#wintergames2024 check-in: 675 points for #xmaschacha
The second half of the month will be better. 🥰
Here are my points.
#HolidayBookDragons @LiseWorks #WinterGames2024
I‘ve chosen the collection of authors for next year‘s Author Spotlight Series that I host on Voxer every Sunday. With a brilliant group of readers from around the world, we will dive into a collection of these author‘s works to understand their craft, themes, and style. I will post sign up links for each author before we start reading their work and I hope you will consider joining if any of these writers spark your interest!
Learned so much about Nazi Germany.
#wintergames #wordsearch #xmaschacha
100 words for 1000 points!
This is likely my only major contribution to the point getting for #holidaybookdragons 😂. I wrote a Python script last year for a similar Scarathlon challenge and used it for the 2023 Winter Games challenge. The phrase this year is the same as last year's, but I reran the code to be sure. The code and words can be found here: https://github.com/wapisani/public-pyprojects/tree/main/Litsy/WinterGames_2023/W.... #wintergames2024