I feel like this could destroy me emotionally and I‘m HERE for it 💪🏽
Blog Post for my readathon TBR and Top 5 Readathon Tips post is now live: bit.ly/2Jyghav
Who else has posted their blog TBR posts? I would love to check them out
#teamanz2018 #readathon #notlongtogonow
I think it's only fair that a book about hearts made mine all painful and joyously squishy. Some books you just want to fold up and crush inside your chest so it will live there forever and this is one of them for me.
Ok, so I “bought” this with my rewards club points... and it was at a launch 😅😂 (basically my book ban is going super well)
#currentlyreading #preview #rso #loveozya #marchrelease I am supervising a Year 8 business studies class and it's nearly the end of year, and they are coming up with quotes to put up around the classroom, and this one matched my #bookcover #convenient #quotes #reliefteaching