@JaneyWaneyB expect an Amazon parcel on Thursday (I'll let you know if it changes) #Presidentialbookswap @maleahrae
Couldn't decide on a book for me as well, so thought I'd just send it directly!
@JaneyWaneyB expect an Amazon parcel on Thursday (I'll let you know if it changes) #Presidentialbookswap @maleahrae
Couldn't decide on a book for me as well, so thought I'd just send it directly!
Matches have been sent!! Please let me know if you don't receive yours! Be sure to tag me and your match when you recieve your book. Let's use #presidentialbookswap so we can see what each other got! :) Thank you for participating! @MallenNC @Amiable @HFoster @Bookwormjillk @Butterfinger @runswithscissors007 @jessinikkip @LapReader @jenniferw88 @JaneyWaneyB
Repost for @maleahrae :
I've been looking for a #bookswap but haven't found one, so I've been toying with the idea of starting one myself. With President's Day and the primaries going on, I thought it might be fun to do a Presidential Bookswap and trade books by or about presidents, real or fictional. If you are interested comment below and if there's enough interest, I'll set it up! #swap #litsyswap #bookmail
I've been looking for a #bookswap but haven't found one, so I've been toying with the idea of starting one myself. With President's Day and the primaries going on, I thought it might be fun to do a Presidential Bookswap and trade books by or about presidents, real or fictional. If you are interested comment below and if there's enough interest, I'll set it up! #swap #litsyswap #bookmail
I do and I can‘t wait.
Day 10: #BookReading
I‘ve been pretty obsessed with reading about our Presidents lately. (Currently on John Adams, which isn‘t far, but it‘s only February!😄) I‘ve noticed how many were voracious readers! I found a list and this is the top 6. Teddy would read 1 a day when he was busy, 2 or 3 when he wasn‘t! 😯
Top: Teddy, FDR, Thomas Jefferson
Bottom: Lincoln, Rutherford Hayes, John Quincy Adams
President Obama shares books, music, and well-wishes. (Check his Facebook page for the list!)
President Trumpsterfire calls voters stupid, lies, and continues his HRC fixation.
How did we get here? Does our president even read anything longer than 280 characters?
I was pretty stoked to find this out-of-date sticker book! (Without the current presidential sticker. 😝) Stashed it to pull out and do with the girls on President's Day. #raisingreaders
Some people think being a librarian means you get to buy all the books you want, which is a myth (if you're doing it right). I have to start looking for updated president books, and it makes my heart heavy. 😔 I do get to edit my personal photo, though, for all offensive content! 😄 #notmypresident #librarylife