I would recommend Love‘s Not Colorblind to those who are looking for reasons why there are so few people of color at their events and in their community networks... and seeking to remedy that issue.
I would recommend Love‘s Not Colorblind to those who are looking for reasons why there are so few people of color at their events and in their community networks... and seeking to remedy that issue.
“The thing that makes systemic oppression so difficult to discuss is that when you do, you have to acknowledge your role in it. Often this means having to admit that you‘re part of the problem. It‘s not a comfortable experience when you learn that you further or benefit from the oppression of others.” - Kevin A. Patterson
Thorough and yet brief, this is a practical guide to coming out as polamorous. I especially enjoyed the section on ettique within the community. I really appreciate when a book about polyamory defaults to the voice of the individual and avoids the assumption that the reader is in a couple or hierarchical relationship.