#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024 Very few sequels are as good as the original. This book is the exception. It‘s perversely funny. Recommended.
#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024 Very few sequels are as good as the original. This book is the exception. It‘s perversely funny. Recommended.
Just like the 1st one, this was a hoot from start to finish! I‘d definitely recommend it to anyone who thinks society takes death just a smidge too seriously, and/or those who think an outrageously well-endowed, 14-inch alligator guy sounds like a protagonist worth reading.
3✨ Like the first book I really liked the story. It was very different and interesting to read. I didn‘t like the crude sexuality. It finalized the story really well.
Finished reading this sequel to “A Dirty Job” - was okay, I didn‘t feel like A Dirty Job really necessitated a sequel but here it is. Moore writes characters who are all comedic parodies so it‘s hard to really like anyone in it. I think I liked Rivera but he was just a secondary character. This pic is probably the only Litsy selfie pic Ive taken that doesn‘t have a filter of some sort applied, lol.
Well I was pleasantly surprised to find that I liked this one much more than the first because the painful cultural stereotypes were not as present if at all. All of the weird from the first book was present with a new type of villain bringing chaos to the world.
Christopher Moore makes death weirdly funny. This was my first Moore book, but it won‘t be my last. His humor is right up my alley. I had no idea that this was a sequel when I started it, but it worked fine as a stand-alone book. Clever and a little profane, just like me.
Couldn't get enough of Christopher Moore so I decided to listen to the next one in the series and loved it just as much! And I finished it just in time for the close of the year, bringing my total amount of books read for the year to a meager 32 😒 but I'm going to try to hit 50 next year!!
Another fun book by Mr. Moore! This is the sequel to A Dirty Job, and happily this book continues to have an action packed supernatural storyline full of delightfully foul mouthed and unique characters. Seriously, these books are a hoot! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
1. A blurry pic of Colby. ❤️
2. It‘s an audiobook, and it‘s fun!
3. It might snow here this weekend, so I‘m thinking about staying in under blankets and playing Warcraft and/or reading. 💻📖
4. A Deadpool mermaid Funko Pop.
5. 🎶 If you're out on the road
Feelin' lonely and so cold
All you have to do is call my name
And I'll be there
On the next train
Where you lead
I will follow... 🎶
#HumpDayPost @MinDea
I saw this recipe a few days ago and I wanted to try it. So today I did some #AudioCooking and I‘m making Brussels sprouts with bacon to go with it. Here‘s the link to the recipe if anyone is interested. 😋🍽
Staring this one on Audible today. The first book was really fun, so I have high expectations for this one.
I hung out with @erinreads today in Kensington/Silver Spring and of course we hit up book stores. There's a used book store in Kensington Antinque Row, and then the FOL book store. My haul. Great seeing Erin again (the only Litten I've met in the wild)! And she put up with my Pokemon habit with minimal smirking.
When you accidentally find out that the jacket of your book glows in the dark!!
This was an excellent audiobook, Fisher Stevens did a great job with all the characters. I found this to be hilarious and I kept trying to mark down times for all the quotes I wanted to remember. Awesome and I can't wait to find more from Moore. 4🌟#42of2018
Another one because this is just too funny imo! 😝😂
My neighbours probably think I‘m losing it as I laughed by myself while cleaning my car today but this book has too many funny quotes. I hate that I can never find my quote after listening to an audio though!
Such a beautiful day today. Spring has finally arrived in Ontario! We went for a little #audiowalk and park play this afternoon. #SundayFunday
“...what kind of sociopathic fuck-weasel would do all the puzzles in ‘Highlights‘ in pen. ‘These monsters walk among us‘...”
Going through my reading journals trying to find quotes for the April Quotsy challenge and not having great luck where the prompts are concerned; but finding great stuff none-the-less (hence all the SK quotes last night)
For the record, this book is freakin‘ hysterical😁
Though i did enjoy this one, I prefered the first one 🙈 still a fun read though ⭐⭐⭐
This is real close to landing on the DNF list 😐. I‘m giving it two more chapters
I've yet to read anything from Christopher Moore, but I'm thinking I had better get on that! These covers are fantastic, and the books sounds like they'll be fun. #LibraryWishlist
Have any of my fellow Littens read this book? Would you recommend any specific books by him? Please let me know. ☺️
Finally getting around to this after a year. Typical Christopher Moore - it's hysterical!
"Trust me, Lily, enormous genitals are not as fun as they sound."
This is vintage Christopher Moore with crazy characters, dialogue and a mix of supernatural beings from ghosts through ham-squirrel-gator people to Egyptian and Celtic death-gods. He delivers the laughs, silly action as usual - but the poignancy and human touch of Dirty Job is lacking, and I am sad to say that as much as I love Moore and his unique, irreverent style - he is showing his age. No need for a white man to write in black dialect. ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5
I did not realize I had this many #Goodreads shelves. As you see, I have genres, challenges, themes, and tbr prioritization shelves. I also only keep books I am sure I want to read within a year on my tbr. The on-radar shelf is for those I have not quite committed to yet but most likely will. I have found that a too big tbr is the same as having none.
zzz shelves are a way of archiving.
@dariazeoli #goodreadsShelves
I LOVED "A Dirty Job" and was excited to finally pick up this book. It was meant to be a more light-hearted read between everything heavy lately, but i found it to be just okay. I would recommend it if you've read the first book and now at the cheaper price it's worth it but I wouldn't say to rush out and get it. But that Belle though!!! @_@
Today's #17booklove we have books #setinabelovedlocation. My three favorite places I have ever been are Alaska, Maine, and San Francisco. I actually bought The Alaskan Laundry while I was there.
Started reading Secondhand souls this week. So far it's great but I really should have re-read A Dirty Job first.
new #bookreview at www.theirregularreaderblog.wordpress.com! Been a fan of Christopher Moore for quite a while, and while this book wasn't as good as A Dirty Job, it was still a lot of fun.
Mmm I think my cat wants to steal my book. Bad bad girl! 😂😂😂
#secondhand #souls #christophermoore #cat #book #read #reader #author #bestoftheday #bookworm #readinglist #love #imagine #story #literature #novel #milan #italy
Christopher Moore will be at Copperfields in Petaluma on Oct. 3rd touring for Secondhand Souls. #copperfields #ChristopherMoore
And to think I lowered my goal for this year by two books...
#blameitonlitsy #septemberphotochallenge
I loved the sequel to Dirty Jobs almost as much as I loved the original. This series is so creative and fun. I absolutely adore Christopher Moore books.
Failed to bring a book with me. Good thing a trip to a bookstore was on the agenda.
How could dark things like Death and the Underworld be exceedingly hilarious? 😂 I was laughing through chapters and was touched by its meaningful messages at the same time. My fellow Litsy citizens, read it. Read it. Read it. Read it.