a little different then what I remember from der other books. 😍😍😍

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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A change of style, more afro urban fantasy than binti or her other books.

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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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That wasn't for me. Aliens land in Lagos and three people are chosen for first contact. I considered bailing because instead of focusing on the three people more the author hops from one pov to next, to show how horrible humanity can get. At the end the focus shifts back to the three people and pushes the book into 'so-so' territory. The whole book should have been like the last part, really.

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Agreed. Didn't care for this one. 5y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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What a view whilst I'm reading ❤

Cinfhen Looks like a painting 🤩beautiful 5y
marleed So pretty! 5y
Bklover Gorgeous! 5y
suzie.reads @Cinfhen @marleed @Bklover it's perfect we've been swimming under waterfalls 🏞 5y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Here was the answer to my Blind Book Date!

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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Currently about 1/4 of the way through both of these but doubtful I‘ll finish either during the #readathon . Been having a very lovely relaxing day reading after a rough week but am going to be needing to 😴 soon 📖

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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor

I enjoyed this; it‘s a real mix of elements, sci-fi, fantasy, even a touch of superhero stuff. The first half of the book is mostly the reaction of Nigerians to the arrival of the aliens, and you start to see what the aliens want and what their plan is in the second half. Really creative and interesting both as fantasy story and as a commentary on modern Nigeria.

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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I‘ve been enjoying the Shuri comic and knew the author was a Big Deal but hadn‘t actually read any of her work, so the last time I was at the library I decided to address the situation. I‘m enjoying this so far — the fantasy elements are in the back seat for the first part of the story at least, as the focus is on how an event like an alien landing would be received in Nigerian society.

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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I really wanted to like this but I could not. I've read other Okorafor books and liked them, but I could not get into this one. I nearly bailed and I never bail. It's clearly a social commentary on Nigerian culture, but that combined with the science fiction elements just all seemed forced. And boring. 🤷‍♀️

#BlackHistoryMonth #ReadBlackAuthors #ReadBlackWomen #Blitsy #Femmeuary #ReadFemaleAuthors #SciFi

MoniqueReads305 Sorry to hear that. I brought it when I found it on sale at Bookoutlet. 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @MoniqueReads305 Hopefully you'll like it better than I did. 😊 6y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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October #tbr... I‘ve finished 3.5/7 so far!

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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What if aliens made first contact in Lagos, Nigeria? Nnedi Okorafor expertly crafts a tale of how a city would react to this event that is far and away from the Western dominated stories we're used to. Filled to the brim with the culture of Lagos and the unique way in which several people are personally affected by it there really isn't a first contact story quite like this one. Squidapus loves Okorafor's writing and feels this is her best work.

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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Sunday reading. I need a longer weekend.

Grrlbrarian Amen! 6y
charl08 And me! 6y
Gissy Yes, let's include Mondays as part of the weekend 6y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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This is my pick for my friend book club. I started reading yesterday and was worried about finishing by Friday, but I am so in to it I might even finish tonight!

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Post 1 of 2 - books read so far for #booked2018
Lagoon for PoC author
Rose Daughter for childhood favourite (McKinley was and is one of my fave authors)
Red Threads for lgbtq+ MC (and pretty much all the other characters are too... bonus point?)
Unquiet Land for flower on the cover

llwheeler Also used Rose Daughter for the inspired by a fairytale prompt for #readingwomenchallenge 7y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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After three outstanding books in a row, I guess I was due for a disappointment. I loved Binti, but this one never grabbed me. By the midpoint I didn‘t like any of the characters or particularly care what was going to happen to them, so I decided to walk away.

readordierachel Bummer, this one's been on my tbr for a while. I loved Binti too. 7y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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So far, this is a like-but-don't-love for me. We'll see how it develops.

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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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#RiotGrams #BlackWriters

A first contact story that feels more like folklore rather than sci-fi. It's pretty good but kinda loses its way half way through.

I prefer the authors short stories over her longer length novels...but chose this one for the blurb cuz the cover is Baller! 😁

saresmoore Yeah, that cover is special. 7y
Reggie So that cover reminds me of a story I read last night. The marbled crayfish has the ability to be female and lay 100 eggs without a male and each egg contains a clone of itself. It originated in the U.S. but was sold to Germany as a pet. And now it‘s taking over freshwater lakes and streams all over the world. Scientists say not to worry because give or take a 100k years Mother Nature will introduce a pathogen it‘ll be vulnerable to. 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @Reggie Only 100 thousand years? Well that's okay. I'll just wait then. 😅 7y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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#24in48 time! I'm up, I'm going, I'm not making the same mistake I made last readathon of using up all my morning reading time catching up on all your wonderful #24in48 posts! I'll catch up later on ❤

Lcsmcat Pretty mug! 7y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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I signed up for #24in48 but turns out I'll be busy most of the day tomorrow. Still hoping to get some good reading in though, and I have all of Sunday. Here's my tentative stack! Lagoon, Je l'aimais and Neverwhere (audiobook) already started. Poetry collection and a romance lined up on the kobo. And if I get through all that and/or need a change, A Closed and Common Orbit is probably up next.

llwheeler Oh and I have this non-fic started too, so might read some from it. Forgot to round it up for the stack. 7y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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I picked Lagoon to read next. Hard choice, but I'll get to all the others soon(ish). It's a good sign when a book is really compelling even before you get to chapter 1.

Bookmark = current mood

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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Appropriate sight while listening to the opening of this book. This is far from normal for early January.

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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor

This is a pretty amazing book. It's the first (but will not be the last) science fiction set in Nigeria that I've read, and the diversity of the characters (religious, sexual, economic, professional, and more) is expansive. There's a lot of beautiful writing, and I found the author's note at the end really interesting and informative.
But. I actually wasn't too into the plot, which dragged for me at parts, and a lot of the writing was mundane.

tournevis I agree about the plot in places. _Who Fears Death?_ is better. But I'm a bit surprised about the mundane writing. It didn't feel like that to me. Can you elaborate, please? 7y
UrsulaMonarch @tournevis glad to hear it, as I'm planning to read ! 7y
UrsulaMonarch @tournevis while I thought some of the writing was great, I didn't like the comic book effects of "BOOM" and "BONG!" And there was writing like "the soldiers were staring and staring, their guns raised, fists clenched." Seems hard to do both? Maybe some of the issues I had were more with editing than writing, I'm not sure. 7y
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tournevis @Lkelly I see what you mean, but I wasn't bothered by it so much. I get it though. 7y
UrsulaMonarch @tournevis definitely- this is one of those books for me where it's not quite a "pick" but is better than "so-so"! ? really cool book, looking forward to reading more of the author's work! 7y
tournevis @Lkelly She is amazing, IMO 7y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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One of my favorite parts of the book- the last moments of a hyperaware bat. Beautiful!

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Kind of enjoying some of the put-of-context absurdity in this book

Ddzmini 🐒👀 7y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Set in Africa!

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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TheWordJar ❤️ this 7y
Zelma I like it. 💕 7y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Never could resist a Spider story whether Grandmother or Ananzi. So how could I pass up this one?

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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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An author that everyone should check out: Nnedi Okorafor! I just happened to start these two books at nearly the same time in the #24in48 #readathon - but #Binti was one of my favorite reads of 2016! #weneeddiversebooks

bookwrm526 I picked up Lagoon after I read Binti (while I was waiting for Home to come out) and loved it on audio 7y
Chessa @bookwrm526 Oh good, glad to hear the audio is good!!! 7y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Now that I've finished my fourth Nnedi Okorafor, I want to read them all! I love the way she weaves the fantastic into the mundane. While there are elements of this book that propel it into the realm of science fiction, at the heart, this book is really about relationships on a small scale and human nature under stress on a large scale.

My son has marked out the perimeter of the above-ground pool he wants to build in our tiny backyard.

RealBooks4ever So glad to hear you liked this one! On my tbr! Your son certainly knows what he wants! 🤣 7y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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The german cover of the book "Lagoon" by Nnedi Okorafor is just... ?? #speechless

writtenbetweenthelines Das Buch sieht mega aus😱 und das Bild erst 🙊 7y
AnniKMars Ich hab iwie daa Gefühl, die Farben kommen hier besser raus als bei insta xD das Buch sieht echt mega schön aus 💛📖 7y
Kapitelweise Dieses Bild ist echt richtig schön ? 7y
MemoriesOfBooks Das Cover des Buches ist wahnsinnig schön 😍 7y
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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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There seems to be a general confusion as to what's going on with this app, so I thought I'd be utterly unhelpful by adding myself (and my mediocre photography) to the mix.

I haven't read Lagoon yet, but isn't it gorgeous? I'm loving my zootopia funko as well!

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Currently reading this book which is absolutely perfect for the #beach ! It's #sciencefiction but I'd definitely recommend it to those who don't usually like science fiction as it's also about the nature of humans. #NnediOkorafor is a favourite author of mine. Many of her books take place in #Nigeria or some other place in #Africa and sometimes #space ! So check out this #beachread ! #aliens #seacreatures #vacation #holiday #memorialdayweekend

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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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#funfridayphoto This is the book I'm carrying around with me right now. @Liberty

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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Beautiful days mean hammocks and books

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Days 2 & 3 for #riotgrams! Day 2 (left) is where I read the most. I have a super comfy couch, and bed, but I do a surprising amount of my reading at the kitchen table. Day 3 (right) is amazing and everyone should read it. It takes scifi first contact tropes--aliens land in the US and meet humans first--and says "how about nope." Instead aliens land in the ocean (much more likely, lbr) outside of Lagos.

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Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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An excellent read! Really vivid characters and a weaving together of myth & first contact.

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Aliens land in Lagos, Nigeria. Great read that explores the actions of many different individuals, that pulls on mythology, and makes full use of local culture.

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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Vacation reading ⛱

Lagoon | Nnedi Okorafor
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This had always been the truth, but today it is truer."

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