We‘ve got a snow day! We braved the hills this morning for sledging and now I‘ve taken to the sofa for the rest of the day, cosy. Hope you‘re all keeping safe and warm too UK Littens! #beastfromtheeast 💨❄️
We‘ve got a snow day! We braved the hills this morning for sledging and now I‘ve taken to the sofa for the rest of the day, cosy. Hope you‘re all keeping safe and warm too UK Littens! #beastfromtheeast 💨❄️
In bed for some #ItsSoLateItsEarly reading. I'm in less pain than I have been today, so yay progress!
This is my garden in the snow. Took this at midday and it's now midnight, more snow has fallen since then.
#StormEmma #BeastFromTheEast
I posted this pic before but with the temperatures we had this week it seemed fitting to repost. #itsfreezing #iwantspring #beastfromtheeast #itsmarchtomorrowdamnit