My favorite of the series. All the elements come together in a terrific space opera. Great characters, twists and turns, complex plot, and of course terrific world building.
#Doublespin @TheAromaofBooks
My favorite of the series. All the elements come together in a terrific space opera. Great characters, twists and turns, complex plot, and of course terrific world building.
#Doublespin @TheAromaofBooks
Another great birthday gift❣️
I enjoyed this series and the TV show!! I‘ve almost collected all of the books! I think I‘m only missing one. Great cover art.
I imagine that there‘ll be a special edition series I can afford …. Riiight after I get the last book. HA!
I‘m happy to add this book to my collection & can‘t wait to re-read it. 🎉
I'm really bogged down with this book -- just not enjoying too many of the POVs. I'm trying to read a little each day to see if I can find my way back in.
#BookSpinBingo is going fine, at least! I doubt I can get as close to a blackout this month as last, but we'll see.
Finally made my #BookSpinBingo card for this month. I've been reading from the list rather at random, but I have His Bloody Project and The Button Box already on the go, so I guess that's my first line!
I've read other books not on the list, but I usually don't count comics, so I might not count them in yet.
Babylon's Ashes is... rough going so far. I am not fond of some of the POV characters...
So close and yet so far! Though, since it's not like it's a competition, I'm going to call this a blackout for myself if I finish Babylon's Ashes before the new numbers are out. It wasn't my fault today was awful, and I didn't even make a list until a week late... so yeah, if I can finish it tomorrow, it still counts for me. 😭
Thanks as ever to @TheAromaofBooks for this challenge, btw! It helped me read SO MUCH.
Had to get myself a shamrock shake today during my lunch break! CAN'T STOP WON'T STOP! 🤣😂❤
Every Expanse book follows a cycle of death and rebirth, sometimes literally, sometimes figuratively. This entry is no different. Lots of action, lots of suspense, and a sign that there are further stories to explore. I‘m excited to see how the final three books wrap up this story.
I'm glad that after the rough start I had with the previous installment this one had me glued from beginning to end. It was nice to see a few POV vignette chapters with characters that were central to previous installments and not part of the larger overarching narrative that felt like catching up with old friends. The way things ended felt mostly resolute so I'm curious to see what happens next.
I love the way Dawes is working everyone and the juxtaposition of the two conversations is killing me in a good way.
Decided to take a slight pause on Alex Verus and instead went back to The Expanse. I‘m liking the way side characters from previous installments are shown again now that the political landscape has changed so much because of the previous book.
~A Year In Books - Favorites of 2020~
Day 6: Favorite Book of June:
Babylon‘s Ashes
June was a continuation of my Expanse series binge. Books 5, 6 and 7. Book 6 being my favorite of the three.
My family is getting kind of sick of hearing me talk about these books, but they are so good! Only a couple left in the series, so I think I'll try to finish before starting the new season of the show.
When you start book 6 of the expanse and the first chapter already meets the Bechtel test :)
It‘s hard to finish these books just because I never want them to end! This is all punch and politics with a wide range of characters- a cast of POVs that might be unmanageable if the authors hadn‘t been setting it up in the previous 5 books. This stuff is Sci-fi crack! (Quick nerd connection here- crack is also known on the “street”as “rocks”- don‘t ask how I know this- if you‘ve read the book you‘ll be making the connection).
Prophetic words for the times we‘re in. Sci-fi you still got it!
These books are great. This is book 6 of the Expanse series and I have no inclination to stop reading them 😁 Still as good as ever ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I did not love this as much as the previous book and I felt that there were a few too many character point of views. I do look forward to continue the series.
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Another amazing offering in this series. I love it I love it I love it
Another solid entry to the series. It was great to see some familiar faces pop in as main characters in this book, I always like when authors do that. We got a bit more character development, seeing sides of characters that we hadn‘t really seen before. And I managed to finish it in good time, only about a week , thanks to having an extra day for my weekend that gave me a few more reading hours.
So I‘m actually nearly finished with this, as I started it immediately after finishing city of mirrors. I‘m really glad I continued reading this series after being on the fence with the first one. The crew of the Roci feels a little bit like family.
OMG what a series. I love it. This book is brilliant, full of twists and turns, intrigue, and characters with heart. It has wonderful representation as well, without it feeling forced.
I thoroughly recommend this series.
1. Ebook and audio. I have to, my disability refuses to let me hold physical books.
2. My desk or my bed.
3. Tea! Green tea with a splash of pomegranate juice.
4. Both. I have a few to pick from but also like to focus on one at a time.
5. Night, specifically #ItsSoLateItsEarly
@thereadingowlvina #readinghabits
Spent the afternoon with this cutie pie, had a nap, and now I'm going to read for a while.
Foxy is such a good dog, she curled up in my scarf and had a snooze.
Wait a second, when did that happen?! #Litfluence
Huge thanks to everyone on this app. This is such a great community.
I need to get up in the morning but for now why not some #ItsSoLateItsEarly reading? I'm really enjoying this series
Physically feeling a million times better, so let's do a little #ItsSoLateItsEarly reading
Can't sleep so we all know what that means. #ItsSoLateItsEarly reading
In bed for some #ItsSoLateItsEarly reading. I'm in less pain than I have been today, so yay progress!
This is my garden in the snow. Took this at midday and it's now midnight, more snow has fallen since then.
#StormEmma #BeastFromTheEast
Looks like the flare-up for the last week has been the lead up to a cold. Ugh. I just hope it isn't the flu.
Time for #ItsSoLateItsEarly reading, Vicks vaporub, and lots of tea.
Like I need an excuse to drink tea.
In way too much pain to sleep again so I might as well read
I was pretty bored until half way through. There was some action after that, the story was told from an extreme amount of POVs. This genre is really really hit or miss with me. 😞
"All through human history, being a moral person and not being pulled into the dramatics and misbehavior of others had caused intelligent people grief."
So, I won this as a #Goodreads #giveaway #kindle edition, however it's book 6 and I haven't read any of the others yet.... I think I might try it and see what happens😶 I mean what's the worst that could happen 🙈🤦♀️😦 Right?
Taking a reading break from my studies. Finished “The Wind In His Heart” and now beginning the latest (paperback) in the Expanse series.
My binge read is almost over with about a hundred pages left in my current read, this is the last of the published books in the Expanse series. Number seven isn't out until October. I know that I've raved and raved about this series but seriously, epic science fiction. Great world-building, great science foundation, and amazing character development. Rocinante forever.
This book has far more perspectives than any other book in the series so far, but it certainly needs it. There were so many threads that had to be dealt with in this novel, and they were all handled so well. I will say that this is the first book in this series that has made me cry. I can't wait for the next book in the series to come out.
“We all agreed,” Oksana said through a scowl. “We all believed.” “You believed because I asked you to,” Michio said. “This is my fault.” “Now,” Laura said, “Michi? What‘s the magic word?” Against her will, Michio laughed. It was an old joke. A part of what made her family her family. “The magic word is oops ,” she said. And then a moment later, “Oops.”
My gf's book stack after her birthday. I'm almost a bit jealous 😂😍 can't wait to steal the The Three-Body Problem from her.
"She closed her eyes and her mind stumbled on like it was falling down stairs."
Too real. #askmeaboutmyinsomnia
This series makes me happy.
I've seen a lot of reviews online saying this is a "cleanup book" While I agree that the first half is a bit slower and there isn't as much life threatening, pulse hammering action, I still think there's plenty of character development and plot advancement to make it a very enjoyable read.
I will certainly be pre-ordering the next in the series as soon as it's available.
Thank you, James S.A. Corey.
Good morning, Littens!
Getting in some quiet time before heading to work. 🤓 Babylon's Ashes is starting to get tense!
What is everyone reading this Sunday?