Sorry for all the posts this morning, but I had to. The illustrations in this one are STUNNING. ✨ #ilanaandmarko #sagaseries #sagavol3
Sorry for all the posts this morning, but I had to. The illustrations in this one are STUNNING. ✨ #ilanaandmarko #sagaseries #sagavol3
Here's the book cover for reference 😊#proudcatmom #catsandtheirpoets
Our newest family member, Ziggy. Lover of human food, Game of Thrones, wrestling, her favorite mouse, and scratching her whiskers on any book. 😼#ziggycochran #catsoflitsy
I've recently decided I pretty much love anything Brian K Vaughan touches. If you like Stranger Things, this graphic novel series is for you! Discussing this with @FelizaCasano at #AmalgamBookClub in Sept- can't wait to get my hands on the next one! 😈 #papergirlsvol1
That moment when you have to remove your picture frames to make more space for books on the desk. And our other 3 bookshelves are full. 🙈#whenbibliophilesaremarried #ohdear #weneedtomove #pleasedontjudgethemess #typeb
I think it's safe to say I am obsessed with this series.😍👏 #sagaseries #graphicnovelconvert #cantputitdown #sorryforthemissingapostrophe
Finally starting this today! I'm in the usual bookworm's quandary: starting a new book from my TBR, despite the fact that I'm in the middle of about ten other books. 😂 I did finish Hillbilly Elegy though and it was excellent! #tbr #summerreading #readingforfun
Hi guys! Sorry it's been about half a century since I've posted! Just started this this week, and am reading Kindred by Octavia Butler on my iPad at the same time. Felt it might be nice to have one foot in reality and one in fantasy! This is pretty interesting so far- the racial politics of particularizing white poverty still bothers me a bit, but I'm trying to approach this with an open mind. Plus the writing is good. 👍
As I get through this soul-crushing pile of grading, I'm trying to channel Minerva circa book 5, when she's thwarting Umbridge, and book 7 when she duels Snape. All while presumably slaying her pile of grading. ✨⚡️🐱👩🏫💃 #witcheswhoslay #harrypotterforever #funkopopvinyl
Hanging out with this one today 🐱👩🏻❤ At some point I need to post all of the cat-related books I have accrued, haha. #clementinecochran #kittylove #catsoflitsy
This book was phenomenal and a must-read for anyone interested in gender/sexuality/queer studies. Nelson draws from prominent gender theorists like Beauvoir, Sontag, Irigaray, and Butler, weaving them into her own story and experiences. It's a challenging read, and definitely was a hard one for my college freshmen, but overall they seemed to enjoy it! #genderstudies #queerstudies #feministbookclub #LGBTQIA
Everywhere I turn, someone is talking about this book! So I went out and got it, and am really looking forward to read it. This one might need to wait til after the semester though... TBR < grading I have to get through in two weeks 😬😬😬 #tbrpilegrowing #beautyandthebeastlibrary #butineedtoreadthem #goals
Reading this for @FelizaCasano 's book club this Saturday! Not a big fan of the cover but the book so far is pretty enthralling 👍#girlpower #amreading #bookclub
Furthering my graphic novel education! #sandman #graphicnovel #geekingout
My husband and I are watching all three extended versions this weekend while we get work done. I keep saying this, but I really, really need to read the books!!! #hearmeroar #iamnoman #LOTR #thefutureisfemale
Super excited to start reading/teaching this one! 👍📚🏳️🌈❤
Had a very interesting discussion with my students in Gender and Genre about what positions/traits are often perceived as "good" or "bad" feminists. Then we discussed which ones we believed to be true or fair (or not.) Some of them were jokey and others were serious. The photo didn't get it all by hopefully you get the gist! #feministbookclub
There are so many perfect quotes in this book. So timeless and a vital work for all feminists.
And this quote, in remembrance of all the quiet, dutiful work, done by generations of generous women, often entirely unnoticed. I'm reading this, nearly a century later, privileged and thankful.❤ #virginiawoolf #aroomofonesown #feministbookclub
"Literature is open to everybody... Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind." ✊️?? #virginiawoolf #feministbadass #feministbookclub
One of my sacred texts. Sharp, searing, compassionate, and crystal clear. I return to it on good days and bad. "Be brave enough to break your own heart." ? #cherylstrayed #braveenough #thefuckisyourlife
"Words are, in my most humble opinion, our most inexhaustible form of magic." ✨⚡️#myhappyplace
The further I get into this book, the more I appreciate the world-building. I love the storyline of Arthur and his multinational, urban coming-of-age story, the intricacies of The Traveling Symphony, and the reverence for art, "because survival is insufficient." ? #stationeleven #worldbuilding #divein
Really enjoyed meeting with @beaniebankbeth @FelizaCasano @SentientCanvas and Roman Columbo at the Amalgam Book Club w/ Girls in Capes! We appreciated how March handles explaining nonviolent resistance and its applicability to the current conversation about activism and the political climate. Would absolutely recommend this- I look forward to reading Book 2 & 3! 👍💯#marchgraphicnovel