Tfw you have given up on a series but check the author‘s bookstore spot one last time...
Mr Sweets, my siamese cat, in the form of a poem
I wish there was an option for book questions. If you‘re a layperson wishing to know everything possible about the heart, the ailments, just everything to do with cardiovascular shit... short of going to medical school for cardiology, what idiot‘s guide book would you suggest? I have a lot of very stupid questions that I‘d rather learn the answers to myself.
I‘ve decided to go back to school and finally learn ASL proper and this book has been really understandable, humorous and pretty self-explanatory. GET AN ASL DICTIONARY. I feel like it assumed I already knew deaf people/ASL. If you‘re a total newbie you can still get it, but supplementary material is A+. The discs are VITAL and DO NOT skip them.
I am determined to enjoy the urban fantasy detective noir genre but a solid chunk of it sucks. This is supposed to be Toy Story meets Sin City but the blurb makes me think vaguely of that shit Pitt movie Cool World so woo let‘s find out \o/
Current read, only I have a GAZILLION things on my plate (I‘m learning ASL!) so it‘s super slow going. Amazing read and thought provoking, while also pretty funny imo anyway lol
Oh shit! oh fuck! Final chapter reread is GO. Last time I read this I was messed up with bronchitis so it‘ll be like a brand new experience \o/
TFW you should totally go to bed but there are fewer than two hundred pages remaining
Needed to weight down a picnic loaf lol.
Bookstore gains \o/ ready for fall semester to start woo
I miss meat, lol. I do love the cook‘s cookbook collection though, it‘s got great recipes and it‘s easy to comprehend if you‘re a fucking numbskull in the kitchen like me. Haven‘t messed with the vegan book too much yet but it is really informative from a beginner ultra newb viewpoint
I bought this shit WAY back in the day, hoping I‘d be able to give it away to someone in the family eventually and \o/ I finally got to surprise my niece with the entire Harry Potter series.
Lmfao I will trade two By Honor‘s for one Price of the Stars. I dunno how the fuck I managed to nab four over the years.
If anyone specifically needs book 3 of the mageworlds, I‘m apparently the person to see. (No but for real, anyone need a book?)
Anyone else remember these gems? Gonna make my discord server listen to me read them lol, they‘re so entertaining.
I‘m usually super anal with my books. This is exactly what I needed.
I reorganized my bookshelves (but not very well) and kicked my boyfriend of 8 years and fiancé for two months out of my life so this spring has been pretty busy so far.
Reorganizing my clusterfuck of a library seemed like a good idea at the start.
My mom‘s been in and out of the hospital the last 2 months, my SIL is coming over tomorrow deliberately to pick a fight & now my boyfriend is insisting he too is sick. So an afternoon in the tub with my phone off and one of my favorite books in hand is looking mighty fine right now. I‘m not sure Mo agrees though, lol
B-b-b-book store haul and hell yes that‘s a totally unnecessary First Order wallet that conveniently matches the equally unnecessary First Order purse I have. Figured after this week (this month) from hell I deserved it.
I‘m not even the slightest bit ashamed of how much fun I‘m going to have playing with these maps.
It's gratifying to have a hunch about a character and see it so far pan out toward the end. I really enjoyed reading this and look forward to any future installments (impatiently).
I loved this and read it one, long "oh no my ass is numb" sitting. I was sad to get to the last page, but enjoyed it right up to the end. Recommend, especially if you're into more Early People fantasy. There's shapeshifting so to speak and believable characters.
Bookstore dilemma: do I want all of the books, most of the books or just these five, one of which I may already own?
(Trick question, I want all of them but alas I guess I'll just get these five. Ursula K LeGuin books, you're next trip.)
Yay I'm so crabby and tired and in pain today that ugh blah and radda radda about sums it up. I got flipped off for doing the fucking speed limit today, guys. WTF.
...and the Siamese Cat. Pickings were slim at the bookstore (looks like I need a new genre to devour) but these beauties stood out!
If the actors are any good, or the script is, or the director, then the audience will be quiet as a sigh. Unless, of course, the play is a comedy. Then quiet is a terrible and tormenting thing.
--Everyman's Guide to the Tower of Babel, III. XI
Definitely recommend this book. Thomas Senlin loses his new wife pretty much right away while on honeymoon and has to enter the Tower of Babel at the Basement level in order to find her. It's ridiculous and fabulous and extremely well written. I get a bit of a CS Lewis and Lewis Carroll vibe from it.
Booooooookstore bookstore yay bookstore. I'm such a sucker for the Velgarth anthologies. And Senlin Ascends looks really interesting so I'm stoked to give it a try.
Sunday night book is go \o/ I wouldn't want to live in this universe because shit's fucked and I know I'd be a casualty but man oh man am I obsessed with it.
WTF @ the very last page. You can't just end it THERE. I NEED REACTIONS.
Book haul wooo I've been looking forward to the third book of D Nolan Clark's series for a while now \o/
I am very glad I struck up a conversation with the girl whose name starts with M at Barnes and Noble because she gushed on and on about this series. I wound up buying all three in its gigantor all-in-one form and after finishing the first book in one sitting, I'm glad I picked it up. Usually I'm not super keen on first person narrative but the tone and unique approach to this story had me hooked.
Pretty sure I came back from Florida with the start of bronchitis (and a boatload of bug bites):< so it's gonna be a struggle to read this with eyes that don't want to focus but I'm game!
Airport book impulse buy. The people I'm traveling with are being absolute cocksuckers today so woooo murder mystery \o/
Well, I had to order Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames because the only place in town to get it is forty miles away and driving around Las Vegas in December is LOL nope. So alas, woe, I had no choice but to pick up this trilogy in the meantime.
Gotta sit in the car and do a lot of waiting today so woo reading this again so I can read the next one again like crazy. There's one specific spot in the next book that has thrown me for a complete loop and I feel like I should know automatically who Koro released at the base of the tower but ugh who?!
Path to Ascendancy last year was already rapidly becoming my favorite new series but after reading the second book in one sitting (and I'm so tempted to blow off my plans and start it up again from the start) it's definitely climbing to the top of my all time top ten. Esslemont's take on Kellanved&Cotillion is fantastic and I'm loving the perspective he provides from their viewpoint.
Bwahahaha my bookstore is only getting one copy of Persepolis Rising and I've already called dibs. But in the meantime, this!