Despite the fact that I find her style of writing very difficult to follow, I am enjoying this series. I definitely wish for more descriptive writing... But these little gems make it worth it. 😂
Despite the fact that I find her style of writing very difficult to follow, I am enjoying this series. I definitely wish for more descriptive writing... But these little gems make it worth it. 😂
Isn't this the truth... 😂
Starting this today, I feel like I haven't been reading as much as normal lately. Rainy days are made for books 🧡
I'm only a few chapters in but already the writing style irritates me. I will definitely finish it, but I now understand why some of the reviews complained about "simplistic writing".
I also wish he took more time to describe his characters. The main antagonist (maybe? still early) is given half a sentence of description, and the protagonist barely more. I know more about her father's mill and the process of milling flour than I do about her ?
"Soon is such a long word". Such a phenomenal quote... Soon is perhaps the one word used to define time that has no concrete meaning. It's all relative. Is it weeks? Months? Years? It's soon ? and yes, it can feel like forever.
I've been gone for quite a while, drawn into trouble with work and my other passions. Designing new adventures for my D&D campaign, remembering what my PS4 looks like, finishing that 900+ page book, etc...
So. Here I begin another book on my TBR list. I honestly don't know if I'm going to fall in love with this one or regret the purchase. Only one way to find out!
Happy Friday! 🍻
This book really struck a chord with me. I'm not even halfway through and several harsh truths have already been discussed. Despite being a work of fantasy, very real issues are mentioned in very real ways. Domestic abuse, racism and hatred, the disadvantages facing the disfigured... Yet through it all a message of perseverance and hope. 🧡
Starting chapter 11 today. I'm getting through this a little slower than I normally would, and for that I blame my second job.
I am absolutely hooked. It started a bit slow but before I could even blink I was holding on with intense anticipation. The main character feels like he belongs in an Orson Scott Card novel, and the depth of emotion the author is able to portray is staggering. 🧡
On to the next one from my Kindle.... Don't tell my boss! There are some days when my work is so monotonous I have thousands of pages running through a scanner and I can read while half of my mind is making sure nothing gets stuck.
Today is one of those days 👸
Brilliant concept, but the dull writing and the cliches almost killed it for me. I did enjoy the book, and some of the actions scenes felt nicely intense, but I feel like it needed MORE (and less damsel in distress gets betrayed, woe is me). I will definitely check out the sequel and hope that this can turn this into something amazing.
In conclusion: the story is good, but it feels like it is missing depth and ingenuity.
Starting chapter 14 this morning. I'm honestly not very happy with the beginning of this book. It's a peeve of mine when an author uses an invented term to define an invented term when you are hardly far enough in the book to know the speaker's name. It left me feeling lost and I knew I had to plow forward and risk missing stuff in order to hopefully clarify the points later.
I'm not sure about the execution, but the concept is still promising 🤷
Despite the fact that I'm on book 4 of a rather long series I'm rereading... I decided to start one of the books on my Kindle. Looks like something I will enjoy, so here goes nothing! 🤷
My favorite redhead was long overdue for her OWN comic. Snatched this one up when it hit the shelves and I'm so glad that I did. A little bit of light reading for today 🧡
A stunning copy of the Grimm fairy tales that I found in BJ's wholesale of all places!
What is your favorite fairy tale?
I think I will always be partial to Rumpelstiltskin 👸
Speaking of the Art & Arcana, this was my favorite Christmas gift to myself this year! I absolutely adore this edition ❤️
Blast from the past! These date back to 1977-1980. My father played D&D while he was in the Army and thankfully he saved his books.
It's really interesting to see how far D&D has come. These issues are even referenced in the Art & Arcana visual history! Feels like I'm holding the past.
My work day escape, reading on my lunch break.
I seem to be on a Salvatore kick these passed few days. The Hunters Blade trilogy (part of The Legend of Drizzt) is not my favorite part of the series. It does continue the story, if not much else. I've been struggling to finish this book for about a month now... Time to get it done!
I have this terrible habit of buying new books on Kindle or Google play, usually when I see $1-$3 price tags, yet instead of starting them I will choose to set them aside and read another series. I did this to Salvatore's Timeless. I was anxious for it to be released and then I cast it aside without even opening it.
Does anyone else suffer from this?
My resolution this year is to clear my TBR on my accounts and stop impulse buying as much!
I'm desperately waiting for the third book in the series! The Name of The Wind is a story that sweeps you away in a cloud of excellently descriptive writing and well placed sarcasm. The start of this chapter made me laugh out loud!
I couldn't have said it better. Erin Morgenstern knows what it takes to captivate a reader, and she delivers. The Night Circus is one of my all time favorite reads, it's a shame that it got stolen (but I am infinitely grateful I happened to have this photo on hand). Will be buying another copy soon!
To mentally prepare for Salvatore's newest addition Timeless, I'm returning to the beginning. The Legend of Drizzt series is one that I have always loved. The journey through betrayal, heartbreak, and racism speaks to all. Can one overcome the circumstances of their birth to rise above? Absolutely.
For my first post, I would like to mention a trilogy that has quickly become an addiction of mine. The humor, the depth of the characters, the intricate plot, and the overall insanity that Scott Lynch has created keeps me returning again and again.