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Joined May 2016

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I'd never even heard of this book before it showed up as an Audible Daily Deal but OH MY GOD I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Seriously my new favourite book; it's absolutely beautiful 😍

Booklinette Hi there I am booklinette 7y
Booklinette Would you like to become my friend on list? 7y
Booklinette On litsy? 7y
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Anansi Boys: A Novel | Neil Gaiman
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This is an absolutely brilliant audiobook (read by the fantastic Lenny Henry) and it's only $3.95 on Audible today!!!

Sue Thanks for the heads up! 7y
callunakeep @DiruVamp Ha! I took advantage of this at 5:30am this morning! 😝🤓 7y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Just stumbled across the Season of Stories channel on the 60dB app - how cool is this? Stone Mattress read by the author! Plus there's Homegoing & a whole lot of other stuff, all for FREE 😍

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"... to everyone else he just looks like a fanny who won't play the game." ?
Christopher Brookmyre has such a delightfully Scottish way with words...

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That feeling when you get approved for an ARC of your FAVOURITE AUTHOR'S NEW BOOK 😍👍🍾🎉❤️

Reviewsbylola Best thing ever!! 7y
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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This book is just spectacular. Everyone should read this book and everyone should know about it - embarrassed to say that I'd never even heard of it until very recently ☺️ It's moving & powerful & important, but it's also a very readable, character-driven story. Honestly, just so very good ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Cinfhen Maybe I'll finally get to it this month🙄 7y
MamaGina I read it this month too & loved it!!!🤓 7y
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The Day of the Jackal | Frederick Forsyth
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Finally got around to reading this book after many, many years and it was absolutely worth the wait! Genuinely compelling reading and it translates really well to audio format. If nothing else, the audiobook is worth the money purely for the bit where the mature, upper-class English narrator sounds incredibly awkward while reading a sex scene from the woman's perspective. Comedy gold.

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The Hike | Drew Magary
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Quite possibly the weirdest book I've ever read. Loved it 😍

Abailliekaras Great cover! 7y
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Fellside | M. R. Carey
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It looks like reviews are a little mixed on this one, but I LOVED it. Part ghost story, part prison drama, part whodunnit - what's not to love? It was always going to be difficult to follow up the absolutely brilliant Girl with All the Gifts & this one is not quite as good but it was really, really enjoyable nonetheless :)

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"It was like someone dipped me in hot wax and stamped me with him and I dried and that was it"

SO MUCH beautiful writing in this book ?

Small Great Things | Jodi Picoult
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I'm so torn on this one. On the one hand, it feels wrong for a white author to be a voice for POC when there are already so many fabulous voices from within that community who are more than capable of telling their own stories. On the other hand, this is a very approachable way for a white middle-class audience to see things from a different perspective & maybe better recognise their own privilege? I honestly don't know how I feel about it!

Notafraidofwords I have felt this way which is why I have partly stayed Away. But also because I don't always love her books 7y
RinaBrahmbhattBarot I read this book, not so long ago. I think you've raised a really good point about 'how one take things for granted' but as you said it's from a Rose's perspective but if we were to change things around --- it will be different set of people. 7y
ReadingEnvy I haven't read it, despite the publisher sending it to me, at least not yet because I have so many actual PoC on my list. I still feel like it's good she wanted to try, I think? 7y
lynneamch I understand she spent a great deal of time on intetviews and research and gives credit to the many who contributed to her awakening to white privilege. I was sceptical, but believe it was well worth reading. There are many valuable stories by people of color which should be read. But, this is valuable, too, especially for those who haven't yet studied Peggy McIntosh's Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack. Fiction can open the door to serious work. 7y
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Ragdoll | Daniel Cole
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A solidly-plotted crime novel with a cast of unique characters and some great twists & turns. Took me a little while to get into due to some clunky writing in the initial chapters but it all came together pretty quickly into what's really a surprisingly good debut novel. Well worth a read 😊

The Girl Before | J.P. Delaney
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Some parts of this were great and it's an undeniably compelling read, but it also annoyed the bejeezus out of me. There are two different narrators who alternate between chapters, which is great except that they sound EXACTLY THE SAME. This is kind of a pet peeve of mine, so I'm sure that normal people would find this book very enjoyable :)

The Unseen World | Liz Moore
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A beautifully-written, fascinating story full of life, history and wonderful characters. I have a feeling that this one will stay with me for a looooooong time ❤

Penny_LiteraryHoarders I loved this one! I loved that very clever final chapter! 7y
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Oh my god, you guys! It was SO GOOD 😍

Alytrue I can't wait!!!! 7y
LauraJ Bahhhhh! I'm waiting with the rest of the peasants. 7y
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Just got approved for this on Netgalley. SO EXCITED! 😀

LisaJo JELLY! JELLY! Oh, so JELLY. 7y
Cinfhen Noooo way!!!! Lucky 🍀 7y
TheLondonBookworm 💚💚💚💚💚💚 7y
Ian Hope you like it as much as I did!!! 7y
The_Literary_Jedi So jealous! 💚 7y
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Good as Gone | Amy Gentry
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Another fantastic audiobook experience (thank you Audible Daily Deals!) 😀
Fast-paced, mysterious and just confusing enough to keep things really, really interesting. Blasted through the whole thing in one day because I NEEDED to find out what happened next!

MyNamesParadise Try Only Daughter by Anna Snoekstra. Similar plot but found Only Daughter to be a lot better! 7y
NikkiA @MyNamesParadise Thanks for the recommendation, I will absolutely look that one up 🙂 7y
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Hot Milk | Deborah Levy
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Honestly, I'm so torn on this one - some of the writing is just beautiful and the sense of place is quite stunning. On the other hand, all of the characters left me cold & there's really not a lot of plot to be found. Ultimately I have to go with "pick" rather than "so-so", but it's a close call & I really didn't enjoy this half as much as I'd expected to ?

Hold Back the Stars | Katie Khan
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As a sci fi/romance novel, this is nowhere near the genres I'd normally go for, but it had a cover recommendation from the wonderful Matt Haig, so I thought I'd give it a go. So, so glad that I did - this is a sweet, inventive & truly unique novel so captivating that I read it all in one sitting. Just spectacular 😍

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The Sleeper | Emily Barr
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A fast-paced, compelling & interesting thriller - just a really enjoyable audiobook :) With the exception of a truly atrocious (but mercifully brief) New Zealand accent, the narration was spot-on. Also, now I REALLY want to go on the sleeper train to London 🚂

Alfoster Ooohh, sounds so good! 7y
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Where Roses Never Die | Gunnar Staalesen
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I've discovered SO MANY fantastic new authors through Audible's Deal of the Day emails. This one was a great read (everything you expect from good Scandinavian crime writing, plus some great characters, an unusual setting and generally fabulous writing) & I am going out immediately to find more Gunnar Staalesen novels to read :)

Ms.Story Sounds amazing! 7y
Laura317 I didn't know they had Daily Deals. I just signed up for the emails. Thanks! 7y
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This is the cheesiest book I've come across in a really long time. It includes every single Christmas cliche you could possibly think of (grinchy cop with a heart of gold, sick kids' hospital, cheerful elf with a mysterious past, underprivileged children writing heartfelt letters to Santa, redemptive love story, underdog sports team hoping for a Xmas miracle...) and yet somehow, I must admit that I enjoyed every ridiculous page. 🎅

Coleen I'm digging the cover. 7y
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Exit West: A Novel | Mohsin Hamid
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This book! Just so very good 😍

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A Monster Calls | Patrick Ness, Siobhan Dowd
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This was not at all what I was expecting. Absolutely beautiful, compelling & heartbreaking ❤️

LauraJ I saw the movie the other day and it made me want to read this even more. 7y
Joanne1 I've put this book into every willing hand I can find. So beautiful and, yes, sad. 7y
TheLondonBookworm ❤❤❤❤ so much love for this book- I've bought it for at least 3 different people for Christmas ☺😁 7y
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Neverwhere | Neil Gaiman
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Absolutely brilliant adaptation of a fantastic book. Spent hours on completely unnecessary cleaning this week just so that I'd have an excuse to listen for a bit longer...😍

Ms.Story I'm about half way through this one and enjoying it immensely!! 7y
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Swimming Lessons | Claire Fuller
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An unflinchingly honest story of a far-from-perfect marriage, set in and around a Dorset seaside home so richly imagined & perfectly described it almost feels like the setting is the main character. There's a compelling mystery at the heart of the book, but it's not really about that so much as it's about people & relationships & language & love & communication... Really, really good 😊

anwade88 Ooh I love it when a setting is so rich and well defined! ❤️ 7y
Reviewsbylola I love a good story about troubled marriages. Looking forward to this one! 7y
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The Muse: A Novel | Jessie Burton
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This may just be my favourite book of 2016 (and that's really saying something; it's been SUCH a good year for books!). So beautifully written, set in two fascinating historical periods (1960s London & 1930s Spain) and packed full of fantastic, unique characters. Captivating, suspenseful and full of passages so wonderfully written you just have to stop and savour the words. Jessie Burton is an absolute star & I can't wait for her next one 😍

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Swimming Lessons | Claire Fuller
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If first sentences are anything to go by, I'm going to enjoy this a whole lot 😀

MyNamesParadise Omg when I read it the first time I thought he meant he saw his wife's dead body but standing up. Dang I'm tired. 7y
Donna_sBookMinute Hmmm. Am I reading the sentence correctly if I, mentally, insert the word "now" before "dead"? 7y
NikkiA @Donna_sBookMinute It's more like the believed-to-have-died-ten-years-ago wife. But is she really dead? And how did she die? And what really happened..? Although that makes it sound like a crime novel when it's not at all - more like a beautifully-written family drama with lots of mystery at its core :) 7y
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The Muse: A Novel | Jessie Burton
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That feeling when you love a book SO MUCH that you start getting panicky that it's going to end soon... 😍

Abailliekaras It's so good and that cover! 😍 7y
Nebklvr I felt this way about a Gentleman in Moscow 7y
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I'm a big fan of Diane Guerrero so was expecting to enjoy this audiobook, but it was SO MUCH more than I expected. It's an incredibly moving true story of a family torn apart and a sobering reminder of the consequences of immigration laws. As the book says, behind every headline are real people, real families and real lives. Highly recommended 💛

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Scrappy Little Nobody | Anna Kendrick
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Anna Kendrick is relatable and hilarious and a genuinely talented writer. A fabulously enjoyable audiobook experience 👍

The Mothers: A Novel | Brit Bennett
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Just brilliant - as beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside ❤️💛💜

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Just an absolutely glorious celebration of 80s high school comedy/horror/drama fabulousness. LOVED IT💋

JanuarieTimewalker13 @NikkiA Me too!!! I loved it so much!!! So different and entertaining!! 8y
Cinfhen I LOVED how the inside looked like an actual yearbook...hilarious😂😍😀 8y
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All That Man Is | David Szalay
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I feel like this quote sums up my feelings about the book pretty well. It is fantastically well-written by an undeniably talented author, but it's left me feeling kind of sad and hopeless about life in general 😳
Time to move on to something a little more lightweight and life-affirming...

BookishMarginalia I'm skipping this one, at least for now. 8y
charl08 Oh, shame. I liked it! 8y
NikkiA @charl08 I actually kind of liked it as well, or at least I thought it was very well done - I just didn't really enjoy reading it, if that makes sense? 8y
JenzyRichards I concur! 7y
BB1958 I agree with this review and would add this comment. I read the reviews and comments on this wonderful sure before starting the book. So I "bailed" after reading the first two stories. Both very well-written with subtly expressed observations about men and life. But too dark for me to keep reading. So I give it a thumbs up with warning 7y
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Ordered this from Amazon for my brother's Xmas present; it just arrived and OH MY GOD IT'S SO PRETTY 😍

Refugees | Viet Thanh Nguyen
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I have to admit that I wasn't a huge fan of The Sympathizer (fantastic writing but the main character just didn't do it for me...), but this one I LOVED. A great collection of short stories on a common theme, with a cast of diverse & fantastic characters. Really, really good 😍

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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Dark, moody and intense - not exactly an uplifting story, but so very good. Bonus points for the audiobook, read by the absolutely perfect Tom Stechschultz 🔫💰

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The Mothers: A Novel | Brit Bennett
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Somehow I've managed to colour-coordinate my book, my table & my coffee cup. Winning at life!

britt_brooke Lovely photo! 📷💕 8y
Cinfhen The turquoise really photographs well💜gorgeous photo 🙌🏻 8y
Reviewsbylola I love everything about this pic. 8y
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StefStef Love those colors! 8y
DebinHawaii Great pic! ❤️ 8y
rachellayown Nice photo! 8y
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The Mothers: A Novel | Brit Bennett
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"...Mrs Sheppard, brusque and businesslike, was the type of person who'd rather do something herself than show you how (The type who would prefer to give a man a fish not only because she could catch a better one herself, but because she felt important being the only thing standing between that man and starvation)."

So far, this book is every bit as good as I'd hoped ?

Gleefulreader I started this one yesterday and I'm really enjoying it so far. 8y
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The Murder Game | Julie Apple
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It's a wee bit of a gimmick (a crime novel "written by" a character from another novel) so I really wasn't expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised. This is a capably-written, solidly constructed & very readable suspense novel, if a little lightweight. Now I really need to read "Fractured" to figure out how it all fits together :)

melbeautyandbooks Would you recommend reading Fractured first? 8y
NikkiA @melbeautyandbooks I think that would be a smarter way to do it; I haven't read Fractured yet but I feel like it might've added something to this one if I had :) 8y
melbeautyandbooks @NikkiA- Thank you! 8y
tnorris I really liked Fractured so I was kind of excited to hear about this one!! 8y
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This was every bit as good as Litsy led me to believe it would be. Upsetting, confronting, heart-breaking but also sweet & hopeful and just so very well-written. Without a doubt, one of the best books I've read this year ❤️

RinaBrahmbhattBarot It's on my to read list, looking for a #BookSwap or #Librarylending :-) 8y
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Neverwhere | Neil Gaiman
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This is exactly what I love about London ❤️🇬🇧😍

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We Should All Be Feminists | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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Just brilliant ❤️

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The Mothers: A Novel | Brit Bennett
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My #quarterly box finally arrived in New Zealand! SO EXCITED 😍

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Really, really enjoyed this one. Funny, sad, moving, relatable - the Wangs are without a doubt one of the coolest families I've come across in fiction. Loved them all ❤️

JacqMac Oh good. I just bought it. 😂 8y
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Such fantastic writing and just LOOK at that cover 😍

charl08 A great read. Apparently she has a blog where some of the characters' stories started out. I haven't got there yet! 8y
Reviewsbylola That cover is amazing. 8y
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Good Omens | Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett
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Quite honestly, I just don't have words to explain how much I loved this book. Can't believe I hadn't read it earlier; this is now officially one of my favourite books of all time. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

lisakoby This is one of my all time favourites! Great pick. 8y
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Not a bad spot for a bit of reading...

stargazerblue49 Jealousss! I could use a read by the pool! ☀️☀️☀️ 8y
Onioons And not a bad book either 😊 8y
MyNamesParadise Whoa where is that?!? Awesome!!! 8y
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NikkiA @MyNamesParadise It's in the Hunter Valley in Australia :) We come over here for conference every year but this is the first year we've ever had free time to actually enjoy the area. It's been amazing ☀️🍸🕶 8y
MyNamesParadise @NikkiA I'm in the US but I've always wanted to come to Australia!! I just want to dump everything and be there! It seems so amazing 😍😍 8y
NikkiA @MyNamesParadise It is really lovely & the weather's amazing but I'm constantly worried that some deadly animal is going to murder me. New Zealand's much safer 😊 8y
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Out of town for important work conference. So obviously I'm taking this opportunity to catch up on a spot of light reading...

The Gunslinger | Stephen King
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Litsy has led me to believe that I really should get around to reading the Dark Tower series asap. One down, seven (?) more to go! TBH, I didn't love this one but it was really good in parts & I hear that it gets better from here...

TrishB It definitely does! 8y
Zelma Books 2 and 3 are great! I fizzled out on Book 4. I keep meaning to go back and read the series, but I did find out the ending already. 8y
Zelma And fizzling out was totally on me. I was starting to get into classics around that time and moved away from King. 8y
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DGRachel @Zelma - I did the same thing. By the time I was ready to come back to the series I realized I should just start over because I don't remember much. 😳 8y
Heideschrampf I couldn't get myself to continue with the next one... 8y
Ashley_Nicoletto It does get better! I'm part way through the series and it just keeps getting better. 8y
TheNextBook I am so ready to reread this series. I'm glad #litsymadeyoudoit. This series is incredible. 8y
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