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The Chosen
The Chosen | J.R. Ward
A scorching forbidden love threatens to tear a rift through the Black Dagger Brotherhood in J. R. Wards newest novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling series.
Xcor, leader of the Band of Bastards, convicted of treason against the Blind King, is facing a brutal interrogation and torturous death at the hands of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Yet after a life marked by cruelty and evil deeds, he accepts his soldiers fate, his sole regret the loss of a sacred female who was never his: the Chosen Layla.
Layla alone knows the truth that will save Xcors life. But revealing his sacrifice and his hidden heritage will expose them both and destroy everything Layla holds deareven her role of mother to her precious young. Torn between love and loyalty, she must summon the courage to stand up against the only family she has for the only man she will ever love. Yet even if Xcor is somehow granted a reprieve, he and Layla would have to confront a graver challenge: bridging the chasm that divides their worlds without paving the way for a future of even greater war, desolation, and death.
As a dangerous old enemy returns to Caldwell, and the identity of a new deity is revealed, nothing is certain or safe in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, not even true love . . . or destinies that have long seemed set in stone.
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Another hit in my book. Some twists I didn't see coming. Some cringe worthy moments and lots of drama. Just the way I like it! 4⭐️


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This book was a tough one to get through. So many emotions. So much fighting amongst people who genuinely love each other. It actually hurt a little to read. Qhuinn was an absolute douche through most of the book, but he managed to redeem himself in the end, mostly. He better keep that shit up, though. Another ending that lead to tears. The books are certainly getting better as the series progresses.
#jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #TheChosen

GingerAntics @julesG turns out the Omega is going to die at some point (thank you internet), and it seems now that the brotherhood and the band of bastards are all on the same team now and in the same house, Butch may be sending the Omega to his makers soon than later… but then what will the point of the series be? Throe, probably. He just made some sort of shade/shadow thing. It‘s not good. 2y
julesG Hmm, no more lessers to fight? New enemies? As long as she doesn't come up with something more far flung than aliens. 2y
GingerAntics @julesG 🤣😂🤣 the undead does seem a bit overdone in this one. Apparently this is coming. It will be interesting to see. 2y
GingerAntics @julesG I think whatever it is, it will be of the supernatural bent, as opposed to the science fiction bent. These are labeled as supernatural. 2y
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🤣😂🤣 oh my god, please let “Scribe Virgin” be replaced by “Oversexed Lassiter.” 😂🤣😂
#jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #TheChosen

GingerAntics @julesG *thank Oversexed Lassiter for the internet* “[The Scribe Virgin] chose to pass away and gave her power to Lassiter to rule in her stead. Her essence resides in Beth's cat, Boo.” How in the bloody hell do we find this out?! Please tell me it‘s soon!!! 😆 2y
GingerAntics @julesG well apparently I should have stopped typing and kept listening. There it is!!! 2y
julesG 🙈🤣🤣 2y
GingerAntics @julesG it‘s brilliant!!! I was expecting her to become some other deity or something, but no, she just wanted to be with her kids and have no pressure, so she became their pet. 2y
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This must be a really good feeling.
#jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #TheChosen

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Of all the bloody people the Scribe Virgin could have chosen to replace her, Lassiter would have been my last choice… and now he‘s created a huge nor‘easter way early just because he can.
#jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #TheChosen

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Qhuinn and I are not friends right now. In fact, he‘s being a real ass. I kind of hope Wrath beats him up for firing a gun in his house with all the Young at home. Blay, Buddy, you need to divorce Qhuinn and get a new mate. This one is being a douche. I know you‘ve got enough love for him to get over this, but I‘m not sure I do.
#jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #TheChosen

julesG Ugh! Guess you want to slap him around the head with the book. 2y
GingerAntics @julesG weeeeell, seeing that the book is on my iPad, not so much. His dumb, hard head would probably break it. I‘m sure I‘ve got a suitably large tome around here that will do the trick, though. He went after Layla verbally, then Blay verbally basically saying he had no part in the twins‘ lives, then attempted to attack Layla physically. He may have had a point, but he lost any foot to stand on when he started running his mouth. 2y
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And this is why I love V.
#jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #TheChosen

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Well, this is certainly a change. So many questions. I‘m really hoping to find out what this other role is. Has she become a mortal mother for Payne and V to not talk to?
#jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #TheChosen

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It‘s certainly going to be interesting to see what happens with the chosen now that the scribe virgin has abdicated her title. Her entry in the Glossary of Terms and Proper Nouns has literally now been switched to past tense.
#jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #TheChosen

The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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#BookSpin #BookSpinBingo #DoubleSpin

Here is my TBR and bingo board for January. I'm excited to start the new year with BookSpin. I "found" it just this past October and joined in in November. It's a fund way to get through my TBRs on my shelves ?

The Chosen by J.R. Ward is my #BookSpin
Columbine by Dave Cullen is my #DoubleSpin

The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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I really really do not like Quinn right now.

GingerAntics Uh-Oh. What has he done? 2y
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The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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The main relationship in this book was between an enemy of the BDB and one of the Chosen. We‘ve seen him plan to assassinate the King and fail and love has changed his priorities. She‘s a new mother, but is struggling with all that‘s happening. As usual, Ward ties things together in unexpected and wonderful ways, yet leaves so many questions unanswered that I need to read the next book ASAP.

The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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#BookMail 😊😊😊

I have absolutely no shelf control so I ordered myself some happy!

And, of course, I somehow missed that I already owned a copy of The Chosen so it looks like I have a spare 🤦‍♀️ Any of my #poutinepenpals or #LMPBC friends interested?

Bookish_Viking Absolutely love the Seven Realms and Shattered Realms series‘ 4y
FantasyChick @ReaperOfTerrasen Oh good! I have heard next to nothing about these books. Complete cover buys lol but I'm really looking forward to getting to them. I just say the Seven Realms series today so if these are good I'll probably pick those up next! 4y
Bookish_Viking @FantasyChick The three Caster books you have are the Shattered Realms books, it is the direct sequel series to the Seven Realms series and actually continues the story. If you haven‘t read the Seven Realms (1:Demon King, 2:Exiled Queen, 3:Grey Wolf Throne and 4:Crimson Crown) books yet, I‘d get those first otherwise the events in the one the ones you have may not make much sense. 4y
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The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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I picked up the next three books in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. I had the hard choice today in deciding whether to read these or my library books I just got. These won. The next two in the series are not available in paperback yet but I usually end up waiting until 3-4 are available before buying them so I can binge read them all in a row. Does anyone else do that?

The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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Injection day. I came home & passed out afterwards. I am sore in the injection site but my spasms have stopped so that's a good sign.
My spine specialist told me that every few months a group of surgeons & specialists meet to discuss difficult cases & her and my surgeon will be presenting mine. Fingers crossed that all the extra brains can come up with a long term treatment plan.

BookmarkTavern Fingers crossed for you! ❤️ 5y
wanderinglynn Sending healing vibes & positive thoughts! 💚🤞🏻 5y
JoScho Sending love and well wishes 🖤 5y
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Dragonfairykats Prayers and positive thoughts! 5y
Hufflepuffle Healing vibes sent your way! 5y
DaveGreen7777 Sending best wishes your way for a completely successful treatment plan, Brooke! ❤️ 5y
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Hour 30 check in for the #24in48 Readathon! My favorite series is the Black Dagger Brotherhood Series! I absolutley love the brothers!!!

DieAReader This is the series I read, isn‘t it @CoverToCoverGirl 🧐 6y
CoverToCoverGirl I‘m not sure but it‘s my absolute favourite paranormal romance series! @SquidgetsRoom I‘m doing a re-read now. I‘m almost finished (edited) 6y
DieAReader I meant the series u read lol! Sry, 🤬 autocorrect 6y
elyseh @SquidgetsRoom its soooo good! If your into paranormal it's a must read! 6y
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The Chosen | J.R. Ward

This book has it all tears from crying tender moments and tears from laughter moments

The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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It‘s a Black Daggar Brotherhood book: what more needs to be said? This one reveals the new holy being as well as a new threat against the King.

PenguinInFlight I‘m rereading this series right now! 🤗 I realized there were a few new ones out that I hadn‘t read (this being one of them) and started at the beginning. I‘m currently on book 5. 6y
JackieSmith @PenguinInFlight the first few in the series are my favorite. I did like this one as it featured the ladies more than the past few have. Frankly I‘m impressed that she keeps publishing one of these a year. 6y
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The Chosen | J.R. Ward

I can‘t see my litsy feed. ☹️

laurieluna Oh no! @kgriffith @TimSpalding any known issues? X 6y
Trashcanman I can see it when I click on your profile 6y
benchley1 You can change it in yourn settings . Something about your feed. I forget, but it's obvious when you look 6y
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bookandcat It will correct, it's been happening all day with the server outages due to migration. Give it time 6y
ZoeyPeacock I can reply and post, just my feed won‘t load. Thanks everyone! 6y
kgriffith @ZoeyPeacock If you‘re on WiFi reset your router — DNS settings may not have refreshed and need to be manually nudged. Let us know if that works? 6y
ZoeyPeacock @kgriffith I‘ve reset the router, restarted my phone, and deleted and reloaded the app. All several times. It works fine on my iPad, but the feed still will not load on iPhone. Anything else I can try? 6y
kgriffith @ZoeyPeacock do you mean your feed of friends‘ posts, or of your own posts on your profile, or both? Thanks! 6y
ZoeyPeacock @kgriffith When I hit the home button I cannot see anything in my feed from other people. I can see my own posts and everything else seems to work. 6y
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The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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Yes I'm a big fan of the BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD, WHAT CAN I say, lol. I don't like romance don't get me wrong but since I read the first one I was so hooked. It has such a beautiful storyline, more than the romances that are out there. And this one has not failed me yet I LOVE THIS SERIES!!!

Mommamanzi Love these books! 7y
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The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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What I love about the Blackdagger books is the main story and all of the additional side stories as well as the continuation of the world that those brothers live in. This book, obviously centred around Layla and Xcor and the story I was nail biting in the background around was Trez. Now I need to wait patiently to see what is going to happen there...
Read in April 2017

The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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I have a love/hate relationship with this series. It's a guilty pleasure but I also feel like she tries to intertwine too many stories in each book. This one felt a little like drama for dramas sake.

The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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Gotta love Fritz. He is ready for whatever the Brothers might need.

The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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Ok. Ward is testing my patience with the whole Therese looking like Selena. She already did the reincarnation thing with John Matthew. And if Selena can be reincarnated why couldn't Wellsie??????? 😠

The Chosen | J.R. Ward


The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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#splashintosummerreads day 29 #fave these are the books I've given 5 stars to so far this year👌😁

MarriedtoMrT Going Nowhere Fast! ❤️ Kati Wilde needs to write more and fast. 7y
Daughter-of-words @MarriedtoMrT yes she does! ❤️❤️ 7y
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The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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"Looking at herself in the mirror...and for the first time in her life, she respected what she saw. Bowing to her reflection, she said softly, 'Pleased to meet you.'"
The Chosen || J. R. Ward

#book #books #bookstagram #bookstagramaustralia #bookstagrammer #jrward #bdb #thechosen #blackdaggerbrotherhood #vampire #caldwell #lesser #paranromalromance #mature #cafe #bookstoread #needtoread #recommended #recommendedbook #quotes #lifeofinkandwords

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The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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Well, it was definitely not my favorite #BlackDaggerBrotherhood book, but it wasn't bad necessarily. There were some interesting plots going on with various characters and the ending was a little too convenient and tidy. A decent read if, like me, you're already well invested in this series. #LitsyAtoZ #LetterC

The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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I love j r ward ☺️the black dagger brotherhood is one of my favorite books of all time.

The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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#Characters2017 #day5 #FallenAngel Lassiter, the fallen angel in J.R.Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series is my favourite angel of all time. Making his first appearance in Lover Reborn, he's a bad taste tv show loving, annoying as hell, wise ass deity who is endearing and caring & knows exactly what each Brother needs before they do. And I love his hair & eyes.👼🏼

LibrarianRyan 👍🏻🤓 7y
Johanna414 Love Lassiter! 7y
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The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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Book 15 in the BDB series: This book was amazing! It had a bit of everything in it. Fighting and romance the bad parts with the lessers were even interesting. Seriously probably one of my favorite books of this series I am hoping it's not the end to the series and she continues writing about the Brotherhood. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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I've hit a reading slump. I'm not lacking in quality material, but I just can't stay focused. Maybe a little mind candy will get me back in the groove. #guiltypleasures.

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The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ of 5 ⭐️s

On one hand: super-happy to read Layla and Xcor's story, as well as see HEAs on the horizon for certain other characters. Not too happy, however, with how Qhuinn was handled; felt he deserved something a bit harsher than what he got here, but that might just be because I'm a vindictive person. Also not sure I like the feud ex machine, but we'll see how it's handled further down the line.

The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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2017 #69 vampire porn tree killing book ah the BDB, what a journey we continue to take. I didn't hate it but that isn't saying much since is SO dislike the main character(s) in this installment. But the plot was actually there and aside from the psycho introspective get in touch with our feelings b.s. it soothed the need for a good BDB fix.

Suet624 😂 7y
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The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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This is Layla and Xcor's story yesss~! Been looking forward to finding out just what's going to happen to them XD. I hope it's an HEA, but I'm also willing to accept a more bittersweet ending if that's the one that seems most appropriate. I like that Ward is doing those kinds of endings, and showing what happens after HEA. After all, love - REAL love - is the work of a lifetime, and I'm so happy that Ward actually shows that in this series :D.

The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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I've never had a problem with Layla like some people do, but I really liked her in this book. I wish there had been more of her and Xcor. V needs talk to Jane before he does something really stupid. Honestly I wanted to punch him in the face. This series is ridiculous and fun.

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The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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Finished this the other day. Another great instalment in the series. Just a shame that I need to wait till 2018 for the next legacy & BDB novels :(

CoverToCoverGirl Agreed! 7y
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The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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Home on my lunch break and starting Ward's newest. #currentlyreading #lovethisseriesdespitetheridiculouscharacternames

LibrarianJen Ha the names are a bit ridiculous! Especially the way they are spelled. I think I left off at book 6 or 7 in the series. 7y
CoverToCoverGirl Fantastic! Enjoy! 7y
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The Chosen | J.R. Ward

I can't even function right now. I wasn't expecting much with this book; in fact, I wasn't a fan of Layla and Xcor. I can say, that this is probably my favourite of the series so far. So many feels, twists and bombs dropped. It was so good! And while Ward did have a few writing techniques that bothered me, it certainly didn't detract from my overall love for this book.


CoverToCoverGirl Z's story is my personal favorite... But I absolutely agree with everything else, well said 😃 7y
StellaDz @CoverToCoverGirl Z's was also a beautiful book. I think The Chosen was very much like the original stories; so much feeling and it seemed to have moved the background story forward a lot more. That and all the Qhuinn and Blay; I love those two ❤️ 7y
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The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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I've officially pulled the bookmark. #epicslump continues...

stargazerblue49 I have been in a huge slump lately, too. I've been reading maybe 20 pages a day in various books. And then binge watching Avatar: The Last Airbender. Lol 7y
Bookworm83 That's a great phrase #pulledthebookmark 👍🏻 7y
Megabooks ☹️☹️☹️ 7y
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The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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Qhuinn. My favourite character. Such high standards for a partner. #bdb #jrward #vampire

The Chosen | J.R. Ward
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And now for the one I've been waiting for! #squee #jrward #currentlyreading #bdb

CoverToCoverGirl Loved it 😍 7y
StellaDz @CoverToCoverGirl I'm so excited! I've heard amazing things!! 😍 7y
CoverToCoverGirl Fantastic! Sadly just over 350 days until the next instalment...😳😕😩 7y
StellaDz @CoverToCoverGirl I'd say I'm going to enjoy it slowly, but we all know that's a lie😉😉 I've actually been meaning to start the series over again. Might help with the wait. 7y
CoverToCoverGirl @StellaDz Great minds.. and all that..😜 7y
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