It is, after all, many centuries since clergymen distinguished themselves on the field of war; and lawyers never have.
It is, after all, many centuries since clergymen distinguished themselves on the field of war; and lawyers never have.
Raven-crossed Lovers
Obviously the first gift in an epic love story should be a book. 📖📚
Prophecy of the Raven King
Thought and memory, a flock of ravens, three Kingdoms... Ankh, England, Faery...
Norrel is composed of intriguing contradictions. He studies magic like a Golden Dawn Occultist, and yet practices like a Shaman, all the while distaining both nature and myth; a queer fellow, and a very queer magician.
No one else was in the room where it happened...
I want to rewrite this song for the pivotal moment of this book; time to sit down with the original lyrics.