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Gehen, ging, gegangen
Gehen, ging, gegangen: Roman | Jenny Erpenbeck
Entdeckungsreise zu einer Welt, die zum Schweigen verurteilt, aber mitten unter uns ist Wie ertrgt man das Vergehen der Zeit, wenn man zur Unttigkeit gezwungen ist? Wie geht man um mit dem Verlust derer, die man geliebt hat? Wer trgt das Erbe weiter? Richard, emeritierter Professor, kommt durch die zufllige Begegnung mit den Asylsuchenden auf dem Oranienplatz auf die Idee, die Antworten auf seine Fragen dort zu suchen, wo sonst niemand sie sucht: bei jenen jungen Flchtlingen aus Afrika, die in Berlin gestrandet und seit Jahren zum Warten verurteilt sind. Und pltzlich schaut diese Welt ihn an, den Bewohner des alten Europas, und wei womglich besser als er selbst, wer er eigentlich ist. Jenny Erpenbeck erzhlt auf ihre unnachahmliche Weise eine Geschichte vom Wegsehen und Hinsehen, von Tod und Krieg, vom ewigen Warten und von all dem, was unter der Oberflche verborgen liegt.
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck

I actually really like a lot of this but i thought it was slightly too slow. It sucks to be an enemy of the state but sometimes there‘s nothing else to be.

Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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Just finished for book club tonight. Book club will be interesting, some people attending in person and some(me included) attending virtually.
This book ,I think , is a must read.
Certainly made me think.

BarbaraBB Such a good book. 3y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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A retired German academic finds purpose & meaning by supporting a group of refugees.

An interesting, well-researched exploration of the plight of those seeking asylum, in particular present day refugees from African countries entering Europe.

I‘d like to hope this novel could be read by people who might change their views after reading it. I imagine that was Erpenbeck‘s intention too🤞.

I look forward to discussing it at book club on Monday.

BarbaraBB I loved this book. 3y
Kammbia1 I totally enjoyed this book. This is definitely a book club type of a book. 3y
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I loved the first half of the book. Through a retired German professor's conversations with a group of refugee men, we learn about their lives and traumata. In his inner monologues, we learn about racism in Germany from Colonialism to Third Reich and GDR and the ludicrousness of EU refugee laws. Then it all becomes too simplified, clichéd and I lost interest. I read it to the end, but didn't enjoy it.

MrsMalaprop This has just been chosen for our book club book. 3y
Anna40 @MrsMalaprop oh wow! Looking forward to reading your thoughts on the book 3y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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So so enjoying it but feels a little slow in parts .... it‘s very relevant to our times ... a retired professor enters the world of a number of refugees in Berlin .... very interesting 👍👍📚📚

Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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While a fairly short book, it is a book that delves deeply into a subject that has both contemporary and historical aspects. It puts a human face on a story that can seem faceless at times. Read for the @bookcougars #readalong #contemporary #immigration #bookreview #bookstagram #fiction #2020 #litsyatoz #litsyatoz2020 #g

Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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Perhaps many more years still lie before him, or perhaps only a few.

#firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl

BarbaraBB Such a great and important book! 4y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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I've had this book on my shelves a few years but it took being stuck at home and a bookcougars readalong to get me to read it. Translated from the German, it's the story of Richard, a retired academic living in Berlin who encounters refugees and starts to learn about the complexity of issues and bureaucracy surrounding refugees in Germany. He is trying to help, or wants to, but is ill equipped.⤵️

ReadingEnvy I must admit that while Richard as narrator can "explain" the issues better to the reader, it felt wrong to be yet another person witnessing the frustrations and dehumanizing treatment from afar, even as a reader. ⤵️ 4y
ReadingEnvy The author does a good job in showing the systemic inadequacies and the way nobody will take control and fix the problems (you first, right) and how these problems play out specifically in Europe with its country-specific placement and quotas that further serve to perpetuate the trauma for people who have been displaced already at least once, usually more. ⤵️ 4y
ReadingEnvy The author also unveils, through Richard and his circle of friends, how people who on paper believe in their country welcoming people who are displaced, are not actually willing to do anything to help those that are in their neighborhoods. ⤵️ 4y
ReadingEnvy In this story in particular, the men from various countries are not allowed to work while being shamed for not working, have their mobility controlled by bureaucracy without access to translation for navigating the system, and the only people who seem to benefit are Berliners who have jobs created to manage these processes.
I'm not sure it's a hopeful book. But I look forward to future discussion.
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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BarbaraBB It‘s so good and such an important read. 5y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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A belated #readaroundtheworld #Germany - it‘s slow & thoughtful, but I loved it.

When Richard retires from academia, a few years after his wife‘s death, he‘s at a loss. Looking for a new ‘research project‘, he starts visiting a home for refugees, asking questions and above all listening. And his world shifts a little.

There‘s no preaching, it‘s very subtle, but Erpenbeck packs a huge amount into a short book. An important story beautifully told.

squirrelbrain Sounds like a good one! ❤️ 5y
BarbaraBB I loved this one. @squirrelbrain you should really read this one! Maybe for #ReadingEurope2020 😉? (edited) 5y
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squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB @RachelO - I have the Book Thief in already for Germany- decisions decisions! 5y
rockpools @squirrelbrain I really need to read that one day! 5y
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain This one is much better - in my opinion 😊. Choices choices indeed! 5y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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Starting this for #readaroundtheworld #Germany

Richard is reluctantly retiring from academic life in Berlin, to an empty house following the death of his wife, with no plans or projects for the future. His interest is sparked by a news report about refugees, a protest he walked straight past without seeing.

The start is very slow, thoughts, memories, daily life - but I think I‘m going to enjoy this.

Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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Despite being more than halfway through 3 of these, this is still a ridiculously ambitious #OctoberTBR . But the plan this month is to just finish *something*!


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Woohoo!! 🙌🏻📚🧡 5y
OriginalCyn620 👌🏻😊📚❤️ 5y
Kammbia1 Go, Went, Gone is one of my favorite reads of 2019. A touching and thought-provoking novel. 5y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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Wow! Loved this book about refugee issues in Germany. Full of compassion and eye opening truth. #MountTBR

BarbaraBB I was blown away by this one 💔 5y
Bindrosbookshelf I really liked this one as well! 5y
Blaire Have been meaning to read this for a long time...started once and my library loan expired. 5y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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A very raw, honest story about the current refugee crisis Europe is facing. A very well written book which I really enjoyed.

Read as part of the #booknerdchallenge for a book read in translation

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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck

A slow build, with some deliberate attempts to keep strong emotion at bay. It works for the protagonist and main subject matter. I‘m grateful for having read it though it was at times hard.

Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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Thanks for recommending and sending this to me @BarbaraBB - it was great! Contemplative, thought provoking, poetic, timely, just a really interesting and beautiful look at the refugee crisis, immigration, and setting aside differences. This book shows that it is possible to learn an old dog new tricks, and I‘m so glad this is my last (print) book of 2018. It might even make it to my favorites list 👌

TrishB Look forward to seeing your favourites list 👍🏻 6y
BarbaraBB I am so glad you liked it as much as I hoped! Looking forward to your favorites as well 💕 6y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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On this last Sunday evening of 2018, I‘m reading what will probably be my last (print) book of 2018. I‘m not that far in yet, but it seems to be a very comtemplative and thought provoking novel, and l‘m liking it so far! 📖


Cinfhen Ohhh!!! I‘ve heard really good stuff about this!! Will be awaiting your review 6y
charl08 Such a great book. 6y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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Tough read about a newly retired German Professor making friends with and advocating for African refugees. Not a long book but each story from a refugee on what they escaped from was horrible and then after everything they had been through, to navigate the legal system that‘s against from the start ? Makes me so angry about the way countries treat these human beings who have been through so much already #readathon #anzreadathon

BarbaraBB This was such an impressive read for me. 6y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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Picked this one up. Looks good!

The_Real_Nani I liked this one! I felt like the protagonist was easy to connect with. 6y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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Thank you so much @BarbaraBB for your generous giveaway 😘😘 I can‘t wait to read both of these! 💕

batsy Lovely 😍📚 6y
BarbaraBB I hope you‘ll love them 💕 6y
Cathythoughts Congratulations! Enjoy 6y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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July wrap up! I finished 8 books this month and read for about 6 hours during the #reversereadathon
I read four books for #backpackeurope visiting France 🇫🇷 Germany 🇩🇪 and Switzerland 🇨🇭 My favorite this month was Go, Went, Gone. #julywrapup #bestofjuly

LazyDays These covers are so pretty! 6y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck

I related so much to Richard‘s desire to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING for the refugees he met. Well-written.

Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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Just finished Go, Went, Gone. Working my way through TBRs that have been sitting on my shelf for at least a year.

CatLass007 Good for you! 6y
The_Real_Nani Thanks!! 6y
The_Real_Nani Luckily they look like good books, ha ha. 6y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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Packing up my backpack! Leaving France 🇫🇷 and headed for Germany 🇩🇪 #backpackeurope

BarbaraBB Very good choice! 6y
mhillis @BarbaraBB Thanks☺️ 6y
ReadingEnvy I started this before my vacation but didn‘t bring it with me. I need to get back to it! 6y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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I loved this novel. It starts with Richard, a retired professor, who's taking a walk across Alexanderplatz and not noticing anything unusual. When he gets home, he later learns that several refugees are protesting there, and he feels guilty for not noticing them. And the novel evolves from that. Focusing on the refugees coming to Europe and the stories they have, and the laws that apply in Europe. Raising important questions for today's Europe.

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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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#junewrapup #bestofjune
I read another 11 books this month (and that with all the football watching as well ⚽️), which is a very good month for me. The tagged book was my only 5-star (a mustread for everyone trying to understand today‘s Europe), the others pictured were my 4-star reads.

tammysue Well done! 👏🏻🙌🏻 6y
Kalalalatja Great month *she says while desperately stacking all the books* 👏 6y
BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja Very good, I think you must read the tagged one! 😘 6y
emilyhaldi Yay! Stacking the tagged one 👍🏻👍🏻 6y
BarbaraBB @emilyhaldi I really think you would like it - although that isn‘t the right word 6y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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This book nails it again and again. Petty, pointless bureaucracy.

Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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This book nails it again and again. Petty, pointless bureaucracy.

Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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...there's no better way to make history disappear...

BarbaraBB I was so impressed by this book. A must-read in my opinion 💔 6y
charl08 @BarbaraBB I want to send copies to friends, family, co-workers... 6y
BarbaraBB Me too 😀. And because I can‘t I keep recommending it to them when I see them, call them, app them etc! 6y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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Love the way Erpenbeck links the apparently unconnected.

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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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It says that when the m.c. and his wife moved they had 80 boxes of books. I don‘t know how many boxes I would need, but I can definetly relate. Maybe I‘m not the only one?

wanderinglynn And I thought 12 boxes was a lot. 6y
AnneCecilie @wanderinglynn it really does put things in perspective. I had a lot of boxes 10 yrs ago, and I have twice the numbers of books now. 6y
wanderinglynn I don‘t even have 80 total boxes. 😂 But then again, I only have a small 1-bedroom apartment. Sadly, I move too much to have too many boxes or books. 6y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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‘Nobody loves a refugee‘

This book. It makes me feel so ashamed of myself. All those refugees who make it (if they do) across the Mediterranean and then encounter Italy or Greece; countries who can‘t handle that amount of refugees and make deals with other European countries, like mine or like Germany, where this book is set. The refugees are a problem to be dealt with. Laws and bureaucracy take over. Continued below 👇👇

BarbaraBB Politics and media are in favor or against the refugees. People organize demonstrations. But oh, how we ignore or forget or try not to see the human beings behind the word ‘refugee‘. The way Erpenbeck gives them a name, tells their stories, shows what they have to deal with in Europe, is super confronting, shocking and heartbreaking. 6y
Simona I was so disappointed not seeing this one on the shortlist... 6y
BarbaraBB @Simona I haven‘t read all others, but I still think that‘s unbelievable 6y
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batsy Great review 👍🏽 6y
Suet624 I felt the same way after reading 6y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 I read your review and Stacked it immediately. 💔 6y
BarbaraBB @batsy Thank you 💕 6y
RohitSawant Great review! 6y
minkyb Heartfelt review! 6y
BarbaraBB @rohit-sawant @minkyb Thank you 😘 6y
Cinfhen What a great review!! #stacked 6y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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This novel about an aging man connecting with asylum seekers in Berlin is just brilliant! It engages with history in such a deeply moving and philosophical way.

Simona I was quite disappointed that this one isn‘t shortlisted ... 6y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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A few of the books I‘ll be reading soon. I‘ve been dipping in & out of this special gift edition of French love poems. I‘ve found when I read poetry, I myself become more creative especially when it comes to writing.

All of these were included in The Boxwalla book box. If you haven‘t checked them out, do. I‘m always so impressed w/ how carefully curated each & every one of their boxes are.


OriginalCyn620 Lovely photo! ❤️ 7y
catebutler @OriginalCyn620 Thank you, Cynthia! Happy Friday!! 💓 7y
Sophoclessweetheart Beautiful photo. Xx 7y
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catebutler @Wanderingwithwords Thank you so much! 7y
Christine11 Lovely photo 😊 7y
catebutler @Christine11 Thank you so much! 😊👋🏼 7y
hilded Such a nice photo! 7y
catebutler @hilded Thank you, Hilde! I love when pretty bouquets like this start showing up in the spring! 7y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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Interesting thought ...

#consequence #qoutsyMarch18

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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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The message of this story about refugees and retired professor Richard is crystal clear - the absurdity of the bureaucracy and EU legislation which dehumanize individuals and their very personal, tragic stories to the level of a sheet of paper, deny them to be a human beings. Richard recognizes their stories and recognizes them, as an individuals. I have some minor issues with the story, but despite that it is still 👍 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #booked2018

Cinfhen Ha! Your almost done with the second quarter too 🙌🏻💕 7y
Simona @Cinfhen Yes I am, but #steampunk will have to wait till the next month, because I‘m booked with the Man Booker 😘 7y
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Cinfhen Do you want us to put in all of your books for the first prize drawing...you probably have at least 10 chances... 7y
Simona @Cinfhen I just browsed through all the booked2018 posts...I didn't know, or I just forgot about the prize ... No, of course not! It would be rude/unfair to the others. 7y
Cinfhen Ok! It‘s totally up to you 💗😘 7y
Simona @Cinfhen 👍😘 7y
maich Great quote!😍 7y
Simona @maich Ja, predvsem pa grozljiv citat, glede na vsebino knjige ... 7y
maich @Simona meni se ne zdi grozen. Vsebine knjige sicer ne poznam. 7y
Simona @maich Zgodba je o beguncih, ki si jih države pošiljajo sem in tja ... v lastno državo pa se ne morejo vrniti ... 7y
maich @Simona Žalostna zgodba potem... Zadnjič sta prišla 2 v naše podjetje. Sta se revčka skrivala v kamionu 8 dni. Vsa premražena in lačna. Potem so jih odpeljali policisti, ki niso bli nič prijazni. So jim naše kuharice prinesle čaj in sendvič pa sta sendvič zavrnila. 7y
Simona @maich Zelo žalostna, ja. Hrano zavračajo ker jih je ogromno vegetarijancev ali pa iz verskih razlogov ... kar seveda mi obsojamo, češ da so nehvaležni, pa da niso dovolj lačni ... v resnici pa gre, žal, za našo nevednost, nepoznavanje in superioren odnos do ljudi v stiski ... 7y
maich @Simona to vem. Sem gledala dokumentarec na to temo. Res je žalostno. Ubogi so. 7y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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From my current read ...

#human #quotsymarch18 #quotsy

RedbagReadbooks Mine is one the way. I love reading the international man booker long list selection. I read a lot of interesting books last year that I normally would not have read 7y
BarbaraBB Wonderful quote. I must read this one too! 7y
Simona @Aluciddreamer @BarbaraBB It‘s a good story, but I miss something and I can‘t put my finger on what that is ... 7y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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charl08 Nice list! 7y
batsy Ooh, very nice! 7y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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Breaking into my stash from #BookExpoAmerica, and starting with this one because it fits in my bag. LOL

MrBook Are you going again this year?! 6y
The_Real_Nani No, sadly! I went last year because I had a client that was going and I went as her assistant. 6y
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Go, Went, Gone | Jenny Erpenbeck
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#alaac17 ARC haul 📚 Photo 2 😍

tjwill So jealous! I wish I was there too! Hope you have fun! 7y
ohyeahthatgirl Aaah Lily Tuck! 7y
Peddler410 Of all those titles, I only match on one -- Go, Went, Gone (edited) 7y
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Lacythebookworm @tjwill Thank you! It's been great so far 😊 7y
Lacythebookworm @ohyeahthatgirl This is my first book by Tuck! What's your favorite of hers? 7y
Lacythebookworm @Peddler410 That's incredible! How many did you end up taking home? 7y
ohyeahthatgirl @Lacythebookworm I Married You For Happiness is great, but devastating. 7y
Peddler410 @Lacythebookworm I brought home four over stuffed bags -- I'm guessing somewhere between 60 and 100! 😬 7y
Lacythebookworm @ohyeahthatgirl I'll have to look into that! Thanks for the rec 🙌 7y
Lacythebookworm @Peddler410 That's awesome! Did you drive in? I've been a lot more picky in my selections this time. It's a challenge getting them home and I've lost boxes of books mailing them. My goal was to only pick up things I was very interested in reading. I'll make one more trip through the exhibits tomorrow after council so we'll see how that goes! 7y
Peddler410 I was only there yesterday--went by school bus, not recommended(bumpy enough to add 5,000+ steps on my fitbit😳). I looked for things that might appeal to me, my daughter or my students. Hence, I picked up quite a bit. Plus, I was there with an exhibit hall only pass -- for SIX HOURS! 7y
Lacythebookworm 6 hours! I believe you deserve an award for that!! Were you able to find a lot for your students? It looked like there were a good number of children's book publishers on hand. 7y
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Great approach to humanize the refugee crisis in Germany, specifically in Berlin. I also liked how she used the MC Richard (a retired college professor who lived in East Berlin) to draw parallels between him and the refugees e.g. what to do with your life when you cannot work and how he felt like a stranger in his own land after the reunification. This is my first book by the author, but I doubt it'll be the last.

English title "Go, went, gone".

tpixie Watched part of a WW2 history show today. The footage of the destroyed buildings in Berlin were so sad and hard to believe/imagine. All the women- young and old - clearing the rubble. No men. Most had died or were captured. Tragic. 7y
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