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Lake House
Lake House | Kate Morton
One of "People" magazine s Best Books of Fall Morton's moody, suspenseful latest is the perfect page-turner for a chilly night. From the "New York Times" and internationally bestselling author of "The Secret Keeper" and "The Distant Hours," an intricately plotted, spellbinding new novel of heartstopping suspense and uncovered secrets. Living on her family s idyllic lakeside estate in Cornwall, England, Alice Edevane is a bright, inquisitive, innocent, and precociously talented sixteen-year-old who loves to write stories. But the mysteries she pens are no match for the one her family is about to endure One midsummer s eve, after a beautiful party drawing hundreds of guests to the estate has ended, the Edevanes discover that their youngest child, eleven-month-old Theo, has vanished without a trace. What follows is a tragedy that tears the family apart in ways they never imagined. Decades later, Alice is living in London, having enjoyed a long successful career as an author. Theo s case has never been solved, though Alice still harbors a suspicion as to the culprit. Miles away, Sadie Sparrow, a young detective in the London police force, is staying at her grandfather s house in Cornwall. While out walking one day, she stumbles upon the old estate now crumbling and covered with vines, clearly abandoned long ago. Her curiosity is sparked, setting off a series of events that will bring her and Alice together and reveal shocking truths about a past long gone...yet more present than ever. A lush, atmospheric tale of intertwined destinies, this latest novel from a masterful storyteller is an enthralling, thoroughly satisfying read."
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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#lake #summersouls
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Kate Morton is one of my favorite fiction authors.

Karisimo Agreed! 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great cover 💙 3mo
Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 3mo
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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Definitely a slow starter, Morton was finally able to get the story moving and I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. She has a habit of ending chapters with a cliffhanger that compels you to keep reading. I‘m also a sucker for a story involving an old English manor and I loved hearing about Loanneth. The ending wraps up all of the stories neatly—almost too neatly. Could probably have been edited down a bit but overall a pick. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Crazeedi I read this a few years ago, I really like this author 8mo
Roary47 That is such a warm and beautiful cover. 😍 8mo
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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Strangely enough, Libby had no Kate Morton audiobooks, so I‘ll be finishing 2023‘s #AuthorAMonth challenge with this one from iBooks.


The Lake House | Kate Morton
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I‘m sure this book is fine, but it was NOT working for me. Then when I saw that there were twelve hours left, I knew I had to bail. That means I end the year with ten authors completed, which I think is more than previous years, from works long simmering on my TBR to authors that hadn‘t really crossed my radar, so I‘m pleased with the results. I‘m also looking forward to the 2024 slate! #authoramonth

Soubhiville Great job! And bails do count on the Every Month Club, so be sure to include them on your count! Morton has gotten the most mixed reviews of the year I think. 9mo
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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This book completes both #bookspin and #AuthorAMonth for me, and tbqh I choked it down. It was not a good month for me to read a 500 page historical mystery, so I‘m not posting a review. For aam, my goal was to complete a book by each author, so I finished it, but I don‘t think I gave it a fair shake mentally. However, I am proud of myself for once again finishing these two challenges!! 🎉🎉🎉

vlwelser 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊 9mo
Soubhiville That‘s awesome! Sorry it wasn‘t a great read for you though. I‘ve decided to skip her, I am definitely not capable of reading something like that right now. But you did finish your AAM goal and that‘s terrific! 9mo
AmyG Ha, I loved this one. Funny how authors work for some and not others. 9mo
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Suet624 Congrats! 9mo
Megabooks @vlwelser @Suet624 thanks!! 😁😁 9mo
Megabooks @Soubhiville thanks!! Yes, if it were earlier in the year, and I didn‘t have the streak going, I probably would‘ve skipped reading her. But I now have a two-year streak of completing at least one book from every author. It‘s one of my favorite challenges! Thank you for running it!!! 🫶🏻 9mo
Megabooks @AmyG so true! I don‘t feel like I was in a place in my life and reading to enjoy a long, slow-paced mystery. 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe someday I‘ll try another by her. 9mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 9mo
squirrelbrain Congrats! I quite liked the Kate Morton that I read, but otherwise I‘ve found the ones I‘ve read in the past too long and too samey. 9mo
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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My first book start for December (still had others to finish from November) is this #AuthorAMonth book by Kate Morton, which will mean I‘ve read #AuthorAMonth books every month of 2023. This one is an audiobook, and a #Chunkster at that!

#WinterGames @Deblovestoread @Blerdgal_fenix @mcipher @candc320 @TheAromaofbooks @Andrew65 @5280reader @Kay.the.bibliophile
 @Peanutnine #SantasBookshELVES

peanutnine Sounds like an intriguing read! 10mo
Andrew65 @peanutnine Quite often her books are. 10mo
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DieAReader 💙💜💙 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!!! 10mo
AnnR Congrats on nearing the finish line for 2023 #authoramonth! That's awesome you tackled 12 authors. 🙂👍 10mo
Deblovestoread 🙌🏼🎉 10mo
Andrew65 @AnnR Thanks, did much better this year than last year. 😍 10mo
candc320 That‘s amazing! I really liked this one. I‘m finishing up her novel The Distant Hours now (hopefully will finish this weekend). 10mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🍭❄️❤️ 10mo
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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I bought this almost a year ago, when we were on Sanibel Island, at the marvelous Gene‘s Books. Sadly, the store didn‘t survive last year‘s devastating hurricane, and the owners decided to close permanently. I‘ve enjoyed the Kate Morton books that I‘ve read so far, so, even though I‘ve read mixed reviews of this, I‘m giving it a go.

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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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I struggled between so-so and a pick. It being quite a bit slower than anticipated was the deciding factor. I couldn‘t tell if the information they were giving me was always entirely relevant or not. I found myself thinking “..and the point is”, whilst convincing myself it would all come together. It was a good book, not earth shattering, but good. Definitely didn‘t need to be as long as it was. 🤷🏻‍♀️

SilversReviews Loved this book. 2y
katiekat311 @SilversReviews I didn‘t HATE this book, by no means. It was enjoyable, it just felt long. Could‘ve been my headspace as a teacher ending school soon 🤣 2y
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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I am really struggling through this one. I read the back of the book and thought it would be so good, but the “disappearance of the little boy” is very little of the book. Didn‘t even barely mention it until the 15th chapter. It is more about the backstory of the women in the family. Pushing through because I am stubborn 😁.

GondorGirl I am a HUGE Kate Morton fan, but this wasn't my favorite of hers. 2y
APLitlife @GondorGirl I have another one of her books. Definitely will give her another try. 2y
Lauram I struggled to get through this one. It‘s going to be a long time before I attempt another one by Morton. 2y
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All'inizio mi ha preso molto con i suoi due piani temporali, cosa che spesso mi porta sceglierli, ma proseguendo con la lettura e un po' mi sta annoiando. Ci sono 3 archi temporali con belle storie ma rimane tutto un po' troppo frammentato e il mistero al momento, dopo un centinaio di pagine, rimane sullo sfondo.
Vediamo un po'...

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Libro2 #Giallo #Storico
Dopo la delusione di Bussi ritorno alla mia cara Kate #Morton, per immergermi in un mistero del passato.
#ilmio2022 #ilmioGennaio2022

The Lake House | Kate Morton
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Eggs Perfect 3y
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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I‘m usually a big fan of Kate Morton but this book was too long and the conclusion (while not entirely predictable) was a little too tidy for my tastes.

Jess861 I had the same thoughts. Love Kate Morton - but this is my least favourite of hers that I've read. 3y
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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#12AuthorsIn22. Day 9 Kate Morton
The one book I've read: The Lake House was great.
#mystery What is your favorite by this author?

Lauram The House at Riverton was my favorite Morton book. (edited) 3y
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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Covid isolation day 7 and I haven‘t read a single book. Hoping to make some progress on this tonight.

Crazeedi Feel better soon! 3y
Librarybelle Hope you are doing okay! 3y
Megabooks 💜💜💜 3y
kspenmoll Get well soon! 3y
Lauram @Librarybelle @Crazeedi @kspenmoll @Megabooks Thanks! Fortunately, I‘ve been triple vaccinated and my symptoms have been mild. Only 1 more day of isolation! 3y
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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Scored well at the local book swap yesterday.

SilversReviews Loved THE LAKE HOUSE and all of her books. THE FORGOTTEN GARDEN is my favorite. 3y
LapReader Mine too so far @SilversReviews (edited) 3y
SilversReviews @LapReader 😀😀😀 3y
SilversReviews I just saw THE WASHERWOMAN‘S DREAM. Please let me know how that one is. I remember reading a book to my son called THE WILD WASHERWOMEN. We had lots of laughs. . LOL 3y
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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While I still enjoyed this book it is definitely my least favourite book from Kate Morton (that I've read). As always, the writing was excellent but I found the story hard to get into and even when it did pick up a bit I found it to be somewhat predictable. It lacked some of the magic I found reading her other books. I also wasn't a fan of the main character being a detective - that might be where some of the magic was lost for me.

The Lake House | Kate Morton
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Another beautiful evening to spend some time outside reading with a cold tea. This time a delicious cold kiwi tea. Really hoping I can put a dent in this book tonight as I'm a little over halfway through and it's starting to pick up. I found the beginning of the book a bit harder to get into than I usually do for a Kate Morton book.

#KiwiTea #SummerReading #BeautifulDay #QuietTime

LazyOwl I found this one hard to get into as well. I did enjoy, but probably my least favourite of Kate Morton. 3y
Jess861 @LazyOwl I completely agree. Even though it has picked up a bit - I'm still not enjoying it as much as other Kate Morton books. 3y
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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We had a busy day at a family BBQ today - lots of sun, swimming and eating. We are finally home and the kids are in bed. Picked up a delicious Strawberry Acai drink on the way home to enjoy in the backyard with my current read. It is perfect weather for some outdoor reading.

#CurrentlyReading #EveningReading #StrawberryAcai #BackyardReading #MeTime

The Lake House | Kate Morton
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Starting The Lake House by Kate Morton next. I'm enjoying it so far but not as much as her others (although it is very early in the book). I think I'm having a book hangover from Pachinko. Supposed to rain tomorrow so I thought I'd sneak in some outdoor reading now that the kids are asleep.

#Fiction #CurrentlyReading #SummerReading

The Lake House | Kate Morton
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I got this book from ThriftBooks. It is going to be my next read but may take awhile since vacation is over with. Hope it is as good as the reviews say it is.

SilversReviews It is VERY good. 4y
Wonderwoman89 @SilversReviews did it start off very slow to you? I am on chapter six and about ready to put it aside. (edited) 4y
SilversReviews I read it a while ago...not sure, but I would keep on going..it‘s good. Keep me posted. Let me look at my review. 4y
Wonderwoman89 I am. I think I am just getting mixed on the characters and time frame which is confusing to me. Not much has happened yet. 4y
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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Hey Littens, long time no check in. I swear I'll get better 🤞🏻😄

Life update: I'm in my new apartment and I'm really excited about my little record player station complete with plants I haven't killed yet and of course, books!

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and has a wonderful week 🥰

Plant names from left to right: Yeli, Fred, Bob, and Sally.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Looks beautiful! 4y
TheNeverendingTBR Love the flooring! 👌 4y
kspenmoll So nice! 4y
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Amiable Hi Yeli, Fred, Bob, and Sally! :) 4y
cassareada @Amiable they say "Hello" back :) 4y
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The Lake House | Kate Morton

I really enjoyed this read. The sort of book that is perfect for curling up on the sofa. It has a strong sense of atmosphere and Morton's clever use of juxtaposing two timelines that mirror and converge is very compelling. The lives and stories of the characters are carefully woven together and transport you to each setting with ease. It has a good pace with lots of small enticing twists.

The Lake House | Kate Morton
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Just finished The Lake House by Kate Morton by the fire on a lovely lazy Sunday. Perfect day.

The Lake House | Kate Morton
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Theo Edevane disappears from his crib one June night in 1933, never to be heard from again. Sadie Sparrow is a police detective on leave from her job in London in 2003 when she comes across the Lake House and the story of Theo and his family. I enjoyed this one. Lots of twists and turns. It kept me guessing right to the end.

3rd bingo for #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

UwannaPublishme Way to go! 👏🏻👏🏻🎉🎉 4y
TheAromaofBooks You've made fabulous progress on your board this month!! 4y
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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I listened to the audiobook version of this - the quick change of dates with each chapter made it tricky to keep track of the story line at first. (It would‘ve been easier had I been reading it.) But once I got used to when and where, I really liked this story.

Das Seehaus: Roman | Kate Morton
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*) I know that‘ still today many veterans don‘t talk about their experiences but I have a strong belief that doing so would help – them and others.

I‘m well aware that back then it must have been even less proper to reveal mental problems than it is today. I know this. But what a rubbish. It‘s proper to force them to fight in a war they didn‘t cause but when it comes to taking care of the consequences, then it‘s: “Not my table.” 😠

Humans. 😢

ShyBookOwl 💔 5y
JacqMac So true. 5y
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Das Seehaus: Roman | Kate Morton
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Wow‼️ I‘m impressed. For me this was so much more than a feel-good-novel or “chick-lit”. It was a tiny bit lengthy here and there but I loved all the strong women who fought for their beliefs and merits. (Although I have a crush on Peter. ☺️)

I read a lot about PTSD after WWI and am very thankful that times have changed. *)

And I loved to peek into the head of a writer/author.

Das Seehaus: Roman | Kate Morton
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Yepp, this book has grabbed me.

The “accidental coincidences” are a bit too obvious with Eleanor, Sadie‘s misconduct, another secret and 2 unsolved cases. But I like it. I like how the plot is told, I like Alice and Sadie and Eleanor who is a bit devious. Although … How would I change if my husband came home with PTSD? 🤔 A shame but I absolutely wasn‘t aware that this has already been a problem in WWI. (Therapy back then must have been a laugh.)

ravenlee They used to call it “battle fatigue” or “shell shock” and there usually wasn‘t much treatment at all. Sometimes rest, but often the soldiers suffering were treated as cowards trying to avoid the fight. 😤 5y
Buechersuechtling @ravenlee You brilliantly summarise what I read. As I said in my last post about this book: What a rubbish. You are (morally) forced to fight in a war you didn‘t ask for but when it comes to dealing with the consequences, it‘s: “Not my table.” 😠 – Even if they were trying to avoid the fight: That‘s reason- and understandable. There would be less war if those who declare it were the first being sent into the field to fight. (Sorry for my rant.)
ravenlee I‘m from a military family - both paternal grandparents, lots of uncles, my father, my brother and his wife, my cousin, myself, and my husband is still serving. We volunteered for a variety of reasons, but I can‘t imagine being forced into it. And I agree that if the powers that be had any “skin in the game” their decisions would likely be vastly different. 5y
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Das Seehaus: Roman | Kate Morton
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Oh, I hate it, when the days pass by and leave me with a feeling that I didn‘t manage to read enough. Which, if I look at it in the cold light of day, certainly is codswallop for those last 2 days.

But it feels differently.

So I‘m very happy to be able to return to Eleanor, Alice, Sadie and Loeanneth. Yes, it took me a while to acquire a taste for how many different women seem to have the makings of being a protagonist – but now I‘m hooked.

Das Seehaus: Roman | Kate Morton
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Not that bad.

Thanks for flushing this into my feed, @JacqMac ‼️ I was surprised how much I have already read in my life. There are quite a few titles on the list that I plan to read but since I very much rely on my local libraries I have to have a lot of staying power concerning the brand-new and hyped ones. Also some of the children‘s classics I grew up with are missing, surely due to cultural differences. 🤷🏽‍♀️

JacqMac 👏 Good job! A lot of them are still on my TBR, too. It‘s a good list. 5y
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Das Seehaus: Roman | Kate Morton
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#ThursdaySurvey @laurenslibrary

1.) I take whatever format the book is in. But if I may choose, I take e-books for chunksters because that‘s more handy.

2.) Library, definitely‼️ ➕ those the in-laws give me when they are through.

3.) Yeah, I often listen to audiobooks in my car or when I‘m doing chores. Or when I too exhausted to read a physical book.

4.) Via my online library‘s app.

5.) Tagged. Kate Morton‘s “The Lake House”.

Das Seehaus: Roman | Kate Morton
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I also like the cover in black and white.

Alternating timelines are quite common in Kate Morton‘s books. In here, the plot seems to jump back between 1933 and 2003.

And as often with Kate Morton‘s tales I seem to need a while until I become comfortable with the plot of the past. Right from the beginning of the third chapter I like Sadie much better than I did like Alice before.

The first chapter leaves you guessing who‘s acting.
Perfect start!

GondorGirl It took me a minute to figure which book you were reading, but once I did I can't help but agree. Kate Morton's books take a minute to get into because of the different perspectives, but always end up loving the story. She's an insta-buy author for me, because her books always surprise me. 5y
Buechersuechtling @GondorGirl Wow‼️ Really good how fast you found out which book I am talking about. 🙌🏼 I‘m sure you correctly identified it as 5y
Buechersuechtling @GondorGirl I really loved “The forgotten Garden” whereas “The Secret Keeper” was just an okay read for me. Not bad but also not outstanding. I think I just went in with too high expectations. 5y
GondorGirl @Buechersuechtling I'm a huge Kate Morton fan! I've read all of her books multiple times. 🧡 5y
GondorGirl @Buechersuechtling Forgotten Garden is my very favorite of hers! 5y
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Das Seehaus: Roman | Kate Morton
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@ljuliel asked.
Here is part 2️⃣ of my answers. 👇🏼

How long could you go without reading?

Judged objectively quite a while; a week or so. But subjectively I feel cheated for my evening time if I don‘t have at least some minutes with my (audio)book‼️

ljuliel I need to have something to read close at hand. I try to read every day , and do unless I become bogged down with daily worries. I try to read a lot to train my brain to go in a different direction rather than worrying about things I have no control over. 5y
Buechersuechtling @ljuliel I know so well what you mean. Especially audiobooks have become a helpful antidote when I‘m lying in bed tiredly but realise that my head runs in circles round tasks, duties and to-dos at the office. 🙄 5y
ljuliel Yep. Same with me. Audiobooks run all night long. I have to tag them when I go to bed because I need to rewind back to where I stopped last. They help to make me think about other stuff. 5y
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Buechersuechtling @ljuliel Great minds think alike. 😄 Same here. I always set a sleep timer and when I set a too long duration I can be sure that the next day I need to rewind about 2/3 of the time it has played to find the last words I remember from the night before. 5y
ljuliel We are lucky to live in a time where audiobooks are available. 💕 5y
Buechersuechtling @ljuliel Might sound silly but that‘s a good point. 👍🏼 I hope I remember it for the next time when somebody asks me what I am thankful for. Although, this is a tricky question. Seems so simple, but once you start pondering, so many things come to your mind – at least to mine. 5y
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Das Seehaus: Roman | Kate Morton
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“Sing, Unburied, sing” was quite strong, profound stuff and I felt like I need and/or am now “entitled” 😉 to turn to a more light read .

This Kate Morton now sits quite a while on my online library‘s wish list but every time I wanted to check it out, someone else had already been faster. So after I saw this morning that it is available I felt lucky 🍀 and quickly snatched it home with me. 😃

Bklover What a beautiful cover! 5y
Buechersuechtling @Bklover Nice, isn‘t it? Also makes it easy to guess the book‘s English title: “The Lakehouse”. I must admit that “Kate Morton” in combination with that cover was enough to decide that I want to read it. I didn‘t even glance at what it‘s all about. 🤭😉 5y
Bklover Her book covers used to be pretty in the US but the most recent is not nearly as nice. This one you have is just gorgeous! 5y
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ljuliel I haven‘t read any of this author. I guess I should give her a try ! 5y
Buechersuechtling @ljuliel I very much liked (edited) 5y
Buechersuechtling @ljuliel But “The Secret Keeper” was just okay for me. Not bad but also not outstanding. I think I just went in with too high expectations. 5y
ljuliel I‘ll have to remember that and not start with the one you liked least ! 5y
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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Read the book in 2 days, a real page turner. The story jumps between the 1930s and 2003, so it can be difficult to keep up. Lots of twists and cliffhangers. Great book

The Lake House | Kate Morton
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I was given this as birthday present over 4 years ago. Hopefully this will be the year I finally read it.

The Lake House | Kate Morton
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I liked this! It was like a thoroughly entertaining BBC mini series with twists and surprises in every chapter. It was a satisfying onion of a story.

The Lake House | Kate Morton
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I wouldn‘t say the mystery of The Lake House gripped me – I was more mildly curious about how it would turn out. I did find the big reveal to be a bit of a set-up, though, a very heavy-handed reminder that all mothers deeply, truly, no-matter-what love their children, and blood is thicker than water and all that. Still, it ties up all of the loose ends. Full review here: http://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/the-lake-house-kate-morton/ #Bestseller

The Lake House | Kate Morton
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I'm loving my new e-reader, I've finished two books so far. The Lake House was brilliant, I couldn't put it down and A Vintage Summer was a nice summery feel good book.

The Lake House | Kate Morton
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The Lake House was just a little bit more special to me then the other books that I read by her. I don‘t know if it‘s because I related so well to the characters or because it‘s just the kind of mystery story I like. A 70-year-old cold case about a missing child finally gets solved and what twisted loop of evidence that had to be untangled before the solution could be revealed. It had me on my toes the entire time.

SilversReviews It was very good. Recommending it to my book club. They loved THE FORGOTTEN GARDEN so they should LOVE this one too. 5y
LauraBeth I‘ve only read one of her books - The Forgotten Garden - and keep meaning to read more by her. I‘m going to pick this up! 5y
suvata @SilversReviews @LauraBeth I think it‘s a great choice for both of you 5y
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚🙌🏻📚 5y
OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚💙 5y
tdrosebud I really liked this book. 5y
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TheSpineView @tdrosebud It had been on my TBR list forever! Maybe I should move or up!. 5y
tdrosebud @TheSpineView It had a few twists to it. Everytime I thought I had something figured out, something happened to make me question my thoughts. 5y
TheSpineView @tdrosebud Good... I like books that keep me guessing! 5y
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