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The Dead Queens Club | Hannah Capin
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If King Henry VIII were a contemporary high schooler.
At Lancaster High, most rumours centre Henry's many failed relationships. Pranks turn to questions about Henry's role in the recent demise of how many ex-girlfriends?
Cleves, girlfriend #4, is is witty & sarcastic. Her tone and personality make the story believable & engaging as it twists & turns. Nothing is predictable!
Have you read The Dead Queens Club? What did you think?

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🎶 I lost my memory in Hollywood
I've had a million visions
Bad and good🎶

Set in a place beyond good and evil-literally in Hollywood, Las Vegas, and the barren wastes of the Mojave Desert, Didion‘s novel explores a troubled woman and a society in crisis. Published in 1970; adapted to film in 1972


Cinfhen Sounds good - I still haven‘t read anything by Joan Didion #NeedToRead 5y
Eggs Yes @Cinfhen #needtoread! My first Didion was Year of Magical Thinking the year my husband died-she too had lost her husband. And saddest of all, she lost her only child soon after-a daughter 5y
Cinfhen Her story seems so sad @Eggs but I‘m told her writing is so exquisite 5y
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Eggs @Cinfhen It is eloquent and renders you speechless. But you have a lot of Didion to choose from-another I thought great was 5y
britt_brooke I love Didion, but still haven‘t gotten to this one. And I think I own it. 🤔 5y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen I think you would love her. I started with a couple of her journalistic collections before getting into her memoirs. 5y
Cinfhen Thanks @britt_brooke I‘m pretty sure I‘m going to love her writing too!! Which book should I start with??? 5y
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The Abortion | Richard Brautigan
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Four novels on my TBR, all dealing with abortion.
#PapaDontPreach #MOvember @Cinfhen

Hooked_on_books Red Clocks is so good! 5y
sprainedbrain Cider House Rules ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5y
BarbaraBB Echoing @sprainedbrain ❤️ 5y
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“..I stand in front of the masterpiece
And I can't tell you why
It hurts so much
To be in love with the masterpiece..”

Dorian Gray is the beautiful young man who becomes the subject of infatuation by the artist Basil, who is impressed by Dorian‘s beauty, so he painted a portrait of him. Dorian is so fascinated by the #masterpiece painting that he wishes to stop ageing.

Cinfhen #NeedToRead brilliant choice 🏆 5y
JennyM 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 5y
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Bluets | Maggie Nelson
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#trueblue #movember
Definitely not a book for everyone.

batsy Great minds 😉💙 5y
Cinfhen Not familiar with this one, but think I #NeedToRead 5y
TrishB @Cinfhen I really can‘t tell whether you‘d like! I have two copies so I‘ll pop one in with next parcel when I get 5 mins to think/send 😁 5y
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Cinfhen Thank you my dear friend xx if it‘s not for me I‘ll pass it along 5y
KT1432 The second reminder today that I need to finally read my copy of this! 5y
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Catch and Kill | Ronan Farrow
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I feel like I need to take a shower in bleach. 🖕🏼Harvey, 🖕🏼Matt Lauer, 🖕🏼Noah Oppenheim, Andy Lack and all of the suits at NBC, 🖕🏼David Pecker. All of you,🖕🏼very much. 5⭐️.

Cinfhen #NeedToRead 🙌🏻 5y
MicheleinPhilly @Cinfhen I literally could not put it down. It reads like a spy thriller. 5y
ljuliel Never did like Matt Lauer, long before all this garbage about him came out. He always seemed so cocky and condescending. I don‘t know some of the other guys you named. 5y
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JenReadsAlot Well you just convinced me to download on my kindle! 5y
MicheleinPhilly @ljuliel Lack and Oppenheim are the head honchos at NBC News. Pecker (fittingly) is the publisher of the National Enquirer. 5y
MicheleinPhilly @JenReadsAlot 🙌🏼 I very happily paid full price for it. 5y
Cinfhen Hahaha “pecker” comment 😂😂😂😂 5y
Ashley_Nicoletto What. Is. This?! I feel like I need it. I‘ve never seen so many middle fingers in a book review. 5y
Megabooks This is being bought with my Christmas gift card for sure! 5y
MicheleinPhilly @Ashley_Nicoletto 😂😂😂 All of these men are deserving of the Philly salute. 5y
Christine Yes, I agree with @Ashley_Nicoletto - this review is groundbreaking. 😂❤️ I feel like I need to read this, esp. having read and deeply respected She Said...but not sure I want to know all of the additional horror that this reveals. 😖 5y
Hooked_on_books Love this review! 😆 5y
Suetara Perfect review for this one. 5y
Amiable Have you read “She Said” yet? I just finished that one a few weeks ago. Wondering how this compares...there‘s only so much of all this I can take. 😬 5y
MicheleinPhilly @Amiable I have not. If I do read it it won‘t be for a LONG time. My heart and brain can only take so much. 5y
Amiable @MicheleinPhilly My thoughts exactly. I just put this one on hold at my library —there are 95 people ahead of me right now, so I‘m going to guess I‘ll have a few months of breathing room to decompress. 5y
ValerieAndBooks Like @Amiable I‘m going to have to wait a while, too! My e-book hold is estimated to be 25 weeks. While it‘s good that people want to read this, too bad there aren‘t more copies available! 5y
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I'm with the Band: Confessions of a Groupie | Pamela Des Barres, Dave Navarro
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#MarchIntoThe70s #Day14 #HeartOfGold Almost at the halfway point already! Time flies when you listen to great music This is the memoir of the original “bandaid”,that Kate Hudson‘s character in Almost Famous was based on. Pamela started as a Beatles tragic then a school friend introduced her to Captain Beefheart. She was Frank Zappa‘s nanny,close to The Byrd‘s & spent time with Gram Parsons, Keith Moon, Jim Morrison & Jimmy Page just to name a few.

Cinfhen #NeedToRead #stacked 💛💛💛 5y
gradcat I read this a long, long time ago...but I remember it quite well. Are you enjoying it? 5y
Lizpixie @gradcat I‘ve read it twice in the last five years. It‘s still my favourite memoir, she just has this sort of innocent joy which was lovely to read.☮️ 5y
gradcat Good! It seems like I read it in the 80s...can‘t really remember. But I know I liked it. 5y
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Sparsholt Affair | Alan Hollinghurst
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#MarchIntoThe70s #LondonCalling something about this cover caught my eye on my recent trip to London and I bought this book( along with 9 others😉) Of course, I haven‘t read it yet😝The blurb gave me Hearts Invisible Furies vibes, a young man good looking & charismatic develops a lifelong friendship with another young man when they both attend Oxford University in the Fall of 1940. Book spans 5 decades. #NeedToRead

CarolynM I liked this one a lot. Hope you do when you get there.🙂 5y
LeahBergen I‘ve been eyeing this one, too. 5y
Cinfhen I‘ll let you know @LeahBergen Was I correct that it has a Boyne vibe @CarolynM ???? 5y
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CarolynM I've never read John Boyne so I don't know, sorry. 5y
Cinfhen What????? You have too @CarolynM 5y
TrishB Not read this one, read a couple of his others and enjoyed. 5y
Cathythoughts My copy is in #hibernation I liked what I read though. Maybe when the winter is really over I‘ll take it out again 5y
saresmoore I absolutely loved The Line of Beauty. When I was reading Heart‘s Invisible Furies, I kept mentally comparing Boyne to Hollinghurst. The verdict was decidedly not in Boyne‘s favor... 5y
Cinfhen Good to know! Now I‘m excited to really get to this book 😁thanks @saresmoore 5y
Lizpixie I‘ve heard great things about this. Let me know what you think❤️ 5y
Cinfhen Will do @Lizpixie if it‘s really good I‘ll send it to you 😘 5y
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Found this Joyce carol oates book today at thrift shop, i have heard great things about her books so excited to get into some of her work. #loverofbooks #joycecaroloates #bookaddict #booklover #foxfire #books #needtoread