An absolutely beautiful book. I know I am a little late to the game here but my god Hamid knows how to write a character. I read the Reluctant Fundamentalist in college and I can say that Hamid ranks as one of the best 5/5
An absolutely beautiful book. I know I am a little late to the game here but my god Hamid knows how to write a character. I read the Reluctant Fundamentalist in college and I can say that Hamid ranks as one of the best 5/5
What a cool ass book! Great read for those who like quick and hilarious characters. Can‘t wait for book 2!!!
David Foster Wallace called this book one of the most American novels ever written and he was right. This was a book that hit me harder than I thought it would and ended up (without me knowing) being a book about my hometown, to the point that it kind of freaked me out. This book is like Raising Arizona without the comedy. It is a book that belongs on your TBR. 5/5
tmwyour book cases get their own marquee
So this book. It was such a great premise and really made me want to read more Indian authors. I highly recommend this book due to the hilarious and dark narrator. 4/5
I loved this book so so much. This was one of the most heartbreaking reads of my year and I am so happy that I finally finished it. I felt like the ghosts of the past were woven into this book better than any I have read. Great read and worthy of the Man Booker
Such a great book that takes a very overused genre and flips it... hard. 5/5
This was the most violent and stark book I have ever read but damn was it amazing. I truly appreciate James and his voice to create such an important book. It was like the first time I read Oscar Wao. So much that I didn't know I was floored with when it comes to Jamaica. A friend of mine is a native Jamaican and I was telling him about the book and it turns out my friend lived much of what happens in this book. 5/5!
One of my faves of the year is on sale everyone!!! Get it while it's hot!!!
Here are my #fivestarpredictions! Thank you @Sarahr875 for the tag! I'm gonna hit these people I randomly found! Any my wife because she always has a five star ready to go!Enjoy strangers!
Much more action packed than dragon Reborn but I miss Perrin!
All this for under 40 bucks!!!'
Welcome two new Litsyans to the best internet community on earth!
A solid book about the choices that we face as humans. A wonderful effort by Geni and I would happily read something else by her any day. I will say I didn't feel like the book at a strong identity. There was a firm suspense thread in the book that I feel didn't really get its full due. This is juxtaposed to the very melancholy setting of how the past can chain our future. I felt that it would have been better to be one or the other not both 4/5
Guys!!!! These books are still good!!!!!
Alright. I finally finished this. Can someone please tell me if this gets better or if I will understand what the hell is going on?? I liked the writing but this was such a hard book to finish. I know there are a ton of you that love this series so sell me please. Make me want to keep going!
A truly important book about the way white America responds to the advances of its black population. I am going to be honest, this book will make you hate the shit out of politicians both old and current. But it is a book that should be read by all Americans who claim to understand history. 4.6/5
Great art, great plot, great comic!
These books.... they just get better and better!!!!!
A wonderfully written book that explores one of the most disgusting events in American history. I highly recommend it to both non fiction and fiction lovers alike.
Thank you to my beautiful wife @Mcip for my perfect fathers day gift... you are amazing. :)
This book was beautiful in the most unassuming way. It was like Bachelder just had these words and said, "Here is my book, take it as you will." The weekend of the players of the Throwback Special are lonely, losing and gaining things in short spans of time. The book is written with such a strong sense of certainty that it really performs to a level that most books only dream of. I will be thinking of this one for a long time! 4.5/5
His book is absolutely amazing! I am so happy I started reading this series!!!!!!!!!! Read it if you love you some great fantasy books with incredible payoffs!!!
The only night that I know my father cried as a Washington fan.
I forgot to get this pic up last week. Check out our book haul!!!
One take on why the poor don't need the internet. Funny but not factual :)
You will do what I say or I'll make you curse the first time your mother ever kissed your father- this book kicks ass!
Finally got all of the bookshelves in!!!
1 Arizona.
2. This is a hard one.... I'm going Infinite Jest because of how much it took to finish it and how much I want to read it again that and Name of the Wind.
3. Harry Potter
4. Brick. Great film
5. Fringe
6. Coheed and Cambria, Look Mexico, Modest Mouse.
7. Red.
8. High Fantasy, non fiction counter culture works.
9. Currently I am obtaining my MEd in Human Relations.
10. 2 cats a hamster and 2 crap dogs.
I loved this book! I am kicking myself for not starting this series years ago but I am so happy I started now! Read this if you want a really good magic system, deep and well drawn characters and a long series to begin!
What a cool concept! I really enjoyed this book because it was a quick read and super super fun. Read it if you want a quickie!
So I am currently listening to this one as a start to this crazy long but very well known series so I go on Wikipedia and I start to read little non spoiler stuff and then I find out that the two readers, who I have loved from previous books, are married to one another. HOW FREAKING AWESOME IS THAT?!?
What do you hate more than moving? Currently putting in work on this moving day. (The correct answer is "nothing moving is the worst thing in the world, fuck moving")
It's so nice to know that after you read a well known author for the first time that it wasent a fluke. Gaiman is indeed the master at the craft. Wonderful story that just begs to be read. I listened to this one and loved it. Great villains and wonderful heroes. Pick among picks.
We went to go have Easter pictures taken with the Easter bunny today. After waiting for the bunny to get off break, we were told that the bunny was not coming and my kids were crushed. That's when I took matters into my own hands and thus, my kids (and several others at the mall) were not disappointed! The suit was hot as hell and the helmet was smelly but damn it.... the show must go on!
Listened to this over the last few days. James Franco is a great voice for KV. great job!
So without getting to personal on here. Life is kicking my ass a little. When I get too far behind or when I seriously cannot catch a fu@&ing break, I re-read. So far I am almost done with the Harry Potter series and now I'm listening to this one again. What do you read when life kicks you in the metaphorical ass?
One of my favorite ARCs from last year is on sale today!! Get it now!!!!
Oh shit! Look what happened today!
I think @MrBook brought this up before but it is interesting that the same damn covers are on the same damn books. Interesting no??
I am taking a break from this brick to listen to Between the world and me. NOT GIVING UP. Just need to get some More Coates!
I don't really know what to say that has not been said other than this book is important. It's important because it makes you challenge your understanding of race, black, white and other. It is an important book period. I challenge everyone on here who sees this to read it if you haven't already. If you have, pass your copy along. It's that vital to American culture and policy that all US citizens understand the Dream and the Struggle.
This is a great book for parents of a T1D child. Being new to the care of type 1, this book was terrifying but uplifting to know that there is hope and that everything is going to be ok (I hope).
When no other words will suffice. This is my go to. Man, this book is powerful beyond comprehension