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A Plague of Giants
A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
In the start of an enchanting new series, the New York Times bestselling author of The Iron Druid Chronicles creates an unforgettable fantasy world . . . one that is forever changed when an army of giants invades. The kingdoms only hope? The discovery of a form of magic that will call the worlds wondrous beasts to fight by the side of humankind.
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Doing a reread this weekend in preparation of the third and final book in this trilogy releasing on Tuesday. Very excited to see how it all ends.

#ACurseOfKrakens #TheSevenKenningsTrilogy

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

ShelleyBooksie Love.your Jim Butcher shelf!! 10mo
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: The Last Air Bender

Klou Brilliant! 2y
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Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Making good progress - still epic, though.

@Maike @DuckOfDoom

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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Let's see how epic this is going to be.

@DuckOfDoom @Maike

Soubhiville Good luck! I do like the cover. 2y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: I Kill Giants

A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Finished this during a lazy Saturday! Can‘t wait to read the sequel which I picked up a few weeks ago. Counting this towards #favoriteauthor in #BBRC #GrowUp challenge since I have read Hearne before and he IS a fave (I have met him in person twice now!). Also going to count this as #ArmchairTravel #summer #Booked2020 since all the locations are fantastical and the world building is great!

LibrarianRyan Yeahh 5y
Cinfhen So nice to hear that you‘ve met the author and he is approachable and lovely 😊 5y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Several weeks ago I found out an author I enjoyed in the past was coming to promote a second book in a series I hadn‘t heard about. I tried catching up, but didn‘t quite finish reading — but I still went cause I wanted that sweet, sweet autograph book! Kevin Hearne was so cool in person and I am glad I went! #booksigning #meettheauthor

A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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What do you do when things are on a downswing and your feeling bummed? Go on a Thriftbooks bender. Of course, it helps when they were offering extra points on purchases for a while.

Post 1 of 3

LazyDays Yes it does! Love thrifty books! Hope you feel better🌻 5y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Kevin Hearne put this up on his instagram today. 🤸‍♂️

I loved the first book (the tagged book) and although I had a bit of a go getting into it at first I was soon after completely obsessed with it and ended up really really liking it.

If you're into hardcore worldbuilding fantasy this is definitely a series you might wanna check out. It's a challenging read but so worth it IMO. 🖤

TK421 Have you read any of the Fires in Eden series by Stephen Zimmer? Highly detailed world building abounds! Great epic fantasy. 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @TK421 I have not. Thank you, good sir. Stacked! 👍 5y
Sweetkokoro I just got A Plague of Giants last month, good to know it‘s a slow burner in the beginning but worth it later. I might move it up a few notches on my TBR. 5y
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GrilledCheeseSamurai @Sweetkokoro I had so much fun with it. The cast of characters is huge and their names are difficult. As is the geography. Once I found my rythem though the book really opened up to me and sucked me right in. The details of the worldbuilding are insanely intricate and incredibly fascinating. It's a very unique fantasy read. 👍 5y
Sweetkokoro Oh that sounds really intriguing, I‘m definitely moving it up on my TBR list now. I love a good, thought out and intricate world!! Glad I picked it up on a whim because the title sounded interesting! 5y
vivastory Are you a Robin Hobb fan? 5y
vivastory Nevermind, I just saw the next post in your feed 😂 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @vivastory 😅🤷‍♂️😁 5y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Part 6/10 of today‘s home-library tour! ☺️

Do you own, or have you read, any of these?


Kaila-ann The Stowaway is on my TBR list. 5y
Geeklet I‘ve read Bird Box. It was fine. I didn‘t adore it but I was entertained enough. 5y
Lcsmcat What did you think of 5y
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CouronneDhiver Bird box was good. I own a copy of another Malerman book: 5y
Chrissyreadit I liked Bird Box 5y
SW-T My first Atwood was 5y
Zelma The Jon Robson book was interesting. Some topics work better than others but worth a read. 5y
Emilymdxn Love the edible woman! One of my fave by Atwood 5y
megnews Paradise 5y
Kaye Love Jon Ronson‘s audiobooks. Interesting topics. Bird Box was really good. 5y
TheLibrarian I read Foxlowe and didn‘t enjoy it. Hopefully you‘ll like it better than me. 5y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Hell yes. Read the book. Strap in for an adventure that will make you laugh, make you gasp, make you cry, break your heart, and question your own morals. Get ready to fall in love with some characters while actively hating others and just screaming this is all a huge misunderstanding! I will have a book hangover for sure but this book was incredible! Bless you Kevin Hearne for keeping me a devoted reader of your books!

VinceReads Glad to hear you liked it so much. I picked this up a while ago but haven‘t got around to it yet. I may have to move this up on my list to read sooner. 6y
brittanythebookdragon @VinceReads I am a huge fan of Kevin Hearne but this was something completely new from him. It wasn‘t to the comical level of his Iron Druid Chronicles and it wasn‘t the over the top full of puns style of Kill the Farm Boy. I thought it was quite original and was fully engrossed in the story. It did take me a chapter or so to get acclimated to the world he has created though. I fully support moving it up on the list! :) 6y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Excellent high fantasy, the first in the Seven Kennings series. I'm not sure how many books are planned for this series but this was a strong start. The narration style is unique and the magic system is really cool. Had I not listened to this on audio I might have had more issues with it because it takes a bit for the various story lines to come together. The audio narration did a great job of bringing characters to life. That cover though!

Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Solid four star. New fantasy world but relatable. I enjoyed the bard‘s tale which wove the story together with multiple points of view without being confusing.
No picture at the moment so enjoy this picture of my town in Eastern Washington.

Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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First person perspectives by chapter threaded through the bard‘s telling if the story is well done. Kevin Hearne is a favorite author. This was his first new world outside of the Iron Druid Chronicles. Luke Daniels is a wonderful audiobook narrator. I‘m reading and audiobooking while working out.
Finished my 45 minute trail hike and now time to relax. I made sugar scrub. Yay! #fitnessoverfatness

Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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1. 20 times ????
2. 5,015 mi/ 8071 km (Spokane, WA, USA to Würzburg, Germany)
3. Last move had four boxes because I had to slim the collection down.
4. I hope not again anytime soon. Maybe in ten years?
5. No more movers because I‘ve had too much stuff broken without them admitting fault!

JoScho Thanks for playing 😊❤️📦 6y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Giving this one a try. I‘ve seen mixed reviews. I have ebook and audio on hand and I‘m optimistic! 📖🎧

A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Plots within plots, both in the past and in the present. To be fair there was so much to love with this story, the writing is amazing, the world building, the cultures, the characters are all so well developed. There was so much good with A Plague of Giants and if it had not felt like such a struggle to read I would have rated it higher but it was a struggle & there you have it. Full review at www.thegenreminx.com #TheGenreMinxBookReviews

A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Yay! Book haul from the book shopping spree today. Was able to use a 50% coupon for all of them and they were already 20% to begin with. #justifications. 😀

Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Almost done and so glad that my hubby convinced me to try it again. Don't love The female narrator and some of the way they do the narration switches bother me, but Luke Daniels as always is amazing

Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Trying this one again and enjoying it much more :)

Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Well...finally got through this one. It's not actually an easy read, so it took longer then I wanted. It also took a while to get going but once it did I found myself really enjoying it.

3.5⭐'s but I rounded it up to 4.

Longer review can be found on Goodreads:

JuliaTheBookNerd I know what you mean about it taking awhile to get into it. I felt the same way, but by then end I wanted it to keep going 😊 I hate having to wait for the next book! 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @JuliaTheBookNerd The next book syndrome struggle is real! 😤 7y
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Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Haaaaalp! Somebody get an adult! I'm on the last few pages of my book and I swear to all the gods if somebody doesn't stop me I'ma eat this entire bag of cookies! 😲🤤😂

vivastory I love assortments of cookies! 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @vivastory Yeah me too...and so do my thighs. 😂 7y
TricksyTails DO IT!! Cookie good! 7y
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Reggie Lolol, a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips. 7y
MinDea Bahahaha @Reggie! 😆😆 7y
kylienoele I personally, would eat all the cookies 🤷🏼‍♀️ 7y
DivaDiane So, did you? 7y
laurieluna What are cookies good for, if not for eating? Don't let them go to waste! 😂 7y
Redwritinghood You‘re asking the wrong person here. I would eat them all myself. 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @DivaDiane Nope! I showed restraint. 😇 7y
DivaDiane @GrilledCheeseSamurai Well done, Mr. Cheese! 7y
KarouBlue Oh my goodness! I laughed so hard at this 🤣😜 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @thecomfykitchen Yaaaaay. Good. Thank you. 🤗 7y
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Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Meat Squirrels? Jesus. The wildlife in this book are f***ed! 😲

There are also these animals that live on the plains that hide in the tall grass called flesh eels. They wait until your sleeping and burrow into you and lay eggs and...uuugh. 🤤

There's a whole state where people can only live in walled cities because the wildlife makes the rest of the territory uninhabitable.

I'm more of a Hobbit/Shire kinda dude, myself. 😥

GondorGirl Umm... no thanks! 🤤 7y
ChasingOm Love me some Kevin Hearne but geeeeeeez! 7y
TricksyTails 😂😂😂 I've always feared spiders laying eggs in my ear while I'm asleep. I like these meat squirrels though. 😆 7y
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readordierachel Thanks for the nightmares 😂 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @TricksyTails No. Bad. You are not allowed to like the Meat Squirrels! They will eat the flesh off your body! 🐿️ = ☠️ 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @ReadOrDieRachel Sorry. It's just...I couldn't fave them alone 7y
readordierachel Understandable! 7y
TricksyTails Maybe I can train it to be my guard meat squirrel. 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @TricksyTails 🤔 I mean...I wouldn't mess with someone that had obedient Meat Squirrels at their side... 7y
TricksyTails @GrilledCheeseSamurai Yet you throw one in my face and run? 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @TricksyTails Well I don't want it...and you're the squirrel whisperer apparently ... 😂 7y
TricksyTails ? Touché 7y
DivaDiane Me too. 7y
Clwojick 😂😂😂😂😂 7y
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Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Fiiiiiinally back to normalcy. The holiday weirdness is over and I'm back at my favorite coffee shop downtown between Shifts eating a soup/sandwich, listening to some tunes on the headphones, and reading my book. 🤗

Thank the Gods for routine.

ReadingVampire That looks so yummy! 😋 Enjoy! ☺️ 7y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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You had me at bacon bar... 🥓🙌😍🙌🥓

TricksyTails "Shark ?" ??? I love your little bitmoji. ALL THE BACON! ♥️ 7y
BillBlume Haha! Now, I‘m looking forward even more to reading this book. 7y
mjdowens I️ knew there was a reason I️ wanted this book😂😂 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @mjdowens @BillBlume I'm starting to get into the groove now with this book. It kinda took awhile for me to find my way with it but now that things are falling into place and I'm getting all the characters sorted out I'm really enjoying it. Also...the bacon helped. 😄 7y
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Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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All good fantasy books should have a map - and Plague of Giants has a pretty rad one. 👍

I love studying these - the depth an author delves with their world building is always such a pleasure to be a part of.

And the great part is - if the story sucks...well...you still have a cool map to look at. 😅

This story doesn't suck though - so the map is an added bonus! ❤️

cobwebmoth Bookish maps are awesome! 7y
vivastory All books are better with maps 7y
TricksyTails 😍 Books and maps are the best! ♥️ 7y
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erzascarletbookgasm I love books with maps too! 7y
minkyb Maps are the best. 7y
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Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Finally! Me time. What a long ass day. 😝


VinceReads I picked this up a few weeks ago, haven‘t read it but curious to hear your thoughts 7y
enoyus Love your cuphead mug lol 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @miranda_booknerd Thanks. It came free with the game. 🤗 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @VinceReads Its rather...intersting. Not what I expected. The cast of characters is huge and the way you go about getting to know them all is interesting. To be honest, I feel a little lost. Not bad lost...just...floundering a little. I'm liking it though - the world is very unique and heavy on lore and history. Very dense story which makes for slow reading (at least for me). 7y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne

It took a while to get settled in this book since all I've ever read of Kevin Hearne is the Iron Druid series. Once you get going though it's very immersive. The story is told in a very creative way with intriguing characters.

A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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I enjoyed the structure & conceit; it made ‘bard‘ something less stupid & had an air of Homeric storytelling. However, I found myself less interested in the action and story arc. At times, many times, the prose felt labored and needlessly meandering. #fantasy

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Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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I'm always happy when someone else expresses how much they love bacon too. 🤣

ChasingOm You should really read his other series then — you and Oberon will get along smashingly. 😂 (The audiobooks are amazing, if you like that medium.) 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @ChasingOm it's been added to the stack! 🙌 7y
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Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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The Magic of stories. 😍

minkyb ❣️ 7y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Whelp, I'm climbing under the blankets and starting a new book. This is a brand new author for me and I'm really excited to begin another epic fantasy.

Best part is, I have tomorrow off so I can read the hours away tonight, sleep in, and read all day when I wake up. 🤗

vivastory This is on my TBR. Enjoy the book & your day off! 7y
JillR I‘m planning on doing the very same thing today 👍 7y
josie281 This is my Christmas break read. He‘s one of my favorite authors. 7y
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GrilledCheeseSamurai @JillR happy reading. 😊 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @vivastory @josie281 im obviously not that for into it yet - but so far it seems like I'm going to enjoy it! 🙌 7y
callielafleur I haven't read anything by him, but he's an excellent Twitter follow (back when I participated in such things). Enjoy! 7y
Cortg My hubby‘s reading this. He looooooves his KH books! 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @callielafleur I agree. I follow him on Twitter and have always wanted to read his books. Since this is a start of something new I figured I could jump on. If I like it I can visit his other stuff! 👍 7y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne

I have to be honest, I bailed on this book on my first try. I feel like the author didn‘t give enough background in the beginning to explain the world he had created and how people got blessed with powers. If you slog through the first 100 pages or so, it gets better. I enjoyed the characters he created once I understood what was happening and how things worked. I‘m looking forward to the continuation of this story.

A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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My choice for the plural noun in the 2018 Eclectic Readers Mad Libs Reading Challenge ended up a lot harder to pick than I expected. There are just way too many great choices. In the end, I‘ve gone with Kevin Hearne‘s latest novel and the first in his new series. Heard a lot of great buzz about A Plague of Giants. #Fantasy #APlagueOfGiants #KevinHearne #ERMadLibs

A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Day off from work, so I‘m audiobooking while starting a new stocking 👩🏻‍🎨 #Audiobooking #FeltApplique #BookNerd 📚💙

DGRachel Nice! Wool felt appliqué and I do not get along, so I stick to regular cotton fabric when I hand appliqué anything, but I love seeing the finished projects from others! 7y
VinceReads I just picked up this book last week, can‘t wait to hear your thoughts! 7y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne

"The mourning of a loved one never ends at the funeral. It comes back every so often like a stage performer eager for a curtain call and expects you to be loud about it."

Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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My book haul for November. Yes there are 2 copies of Plague of Giants, funny thing subscription services giving you surprise books, I had already purchased a copy. Doh! A book that I am jazzed to read is The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty! What is there not to love? 18th century Cairo, a con woman, a mysterious djinn warrior, and magic, can‘t wait!! See the rest of this post and more at www.thegenreminx.com #bookhaul #TheGenreMinxBookReviews

A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne

"'Do you wish to talk or simply be warm and welcome? I will give what comfort I can.'"

This is such a beautiful line.

A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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#TBRtemptation post 9! Recently released. This is the first installment in the Seven Kennings series. A fantasy world of warring giants and elemental magic. Fintan the bard recounts what happened when the giants came. The Bone Giants from the east, the fire-wielding Hathrim from the south, and Teldwen's six nations, went to war. Teldwen's hope: to find the magic that can call the fantastical beasts to humankind's side. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

kitkatdallibooks Kevin hearne is a amazing author! 7y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Black Friday shopping

DuckOfDoom Great selection! 😊 7y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne

So I'm about 1/4 of the way through and I'll be honest, it was a slow start. The style takes some getting used to. At the point I feel like I have a good sense of the characters and the story is starting to pick up. I'm super curious where it's gonna take me.

A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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I love the ideas of these book: The story within a story, the viewpoints of heroes who also are mothers and that not everything will work out at the end.

Need more, please 😄

MrBook I just saw this book at the bookstore recently! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Fantasyfan I just snagged this one with my half price coupon at half price books. Sounds very good! 7y
ChasingOm I think I‘ll get this on audio once his Iron Druid series is wrapped — I want to complete one world before jumping into a new one! 7y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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Somewhere in this book, 2 full pages are dedicated to someone choking on a duck. (This does not spoil anything else)
Beware of eating ducks, though. It is quite dangerous!

#duckquotes 🦆

brilliantglow That's pretty intense 7y
rubyslippersreads Revenge of the duck! 🦆 7y
Leniverse Choking aside, that's a bit of a tongue twister there! (edited) 7y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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There are so many strange animals in this fantasy epic, but apparently, there are also ducks!

#duckquotes 🦆

A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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It's an audiobook and appliqué day ?? I have to finish this before I start my new job on 11/27 ?? #Audiobook #FeltApplique #APlagueOfGiants #KevinHearne #TuesdayCrafts ??‍?✂️ #BookNerd ??

Laura317 That‘s lovely! 7y
DivineDiana Very nice! And best wishes on the new job! 7y
merelybookish Nice! 7y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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500+ pages but I flew throught it. Excellent world-building and characters with originality and diversity without ever feeling forced. Epic story with large POV cast that works perfectly. Read this now and get ready to fall in love with a new world.

Honestly, and I've never dared to even think this was possible, but this series could be my Fitz and Fool replacement. It's that good. Hope that Hearne stays in this world for a long time.

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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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My second#bookhaul of the day. Sigh. I am not supposed to buying so many books but I am weak.

GlassAsDiamonds You‘re in good company I think!! 😉😉😉 7y
[DELETED] 57804897 I love Kevin Hearne! 7y
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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne

"The future always waits until the present to reveal its plans. But the past can clarify our goals for us sometimes, help us say goodbye to those we haven't let go, even realize we need to change. That is the magic of stories."

A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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One of the best opening lines I've ever read.

A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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My fantasy page habit box.