To ALL my Litsy Family! Thanks for being a part of my life!
I love you! ❤️🤗
To ALL my Litsy Family! Thanks for being a part of my life!
I love you! ❤️🤗
26 years today. ❤️ I love that I got married at Christmas. ☺️🎄
I just want to say something....
You know people on social media can be so mean and unkind to others because they have no consequences for their actions on social media. I just want to say that I am so thankful for this community and everyone in it. I'm so thankful that we can all come together and share the things that we love and enjoy without the fear of being ridiculed or torn to pieces. Thank you all so much for being a part of my life. 🤗🤗
#Ikissedagirl #JuneTunz
Needing the love this week! Mega stressful week in work. These books off hubby cos he's mega-soppy!! 💟
I've known my husband for 8 years, almost. He has always had a rather impressive, albeit quirky beard. Didn't think I was into beards because my Dad's always had one, too. However. To love Neil is to love his beard. Today there was a shaving malfunction that's resulted in a short goatee. I've been touching his bald face for luck all morning. Won't let me take a photo. But I had to share somewhere! Edit: LOOKIT!!
#favelittens #seasonsreadings2016 I love every one you. I love being part of a community where everyone feels like a great friend! All because of our shared love of reading. The last few months have been great and I'm looking forward to 2017 with my books and Litsy friends ❤️📚
#day4 #booktober #bookmarks I use greetings cards that my best friend sends me from the UK, to bookmark recipes in cookbooks..... So every now and then, when I re-visit a favorite, I happen upon one, and it brings a smile..... I found this adorable one at the weekend when I was doing some baking 😊🍰
And so, Neil back tomorrow, after a week away. I didn't finish any books. But Isla says I'm very good at stickers. I'll take it.