I love to read books about true events. In this one Gerta, and her family are separated by the Berlin Wall in 1961. They were great characters and the story will keep you engaged the whole time. #MiddleGradeMarchThroughTime @megnews
I love to read books about true events. In this one Gerta, and her family are separated by the Berlin Wall in 1961. They were great characters and the story will keep you engaged the whole time. #MiddleGradeMarchThroughTime @megnews
My favorite book of March was A Night Divided. I love Jennifer Nielsen‘s fast paced historical fiction. I knew nothing about East Berlin behind the wall and learned a lot.
Runners up were The War I FinallyWon and my reread of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
This was really good. I knew very little about the Berlin Wall or the politics surrounding it, so this was interesting to learn. And heartbreaking for those families who were separated. In an interview with the author, it seems that most families were eventually reunited, but the exceptions were those people who were “dissidents” (as Gerta‘s father is in the book) – those who were known to not agree with how things were being run.
Gerta's father and brother went to the west side of Germany to look for work. A few days later, the Berlin Wall was up. Four years later, her dad communicated to her that they should dig a tunnel to escape to the other side.
I don't know much about the history of the Berlin Wall. And this book is more for entertainment than to inform, but this was such a good place to start! Good stuff! #ya #historical
Talk about suspense! And rooting for the characters! I didn‘t know anything about East Berlin during the Cold War and learned so much. It will be hard for another #middlegrade novel to top this this March. I can‘t say it enough: just read this book!
Finished my #doublespin before my #bookspin, which I am still #currentlyreading.
This middle grade historical fiction set in East Berlin during the Cold War sucked me in. It‘s been a long time since I read a book set in Germany that wasn‘t WWII related. It‘s an intense and wonderfully touching story with beautiful characterization. I wish I had read it last year, when Maya was reading it for Battle of the Books. #bookspinbonanza
Went on an #audiowalk this morning at a nearby nature preserve bordering the Catawba River. This area is a blue heron nesting site, and there were a bunch of them that flew away while I was trying to take a pic. 😁 🦅
Didn‘t see a single person. We were here yesterday as a family and the arguing was nonstop. The alone time today was divine.
Hot cocoa and a stack of books...let the Battle of the Books review and study session begin!
#letstravelaugust #germany
Great mg read about a young girl named Greta trying to reconnect her family after being divided by the Berlin Wall.
Oh my goodness! It was so good. It was quite sad and powerful. It really touched my heart.
Another #syncya title done. I really enjoyed this look into the immediate aftermath of the building of the Berlin Wall. It‘s not a subject that I‘ve read a lot about and I appreciated that it was from the perspective of a young girl.
With all the WWII novels, this was refreshing. It takes place in East Berlin, & starts the day the wall went up. Gerta‘s father & brother were in West Berlin overnight; thus they are divided. They can‘t communicate. The family‘s home is bugged. Each one is being watched.
The tension doesn‘t let up until the very end. The treachery, oppression, constant lying ... the author delivers all this through a child narrator. It‘s really something.
Most of the books I‘ve read this summer have been for my Children‘s Lit class, including this one. I had never heard of it before, and I am so glad I stumbled across it. This tells the story of a family who are suddenly divided when A permanent barrier between East and West Berlin is constructed in the middle of the night. Their determination to reunite, regardless of the risks, had me holding my breath as I read. Strongly recommend.
This books was emotional and kept me on my toes. Would recommend.
Decided to put The First Time She Drowned on hold for a bit and listen to this one! I had started it before but it was eating slow so I had set it aside, now there‘s much more going on and is interesting! It‘s a unique perspective on the building of the Berlin Wall and what it was like to life there.
Stuck at the Honda service center until at least 2:30 and will leave with substantially less $$ in my pocket. Going to be honest- feeling a bit sorry for myself today. It‘s been less than a stellar week. BUT, I brought my books and have my coffee, so I am trying to see the silver lining! 😊
Although I could see this classified as either, I would consider it slightly more #middlegrade than #YA and am reviewing as such. For that audience, I think it is a wonderful family story and description of the experiences of East Germans soon after the building of the Berlin Wall. It clearly describes the difficulty and danger without ever being too graphic.
One note about the audio narration in the comments.👇
#AudiobookSync #audiobook
I‘ve had this book on my TBR for a while and am enjoying the audio I downloaded through #audiobookSync. I don‘t know of many #middlegrade or #YA books with stories of the impact of the Berlin Wall, so I‘m glad it‘s also in my class library.
Today was another rainy day, but I got out for walk this afternoon to make sure I met my step goal for the first day of this round of the #BookFitnessChallenge.
#BFC #BFCr2 #audiobook #audiowalk
A wonderful story about the effect the Berlin Wall had on Berlin, from the perspective of those trapped on the eastern side of the wall. Highly recommended for young people learning about WWII and its aftermath.
This was a quick audiobook. I thought the story was interesting, but (either because I didn‘t like the reader or because it was middle grade) the main character annoyed me a little. I liked the book regardless, and I was rooting for this family to succeed!
This is an amazing book set in Germany when the wall separated Berlin. It follows a family, specifically a young girl, that deals with the father and brother on one side and the rest of the family on the other. They attempt an escape to west Berlin to meet up with the father and brother and what happens leading up to it is sad and stressful. This book does an excellent job putting us in Berlin during a very scary and sad time. SWON TRC 2019
One of my Sweet Treats and Reads book club kiddos recommended this book. I couldn‘t put this book down. Interesting middle-grade fiction about the Berlin Wall and a families determination and courage to reunite.
Ask kids and teens for recommended reading!
Very exciting ya historical fiction about a family separated by the Berlin Wall. This is a subject rarely covered. It is well handled and clear. I enjoyed it.
Great audio! I did speed it up a little because I was in a hurry. Middle grade historical fiction set when the Berlin Wall was just built and a few years after. Focuses on one particular family who has been separated by the Wall and yearns to be back together. #historicalfiction #middlegrade #hoopladigital #hoopla
A student recommends this book. This is another title I can add to my arsenal of high-interest reads that don't have cursing or extreme violence. A Night Divided portrays the Cold War in Germany in an accurate manner while keeping the reader on the edge of his/her seat.
I enjoyed this book and learned a few things along the way. I especially loved the interaction between my 7th grade son and I. He continually asked me where I was at. What did I think about certain parts of the book. It was great to spend time talking about books and history with him!
While my cinnamon roll dough rises I am enjoying a cup of my favorite tea. #royalalbert #englishbreakfast
My 7th grader just finished this at school and highly recommended it to me. My kiddos love it when I read books they love.
Killing two birds with one stone in this post for #ReadingResolutions ? This is most of my #marchtbr list and I am finally enjoying some sunshine through our big #windows in the music room. This is my favorite room in the house to sit and read. I also have The Alice Network and Ready Player One on audiobook for March. I am knocking off 4 of my "read what you already own" list. @Jess7
With the rise of the Berlin Wall, Gerta finds her family divided overnight. Her mother and brother live on the east side. Her father and middle brother, in the west. Gerta knows its dangerous to think thoughts of freedom, yet she can't help herself. She, her family, and her neighbors are prisoners in their own city.
But one day, Gerta learns that her father wants her to tunnel beneath the wall. Will Gerta and her family find their way to freedom?
“And Gerta, you must grow up where you can read any book you want”. A great WWII book for kids. Recommended by a 5th grade teacher at school. About the erecting of the Berlin Wall. It ripped families apart overnight. This is what one family will do to reunite.
A fierce unrelenting young girl who is determined to be free and have her own state of mind in a world where that is considered an act of treason. She fights (tunnels) her way to the West so she can reunite her family once more. An inspiring story that will change the hearts of all those who read it.
I was really excited about this book. A young girl and her brother plan to tunnel out of East Berlin to join the rest of their family on the other side of the wall. While there are plenty of high quality historical fiction texts about the Holocaust for young readers, there is little about divided Germany in the 1960s. Even so, I had a hard time getting into it. The author wrote in many obstacles for them to overcome, but it still felt repetitive.
This has been a very good book so far! It's about the Berlin Wall when the East and West Berlin got separated. (This book is not nonfiction)
This was one of our 6 book club selections. This book is actually written for 8 to 12 year olds but there's no way I can imagine an eight-year-old reading this book. 12 yes, 8 no. I actually enjoyed this book and think many adults will as well! I love the story of courage and bravery and it had me on the edge of my seat! "Geschichte wiederholt sich. History repeats itself." ~German proverb. Truth!!!
I happened to scroll through Litsy before leaving school today, so I read the #FunFridayPhoto prompt while still in my classroom. This is the random stack of books on my desk that students have returned but not reshelved. It includes a few really great books, as well as A Night Divided, which is still on my TBR.
#TeachersofLitsy #YA #middlegrade #MsDsLibrary
Absolutely loved this book! I haven't read a lot of literature set during the rise of the Berlin Wall and how it divided Germany. Loved the story!
Been meaning to read this for a while! I love her other books but this one is so different. Historical fiction about the Berlin Wall going up. Loving it so far!