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Closed and Common Orbit
Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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This wasn't nearly as exciting as the first one but still giving it a pick.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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I finished this second book of Chamber‘s series by the pool in Laguna Beach. I‘m glad it wasn‘t crowded because the ending made me cry happy tears. The duet of Pepper‘s and Sidra‘s stories of survival and adaptation were so interesting and compelling to me. Chambers explores the hard questions about existence with such an open hand. It is beautiful to read.

The Ranch at Laguna Beach is fantastic! Especially if your husband has a work trip…

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Morning reading with coffee. My “go away I‘m reading” mug has been used so much that the words faded away.

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Summer reading 🩷☀️📚

Soubhiville Oooo, I love this series! 4mo
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:



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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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My May favourite was this one. Again this is as far as I have got in the series so far. Something I hope to rectify next year! I was originally disappointed we didn‘t see the same characters again, but ended up enjoying it ☺️


Andrew65 Looks another good choice. 10mo
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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I loved this second book in the Wayfairer series even more than the first. A thoughtful and compelling story about humans and AI, and so amazing and inclusive. 5 ⭐️⭐️🌟⭐️ 🌟

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Becky Chambers now neck and neck with TJ Klune for this year's favourite author. I have CRAVED fiction that skillfully, compassionately explores what being an AI could be, what it means ethically in a world of humans, and this did it SO well. Very into what is starting to feel like a particular strain of modern science fiction that focuses on the value and quality of life. Happy to go wherever Chambers takes the Wayfarers series next.

Robotswithpersonality ⚠️Child abuse, child death, animal death (heads up fellow vegans, there's a fair bit of unpleasantness with wild dogs in here 🤢) 1y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Truer words ...😏

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Nanobot tattoo: no touch ups required. Somewhere between jealous and weirded out at the concept.

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Requesting a job market with more nap-flexible positions, please.

julesG Naps are perfect! Wish more employers would recognise it. 1y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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I loved this book. A perfect cozy sci-fi book!

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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This is how we read early in the morning 🙂❤️.

I love Pepper and Sidra! This book is just as unique and wonderful as Angry Planet. Becky Chambers is one of a kind.

Pepper‘s backstory was the part I liked best, but I enjoyed both timelines. The exploration of defining one‘s self identity was fascinating to me.

I think book three is in my near future.

Soubhiville @TheAromaofBooks this was my March #doublespin 😁📚💕. Can‘t wait for new picks on Sunday! 2y
ShelleyBooksie So snuggly 2y
Leftcoastzen Aaaawwwww! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Becky Chambers is just amazing. I love her writing. Her books create a kind of calming effect, comfortable & cozy. The scenes are rich with detail & nearly tangible, yet everything she puts to the page flows effortlessly. The discussion of identity in this book is so well done & her inclusion is perfect. The information was delivered in an intriguing & wonderful, yet gentle way. Her characters not only feel real, I get beyond attached to them.

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Really enjoying my reread of the Wayfarers series! There's something about the juxtaposition of Sidra and Pepper's narratives about figuring out exactly who they are that just works.

Fellow explorer Watney, on the other hand, was less impressed. #CatsOfLitsy

#JumpStart2023 #ReadySetRead2023: a book with a non-human MC

RaeLovesToRead Watney!!! 🥰🥰🥰 2y
BookmarkTavern Look at that perfect face! 🧡 2y
Leftcoastzen So cute ! Great name ! 2y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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3.5/5⭐ Some parts felt a little more clumsy compared to the first book, but still a fun read.

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Life is terrifying. None of us have a rule book. None of us know what we're doing here. So, the easiest way to stare reality in the face and not utterly lose your shit is to believe that you have control over it.

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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What was the difference between strung-together neurons and a simple bundle of if/then code, if the outward actions were the same?

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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The 2nd in the Wayfarers series has often been recommended and I am glad I finally gave it the attention it deserved.
Two separate storylines alternate throughout: Pepper‘s origin story as well as Sidra‘s struggles with her new life.
And while I admit at first I dipped in and out, powering through the last half in one go paid off.
Holy smokes the ending is beautiful and perfect and everything reading should be - it brought tears to my eyes 💕

Ruthiella Yeah. This one made me cry too! ❤️ 2y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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I have abandoned everything I was supposed to do today in order to finish this book. It was totally worth it.
Becky Chambers is fast becoming a must read author for me. I very much enjoyed this tale of purpose, belonging and family.

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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I was almost late to work this morning because I didn‘t want to stop reading—I wanted to finish this book!

I adore the characters, and I adore the world. I love how much of this book was about who counts as a person and how to get others to recognize it.

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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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I went to the library to pick up my hold on A Closed and Common Orbit (finally!) and… well, they had a Halloween display… 🧙🏻‍♀️🦇👻🎃

Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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I am loving this series! It is very rare for me to read more than one book in a series anymore and I have already reserved book 3!
I enjoyed 1more than this one, I think the broader look was better for me, and all adults, in this one we spent a lot of time with young Jane and it wasn't as interesting for me. But I love the world Chambers has built and the adult stories and struggles.
Her different species are so interesting &I ❤️ imagining them.

underground_bks This makes me so happy! Becky Chambers is my favorite!! 2y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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charl08 Wow, great stack there. 2y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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As a software developer, it is very hard to read this book without longing to learn Lattice (the language that power AIs in Chambers's universe).

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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‘So, tattooing . . . you‘ve got a picture in your mind, then you put it on your body. You make a hazy imagining into a tangible part of you. Or, to flip it around, you want a reminder of something, so you put it on your body, where it‘s a real, touchable thing. You see the thing on your body, you remember it in your mind, then you touch it on your body, you remember why you got it, what you were feeling then, & so on, and so on.

Sophronisba . . . It‘s a re-enforcing circle. You‘re reminded that all these separate pieces are part of the whole that comprises you.‘

Photo by JJ Jordan on Unsplash
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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I have a million holds in from the library -- of books I really want to read! -- but zero self-control, so tonight's book is a reread of a book I already own.

Ruthiella The heart wants what the heart wants. ❤️ 2y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Starting book 2 of Becky Chambers' Wayfarer series tonight, and I got my new comforter today, which I thought would be perfect for a photo op.

wanderinglynn Cool comforter! 😍 And I loved book 1. I really need to get back to the rest of the series. 3y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Basically everyone tells me this is their favourite Wayfarers book, if not their favourite book full stop. I expected to adore it. Instead, I liked the beginning, appreciated Sidra‘s disassociation from the kit, and kinda lost interest in the rest. I wasn‘t invested in either storyline, I had no strong feelings for the characters, and the worldbuilding couldn‘t carry me.

I‘m a TOTAL outlier here, though. You should still try it out.

TheKidUpstairs I liked it, but Small Angry Planet will always be my fave 3y
xicanti @TheKidUpstairs I loved the hell out of that one; another reason I‘m disappointed this didn‘t land for me. 😔 3y
peanutnine I eventually enjoyed this one, but it took me a while to come to terms with Sidra's new life and empathize with her character. Definitely a different tone from Small Angry Planet that I missed 3y
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tenar I had the same experience; by the end of this one I had come around to liking it, but not at all to the level I had enjoyed the first book! 3y
xicanti @peanutnine intellectually, I could see how I should‘ve gotten wrapped up in Sidra‘s adjustments and in how Pepper‘s backstory complimented them, but I just couldn‘t seem to make that emotional leap for longer than a scene or two. Sadness. 3y
xicanti @tenar I found the only bit I was really invested in was whether Pepper and Owl came back together, so I jumped to the last chapter and got my answer! 3y
tenar @xicanti That‘s the way to read! 👏🏻 I want to spend less time ‘pushing through‘ books, so I can spend more time loving books. Do you think you‘ll read book 3? I never did, but I do wonder about it. I went on to her novellas instead. 3y
xicanti @tenar I‘m not sure yet about book 3. I‘ll definitely try her novellas at some point, though, since they‘re a much smaller time commitment. 3y
shanaqui I love this one for personal reasons -- Sidra's exploration of her connection to the body kit and her journey to try and come to terms with it hits pretty close to home. But it's quite different to the first book, and honestly it's the first book I reach for when I want a comfort read! 3y
Larkken It is definitely a very different book than the others! I think I liked it better, if only bc the plot and world felt more original, and I think I prefer a less ensemble cast. The last two are very different again! Chambers def doesn‘t require much buyin to start reading, for whatever that is worth. 3y
xicanti @shanaqui @Larkken I‘m glad it means so much to so many people. 3y
shanaqui @xicanti Ack, and my content there meant to say the first book is the one I reach for as comfort reading (i.e. I prefer it in some ways for sure). Not intended as a "you should like the second book cause I say so!" 3y
xicanti @shanaqui don‘t worry—I read your comment the way you intended! 3y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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I had A CLOSED AND COMMON ORBIT on suspended hold for about two years because it was never the right time for it. Now I‘ve taken the plunge.

—and I like it a lot as of page 100, but I‘m not desperately in love with it the way all my friends are. 😔 Here‘s hoping I soon hit that magic CLICK moment that takes me from, “This is nice” to, “THIS IS MY ENTIRE WORLD OMG.”

AlaMich I didn‘t love it either. I thought it was just ok. 3y
xicanti @AlaMich good to know I‘m not alone, if that‘s how it pans out for me! I always feel like such a weirdo when I don‘t fall in love with the stuff my friends gush about. 3y
AlaMich @xicanti It felt like it was trying too hard somehow. 3y
MemoirsForMe Looks like your puppy has an opinion of the book too! 😁 3y
xicanti @UwannaPublishme I caught his tongue at exactly the right moment. 3y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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I've got to read Cibola Burn and Ancillary Justice in a hurry for #BookSpinBingo, but I think I'll make it at the rate I'm reading right now. I started and finished A Closed and Common Orbit yesterday.

This time I only cried right at the end, but it's still such a special book to me -- I relate a lot to Sidra's issues of embodiment.

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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I liked the plot of this book better than the first in the series, though I missed some of the characters from the first book. This one focused mainly on two characters instead of five or six, so it was much easier to follow what everyone was up to throughout the story.

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Book 2 in the wayfarers series- I‘m so glad I was on holiday and could just park up with this one for a couple of days. I LOVED it. I especially enjoyed the dual time periods and getting to follow Pepper as a child. Becky chambers books really reframe how I think about what humanity could become. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers

Great follow up to the first book. It's an interstellar character story that even non sci-fi lovers will enjoy.

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Becky Chambers writes amazing characters! I was worried I wouldn‘t enjoy this book because we don‘t continue with all the characters I loved in A long to a Small angry planet but boy was I wrong! Pepper, Sidra, Blue, Tak and Owl were just as enjoyable. Im looking forward to reading the next book with more new characters. #TeamSlaughter #scarathlon2021 5pts

CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian I had the same worry but I loved this one too! I think even better than the first one. 3y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Naps are the best and I wish more jobs allowed them💤💤💤🛏

rabbitprincess I like the idea of naps but always seem to take them when I'm grumpy, and then I wake up even grumpier 😖 3y
rwmg There are times when I absolutely must have a nap, but then I don't sleep well the next night so I'm no better off 3y
bthegood omg - if napping were an olympic event I'd win a gold medal - I nap before I go to bed 😂 3y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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At first I was a little disappointed that we weren't hanging out with the Wayfarer crew, but I did really enjoy learning Pepper's backstory and seeing Lovelace adjust to her new life. The back and forth between two time lines was done really well and highlighted a lot of common themes between the two characters. It was interesting to think about the moral implications of AI and how much autonomy they deserve.

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

📗 The Thorn Birds, A Closed and Common Orbit and The Hating Game
📗 Both but I tend to read more in the evening.
📗 The Happily Ever After Play List

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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July books 5 and 6:
I really liked the first book in Chambers‘ Wayfarers series, so I tore through the next two. I really enjoyed the second (tagged) about an AI deciding what it was to be human, and the backstory of one of her new friends, but the more I think about it, the more I am ambivalent at best about book 3. If bk 1 is Firefly, no 3 is TNG… but more star-eyed and naive. Guess it didn‘t speak to me.

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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It's been a super stressful week and it's only Tuesday 😓
But I get to try out my new bathtub tray that my sweet boyfriend bought me for our anniversary earlier this month 💕
#selfcarenight 🛀🏻

BookishMarginalia Looks amazing! 3y
kspenmoll Fabulous! But how can you ever leave that bath?! 3y
peanutnine @kspenmoll it's a challenge for sure! 😅 3y
NikkiM5 Nice!!! I need that 😂 3y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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I decided that I needed to read through the entire series again now that the fourth book is out, and it is the best decision possible!

I adore this book as much as I did the first time. Pepper and Blue, Tak and Sidra... Stars they were stunning characters, I loved them all so much. It didn't tear my heart out the way the first book did, but it sure as hell helped to put it back together.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to read the next one!

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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Oh, this book was FUN! This story begins just after the final events of ‘The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet‘, but the story follows Pepper and Lovelace rather than the Wayfarers crew.
Becky Chambers must have an unlimited, boundless imagination. I am in awe of the world she has created.
Such superb world building, but the characters are what make this book amazing. Pepper‘s story was totally captivating.

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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#ThankfulThoughts @Eggs

I own the 3 books in this series. I need to read them. Another series to tackle next year.💜📚

hermyknee The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet is so good!!! 4y
TheSpineView @hermyknee Great! I am looking forward to reading it! 💙📚 4y
Eggs Nice interpretation 👍🏼👏🏻 4y
readordierachel Love these books so much 💙 4y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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I got #bookmail today! Now I have all the books in the series! 💜📚📚📚

I know I have at least 15 series to read or finish. I am thinking of doing another #SeriesRead challenge again next year. Is anyone interested? @Crazeedi @andrew65 @texreader @4thhouseontheleft @Nute @EadieB @Lcsmcat @MoonWitch94 @JoScho and everyone!

I did giveaways throughout the year last time. Anyone interested in cohosting?

EadieB I would be interested. I have lots of series I need to finish. I could co-host too if you let me know what is involved. (edited) 4y
TheSpineView @EadieB Looking for someone to help with the tracking of the challenge and choosing a random winner. I could handle the prize part both purchasing and mailing. I'm thinking a drawing midyear andcend of year. 4y
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EadieB @TheSpineView I can track the challenge for you. 4y
TheSpineView @EadieB That would be great! Why don't you shoot me an email at lisa@thespineview.com and we can take further discussions offline. 4y
MoonWitch94 I‘d do it! I have lots of series to finish as well! 4y
Lcsmcat I don‘t read many series - but if you count trilogies I might be interested. 4y
TheSpineView @MoonWitch94 👍🤩😊 4y
TheSpineView @Lcsmcat Yes! Anything with two or more books will be counted. 4y
OriginalCyn620 I don‘t read a lot of series! 4y
TheSpineView @Lcsmcat That's cool! Just trying to gage the interest. 4y
suzie.reads Definitley! I love a series 😍 4y
TheAromaofBooks I would definitely be interested in this challenge, so keep me posted!! 4y
TheSpineView @suzie.reads 👍 4y
wanderinglynn I‘m in! 4y
BookwormAHN I'm also in. I'm great at starting a series but not so much at finishing one 😸 4y
Andrew65 Most definitely interested! 4y
Texreader I was thinking of working on a number of my series next year. How does this work? Do we read our own series? 4y
TheSpineView @Texreader I will post the details soon. 4y
Eggs Thanks for the tag❣️ I‘m not sure... 4y
TheSpineView @Eggs You're welcome! 😊 4y
Crazeedi Yes! Thanks for remembering me!💗 4y
TheSpineView @Crazeedi You're welcome! I remember that you are big into series. It should be fun to do another challenge. 4y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Another super fun adventure from Becky Chambers! This one stars a sentient AI navigating a new existence and the mech who helps her in the process. If you liked Firefly, you're going to love this series!

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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2nd book in this trilogy doesn‘t continue the story but goes back to find how Jane became Pepper. I‘m starting to like AI intelligence. Hopefully one day we see all of the universe. These books are great, they put humanity into space.🚀🛸

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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April wrap up. Did more crafting than reading this past month. I'm quarantined with a seven-year-old so quiet reading time is a struggle.

A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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April was honestly the worlds longest month! I was looking at the books I read this month and can‘t believe April was the month I finished The Five and Women‘s War in! It feels like so long ago!

Read 14 books
4 audio
1 NF
1 Short story
9 1/2 women authors (one book has 2 authors 1 man, 1 woman)

Fav Reads: Sun Down Motel, Beach Read, Murderous Relation

#AprilStats #AprilReads

MemoirsForMe Way to go! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers
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Still hopping all around with my reading. This was on Book Riot's list of top comfort reads and it just happened to be on my TBR.

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