Sick day vibes 😷 honestly could I just catch a goddamn break pls world 🙃
Sick day vibes 😷 honestly could I just catch a goddamn break pls world 🙃
Finished Assassin's Quest last week and tbh I'm still not okay about it 😓 what a ride. I ugly cried through the whole ending and haven't been able to commit to another fiction novel since 🙃 Womankinds magazines current edition is themed wolves, which is not only convenient for Hobb aesthetic purposes, but also wolves are super cool 😂
""I meant", said Ipsore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" Death thought about it.
CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE."" - #goodguypratchett
This has gotta be one of the weirdest looking books I have 😅 haven't read it yet but lord I hope hotdogs are some how related to the story or I'll have some serious questions for Penguin 🤔🤔
Such a weird reading mood. It's taken me a week to read 200p~ 😐 not to the fault of Hobb, I'm really enjoying it! My brain just seems to be moving super slowly ?! Or something?? I think a Pratchett is in order after this to kickstart me out of this slump.
I'm currently obsessed with Nighteyes, Hobbs so far flippant approach to killing off animals has me freaking out though I'm not stable enough to cope with that 😭
Another non-fic for the tbr ? the worst habit ive developed this year is buying non-fics "oooo it sounds SOOO interesting" and then it sits on my shelf for months ???
CURRENTLY READING: Royal Assassin 🗡🔮 The brief time I've had with Robin Hobbs work has been bloody brilliant. So comforting there's so much of this series to go and Hobb seems to be releasing books pretty steadily 😎 sick of waiting for authors to fluff around and release their next book.. I have no patience 👀
Half way through this one 🤷 so bloody stressful on a hangover, but really great. Maybe more violence than I was anticipating but SO many different angles to look at this I'm still getting my head around what I've read so far.. I can foresee this being really popular with english teachers in the near future 😂
One of the best books + one of the best quotes of all time 👌 I only read Good Omens for the first time this year but I'd happily call it one of my all time faves 📚❤ it also introduced me to Pratchett and now I'm obsessed 😄 both such fabulous writers, you couldn't ask for a more impressive pair.
Currently doing a reread of The Hobbit. Unfortunately I can only get through a dozen pages before I get too excited about our trip and have to spend the following 2 hours googling New Zealand and looking at lotr merch 🙄 so needless to say it's pretty slow going 😅
Julys lookbook lit box, colour me gold 💛
Included A Forger's Tale, a story of a man who eventually spent time at Her Majestys Time Share Arrangement (prison lol) for artistic forgery.. and it sounds bloody fascinating. full details on my instagram 😊
Ash by Malinda Lo. Cute retelling of Cinderella for all the queer babes 🖤
You gUYsSSS its finally happening... I'm starting Mort!!!! 9/10 times people name Mort/Death books as their fave discworlds and I'm SO EXCITED 😲😲😲
Ended up abandoning The Rise and Fall of the D.O.D.O... second DNF of the year 😧 I feel no guilt over this one though, it really just wasn't my thing and it's pointless pushing through something I'm not enjoying.. or atleast that's what I'm trying to teach myself 🤧
Some TBR non-fic I'm looking forward to. My other DNF was also a non-fic so I think I'm still a little scarred from that but hopefully I have more luck with these...
Is anyone else just living for the new doctor who casting being a lady🙆The media we leave behind is the best indicator of what kind of society we are and how we viewed other people,it's SO important to think beyond the white man hero and the blushing saveme bait to make something legitimately memorable.
Lord help me what have I gotten myself in to! what LOOKED LIKE a fun read has turned into me feeling like a total fool because you apparently need a working knowledge of theoretical physics to understand what the flip flop is happening... or atleast more knowledge than what I have. 😇 this is why I tend to avoid scifi dagnabbit !
Christmas holiday planning 😻 as you can see, getting a travel guide definitely helped me narrow down what I want to see 😒
Let's talk about the "other" rowling books in the room. The Casual Vacancy is more affectionately referred to as the depression brick between @library_of_the_greenwood and myself so I feel like that says everything ? finished the cuckoo's calling last night. To me, it was 500p of ??? then 60p of ??? mystery books aren't my favorite in any capacity so I don't really know what I'm talking about but I'll probably get the next 2 ?
What's the smallest book you own? I'd only read this on my kobo so when I ordered a real copy it was a shock seeing how tiny and cute it was but so often referenced in pop culture still 😊
What's your LEAST fave harry potter book? It isn't an easy question to answer but... Mine would probably have to be HBP. Maybe it's because everything feels so hopeless by the end of it, the only good thing to happen is harry gets better at potions but does that even count 😂 plus SO much teen angst 🤔 I still love it though let's be real. Every other book is a 10 and HBP is a 9.99999~
These are what I *thought* were my final 3 adult fics left of gaimans, then i discovered interworld which is a whole other trilogy i didnt even know about 😲 has anyone read it? Thoughts?!
a few weeks back I decided to buy the rest of sandersons work I didn't have and make my way through the whole thing. SO THEN everything blows up on twitter about his weirdo views on marriage and now I'm cranky at him and his books 😣 they've been demoted to a bottom shelf where I can't see them until I figure out if I can stand him anymore but the MOST frustrating part is I was so keyed up to start them this week and now I have no idea what to do
"Anyone who believes what a cat tells him deserves all he gets"
I went to a friends birthday today and she gave me this brilliant print as a gift ???
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." - Terry Pratchett
Well... yeah duh. ?
Cutie pin from @litemporium ❤🐱🐥 after it arrived it occured to me I've yet to actually READ to kill a mockingbird, so I think that makes me a fake biblophile 🤔 so of course I went out and bought the book to add to my tbr aswell because we can't have that 😅
Find a man who, when tasked with picking up one book, comes home with three. Cos that is what we in the married biz like to call a k e e p e r 🙄💚
I'm rubbish at sticking to these, I don't actually know why I even bother, this is really more a stack of books I feel like reading right now but will probably change my mind when the time comes.. 🙄
You know those unsettled days where nothing fits right? You want to go out but also don't want to speak to another living thing. That's me today 🙄 I've elected to stay-in with vegan chicken wings and binge watch all of American Gods 💀
Read for this weekend 📚 I know this is a popular one on bookstagram.... I've come to learn that isn't necessarily a good thing though so, we shall see 😂
So. Fricking. GOOD. gothy historical murder mystery. Not usually my thing. At all. But I couldn't get enough of it. More please!
Neverwhere was the first Gaiman I'd ever read as of last year, and Im already ready for a reread 😉 it really bugs me these 2 are physically smaller than the rest of the collection.. WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT.
Happy birthday to all potterheads ☇💚 #harrypotter
Any woman setting out to make a living by the sword isn't about to go around looking like something off the cover of the more advanced kind of lingerie catalogue for the specialized buyer.
Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb. WHY did it take me so long to read this. A book focused on world building and character development. A hero who isn't vastly unqualified yet still manages to save the day. I'll take 1 of everything else please and thankyou.
Really hope the rest of the movies means more of the screenplays being published 😍 so lovely. I really want to get one of the chapter illustrations as a tattoo one day.
I'm so intimidated by the Tolkien EU. Everyone just says how dry and difficult it is so I just keep buying it and telling myself "one day" ?
#fantasy #adult #tolkien #jrrtolkien
The anniversary editions of Philosophers Stone has gotta be the most aesthetically pleasing book 😅 anyone heard any word on the rest of them being released the same way? I'm torn between buying 4 copies of these or waiting out the rest of them 🤔
#harrypotter #jkrowling #fantasy #magic
Finished Wayfarer - it was alright. I'm starting to seriously wonder about bookstagrams taste 😂 anywho this is my new read, which I've been gunning to get to for months but never actually picked up?!
How many editions of the hobbit is too many? 🤔 seriously though i think i have a problem 😂 decided to spend christmas this year in new zealand and im SO freaking excited to visit hobbiton. 🤗 suggestions welcome, our itinerary so far is: hobbiton. Pat sheep. 🐑
"Oh. Sarcasm. That's a most unattractive trait in a young lady, you know."
"Yes, sarcasm; one of the many services I have to offer,"
excellent fluff read to finish up my time off work 😄