I think it's only fair that a book about hearts made mine all painful and joyously squishy. Some books you just want to fold up and crush inside your chest so it will live there forever and this is one of them for me.
I think it's only fair that a book about hearts made mine all painful and joyously squishy. Some books you just want to fold up and crush inside your chest so it will live there forever and this is one of them for me.
Look at who's treating themselves to a reread 😌
Can't wait to fall in love with Dimitri all over again and to finally read the extras
Marissa Meyer has given us some pretty neat super heroes to fawn over. The story was a tad slow and predictable, but I don't really mind because I think it is setting us up for a pretty badass sequel 😬
I decided to reread this series as I loved the first 4 books when I first read them. Couldn't remember a thing about them, just knew I loved them.
Coming back to them has been a bit of a disappointment. The universe itself is pretty cool, but there is a blandness to the characters and repetitiveness in the storytelling.
If you love magic, violence and brooding men that love saving damsels then this is for you
This was weird af! You really have to go into her books with an open mind. She tackles rough topics in a magical realism genre, so it's just a lot happening all at once.
For the most part I loved the short stories. Their evoke really strong visual images and they were really intense. There were a couple that were misses for me, mostly because I think they went straight over my head 😂
If you haven't heard of this book, what are you doing with your life?
It's taken me so long to get to this book because I'm like over a year behind in my reading 😂
It is freaking brilliant though and I couldn't believe this was her debut book. A powerful, emotional and hilarious story with an incredible message
1. The Martian | Andy Weir
2. Reindeer Boy | Cassandra Jean
3. Red Rising | Pierce Brown
4. A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius | Dave Eggers
5. Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë
6. Daughter of Smoke and Bone | Laini Taylor
#playingfavorites | #playingfavourites
A terrible, yet powerful, story about emotionally, psychologically abusive relationships. Although there were some small issues I had with the book, overall I thought it was a strong message against these types of familial and romantic relationships and I think it treated the victims of these relationships with respect.
This is a pretty decent Halloween read if you want something historical, mysterious, creepy and a little bit supernaturally...
Vicious females in books always get me pumped and Lada is about as vicious as it gets. Powerful storytelling and damaged characters. Everything about this was wonderful
Get excited for this one everybody! Dark, mysterious, fun and sassy. A little predictable but highly enjoyable.
I reread this as it had been two years and I wanted to finally continue the series. I think my lack of enjoyment mostly stems from the fact that I knew the plot already so I was sitting there knowing more than the characters and I fricken hate that!
It was still entertaining and quippy, but mostly a chore to read 😔
See any faves??
I am obsessed with the These Broken Stars trilogy by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner 😍
This was such a weird book to read. It just made me so angry, but I feel like that was the author's intention.
I found the first half to be the biggest let down because it was rather slow and repetitive (but knowing how it ends made me realise how important a lot of that slow build-up was).
I would say read this if you like intense feelings of frustration and betrayal 🤔
What was your favourite and least favourite read of the month?
June Reads:
1. Everybody Sees the Ants by AS King - 4.5☆
2. The Princess Saves Herself in this One by Amanda Lovelace - 4☆
3. Reindeer Boy by Cassandra Jean - 5☆
4. Lumberjanes #1 - 5☆
5. Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde - 5☆
6. The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli - 2.5☆
7. The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater - 3.5☆
8. Harry Potter atPS by JK Rowling - 5☆
“Remember, the center of a woman is her uterus. Her crazy, crazy uterus.”
This is my current audiobook (that I am guilty of not touching for months) and the sass and sarcasm are so strong in it 😂
So I have a million photos to choose from, but he is relatively clean in this one 😂
Say hello to Neko, a recent member of #catsoflitsy
Also, this book is pretty boss🤙
If you love historical fiction AND supernatural romance books then read the things ^^
I haven't read too many #classics but this is one of my faves!
Feel free to drop some of your faves down below 😙
2017 READS | 10 | the cruelty by scott bergstrom | #bookdivinerreads
This was one of my least favourite reads of the year. The characters were not well-written, the plot was boring and I just couldn't really find anything to enjoy about it 😯
How old are all my @litsy friends?
I turned 27 earlier this month 😆 mah bones can feel it...
Anyone else a fan of Kate Morton? She is one of my favourite authors AND she is Australian 🇦🇺🤘
Doing the #welcomelitten tag by @saguarosally
1. What is my current location: Sydney, Australia
2. What brought me to Litsy: I started using this app ages ago but I didn't really know anyone but now a bunch of people are here to have fun with
3. What's a good movie based off of a book: I kind of really adored Jasper Jones! OOH OOH also, the Swedish movies of The Girl With Dragon Tattoo trilogy are 👌
4. Have I ever had a pet turtle: Nooo 🙁🐢
2017 READS | 8 | the summer palace by c s pacat | #bookdivinerreads
Art by THACMIS on tumblr: https://goo.gl/xk4JsH
“Now mine eyes see the heart that once we did search for, and I fear this heart shall be mended, nevermore.”
Going to start this bad boi today 😆
"With the infinite patience of one who has learned to live broken, he awaited her return."
2017 READS | 3 | feverborn by karen marie moning | #bookdivinerreads
2017 READS | 1 | iced by karen marie moning | #bookdivinerreads
In no way a perfect book, but an entertaining read nonetheless.
My main issue with the book is that there is too much drama for the size of the book so nothing feels properly resolved because it felt so rushed.
I did love the characters though. Del is just so agro and sarcastic and all the good things! I felt like if there was a little less drama these characters could have had the time to be fleshed out a little more.
Violent, sexual, heartwarming, heartbreaking
A little wordy
But otherwise perfect
Kaz Brekker and his crew have just pulled off a heist so daring even they didn't think they'd survive. But instead of divvying up a fat reward, they're right back to fighting for their lives. The crew is low on resources, allies, and hope. As powerful forces from around the world descend on Ketterdam to root out the secrets of the dangerous drug known as jurda parem, old rivals and new enemies emerge
Kate Battista feels stuck. How did she end up running house and home for her eccentric scientist father and uppity, pretty younger sister Bunny? Plus, she‘s always in trouble at work.
Dr. Battista has other problems. After years out in the academic wilderness, he is on the verge of a breakthrough. There‘s only one problem: his brilliant young lab assistant, Pyotr, is about to be deported. And without Pyotr, all would be lost.
"When Mallory was a kid, she was bounced from one horrible foster home to another. At thirteen, a terrible accident got her removed from the group home where she was living to a hospital where she met the parents who would adopt her. But when she starts a new school and encounters an old friend from the foster system sparks start to fly."
1. Don't read the blurb - it spoils too much of the story & really affected my enjoyment
2. I liked that I was reading about a character that wasn't very likeable - she's so angry & she reminded me of me at her age
3. All my feminist hackles are raised by the quite disgusting sexism & victim blaming in the book, but it felt more historically accurate by not shying away from it
4. The romance is a bit insta-lovey but it wasn't the focus of the book
Yes! Yes yes yes yes!
This is what I've been needing in my life.
If this is what it's really like in the head of a sociopath then consider me terrified.
I love that this book boils down to a kid on the road to self-discovery but he is trying to figure out if he is or is not a killer. Not something the average joe needs to worry about!
I thought the crime was interesting and well-plotted. Just an all-around pretty great book. About killers...
💬 It was a beautiful day. It was a beautiful field.
Except for the body 🗨
"Well, I've often seen a cat without a grin, but a grin without a cat! It's the most curious thing I ever saw in all my life!"
'Chaotic' is how I would describe this book.
It's like we are seeing events unfold through Evie's eyes but she doesn't feel like the protagonist, just narrator. The stronger chapters were those with Mack and Davo or Judy and Mrs Bart because I could feel the emotional trauma caused by the missing people.
It flips between characters and between tenses but there were no strong individual voices between the characters.
Ummm this was kinda okay. The characters weren't developed very well but it was pretty creepy.
First reason for not liking it: I did not care two shrimps about the character David - both the historical figure and how he is portrayed as a character in the book.
Second reason for not liking it: the premise of the story is not met (to what I was expecting). The story starts by David ordering his prophet Natan to write down stories about himself, both good and bad.