And since I do a lot of audio booking and kindle reading these are some of my favorites from my digital library! Good mix of covers this time! #fridayfunwith451 #smokeandsummons #mistborn #thelightofallthatfalls #favoritebookcovers @451Degrees
And since I do a lot of audio booking and kindle reading these are some of my favorites from my digital library! Good mix of covers this time! #fridayfunwith451 #smokeandsummons #mistborn #thelightofallthatfalls #favoritebookcovers @451Degrees
I love Holmberg‘s books; especially the Magician series. I enjoyed Smoke and Summons and will read the next book in the series. Though it did not grab me as quickly as her other books, I will give the series one more chance.
4.5 stars - I‘m not exactly sure how I feel about this series so far but it wasn‘t not enjoyable. I always feel slightly confused at the beginning of her books, trying to get a grasp on what the story is about and where it‘s headed. Of course this book ended a on giant cliffhanger so I e got to see what happens!
Got this one for free through some Kindle offering. Picked it out of the list thinking it was a different mystery story. Liking it more than expected.
A captivating world of demons and dark magic from the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Paper Magician novels.
Love where this story of grafters....vessels and numina...and skeets is going....
Throw in a mysterious spinning artifact...an amarinth.....already got the second book on my shelf!!
Great story so far
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The title of every book on my TBR right now! How am I going to keep my series straight?!
Brilliant concept, but the dull writing and the cliches almost killed it for me. I did enjoy the book, and some of the actions scenes felt nicely intense, but I feel like it needed MORE (and less damsel in distress gets betrayed, woe is me). I will definitely check out the sequel and hope that this can turn this into something amazing.
In conclusion: the story is good, but it feels like it is missing depth and ingenuity.
Starting chapter 14 this morning. I'm honestly not very happy with the beginning of this book. It's a peeve of mine when an author uses an invented term to define an invented term when you are hardly far enough in the book to know the speaker's name. It left me feeling lost and I knew I had to plow forward and risk missing stuff in order to hopefully clarify the points later.
I'm not sure about the execution, but the concept is still promising 🤷
Despite the fact that I'm on book 4 of a rather long series I'm rereading... I decided to start one of the books on my Kindle. Looks like something I will enjoy, so here goes nothing! 🤷
My #amazonfirstreads picks for Jan! Loved that we were able to pick 2 this month!! What were your picks?
January Amazon First Read picks are up!! This month all Prime members get to pick two free kindle books. These are my picks 👍🏻. If you‘re a Prime member let me know what your picks are!