Honestly, this one isn‘t my usual style but I had heard so much about it I decided to give it a shot. Now it‘s a good thing I don‘t have anything going on today because I can‘t put it down.
Honestly, this one isn‘t my usual style but I had heard so much about it I decided to give it a shot. Now it‘s a good thing I don‘t have anything going on today because I can‘t put it down.
Jane Sinner is taking a second chance at life via a community college reality tv show. Jane‘s snarky but genuine attitude is just my style. I loved every minute of this one.
Because I can't ever just read one book at a time.
I've read a fair number of Scientology memoirs but this one was unique in that it was told from a celebrity perspective, which can really be a totally different view on the "religion". Remini was honest and brave in telling the story of her departure from Scientology and I highly recommend this one. Bonus points for lots of f bombs.
Jenny Lawson never fails to make me laugh. I listened to this on audio and she is one of my fav authors to listen to.
Book mail! I loved Behind Closed Doors, so excited to start this one.
I'm not even a hundred pages in but this book is definitely "unputdownable". If only I could spend the afternoon with it instead of my homework.
When I saw this one on BOTM as a selection, my 13 years of Catholic schooling and twice weekly mass attendance said I had to.
I've thrown around the word "weaving" before when thinking about or reviewing books, but it has never been so aptly applied to a story before. Alternating between characters and time, a tale is woven not just about life after a virus changes the world, but about the meaning of survival. Drawing on a Star Trek theme that "survival is not enough", this book told an eloquent story that left me wanting more and considering what it means to survive.
"There is no substantive difference between the repulsive campaign to separate women's bodies from their reproductive systems- perpetuating the lie that abortion and birth control are not health care- and the repulsive campaign to convince women that they and their body size are separate, alienated entities."
Ten pages in and I've already come close to waking the baby because I'm laughing out loud.
I'm so glad I found this one through Book of the Month Club. It was fantastic.