This was a nice step into Faulkner's best stuff. I loved the book, and was enraptured by the Benjy section.
He's mute and mentally compromised and can only moan. But he observes everything. He watches and feels, but can't interact or express his feelings. He's like a reader. And he floats through time, weaving the present and past in meaningful ways. He catches everything essential, and much that is beautiful and he senses all this.
1. Pay attention to Benjy's caretaker. When Versh is taking care of Benjy, he is around 3 to 5 years old. When it's T.P., Benjy is a teenager. When it's Luster, Benjy is 33
2. There are two Quentins - Benjy's suicidal brother and his promiscuous niece.
3. Bengy is named Maury at birth, after his uncle, but his mother insists that they change it after discovering his mental disability. 9mo