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No Country for Old Men
No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
In his blistering new novel, Cormac McCarthy returns to the Texas-Mexico border, setting of his famed Border Trilogy. The time is our own, when rustlers have given way to drug-runners and small towns have become free-fire zones. One day, a good old boy named Llewellyn Moss finds a pickup truck surrounded by a bodyguard of dead men. A load of heroin and two million dollars in cash are still in the back. When Moss takes the money, he sets off a chain reaction of catastrophic violence that not even the lawin the person of aging, disillusioned Sheriff Bellcan contain.As Moss tries to evade his pursuersin particular a mysterious mastermind who flips coins for human livesMcCarthy simultaneously strips down the American crime novel and broadens its concerns to encompass themes as ancient as the Bible and as bloodily contemporary as this mornings headlines. No Country for Old Men is a triumph.From the Trade Paperback edition.
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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“You live to be a hundred… and there wont be another day like this one. As soon as he said it he was sorry.”

A book by McCarthy is destined to end bleak. This one is no different. But I do find some hope in this violent, dreary novel: Positive change in society can happen if the youth step up and make it so. (Although they probably won‘t.)

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Might be my favorite story McCarthy wrote. The perfect combination of the brutal violence he was known for combined with compelling characters and distinct musings about America and our place in it. The final couple of pages hit me harder as I get older.

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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy

Fantastic, might be better than the film

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Finished this audiobook several hours ago and still thinking about the plot and the characters—dark 1980 Texas-Mexico border western. I want to watch the film

“All the time you spend tryin to get back what's been took from you there's more goin out the door. After a while you just try and get a tourniquet on it.”

#RushAThon Day 22 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
#NovelNovember Readathon Day 5


DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 6mo
KathyWheeler The movie is also really good. Javier Bardem is amazing as Anton Chigurh. (edited) 6mo
Eggs @DieAReader ☺️🥰😀 6mo
Eggs @KathyWheeler Thanks 🙏🏻 🥰 6mo
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy

It took me a moment to warm up to the writing style, but once I had, I really enjoyed the flow of the story. It's brutal and blunt at the same time, cutting all the fat and gristle from the story to deliver you the delightful and somehow graceful bones. For a story that pitches itself as an almost cat and mouse novel I like how unconventional the ending is for that kind of story, and Chigurh is the kind of villain that should inspire others

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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After reading this I realised just how good McCarthy is compared to the last few authors I‘ve read. His characters don‘t all have the same voice. The dialogue is realistic & the story of a psychotic hitman‘s pursuit of a man with stolen drug money, powers along. The action is exciting, the violence powerful and it‘s all juxtaposed with the story of a retiring sheriff who doesn‘t feel he can protect his citizens and himself anymore. Fantastic book.

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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This is definitely a “once you pick it up there‘s little chance you‘ll be able to put it down sort of book.” Dark, violent, & compelling the story starts fast & never lets up. Llewellyn Moss stumbles upon the aftermath of a violent crime & makes a decision that unleashes forces he didn‘t anticipate with dire consequences. Well-written, filled with tension, even though you already know from p.1 that bad things are coming, & memorable. Excellent.

DGRachel I love Cormac McCarthy and this book. 2y
TracyReadsBooks @DGRachel This was actually the first book by him that I‘ve ever read—really not sure how that‘s possible. Clearly an oversight on my part. It definitely won‘t be the last. I want to read everything of his now. Do you have any suggestions on what I should read next? 2y
DGRachel That was my first as well. Then I read The Road, which was incredible. No one does bleak and sparse prose like McCarthy. I feel like Child of God is not as well known, but it was really good. 2y
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tpixie I haven‘t read the book 📕 , but the movie 🎥 was good! 2y
TracyReadsBooks @DGRachel I look those up next. Thank you! 2y
TracyReadsBooks @tpixie I saw the movie ages ago and really liked it. The book might be even better—although like you I thought the movie was good. 2y
tpixie @TracyReadsBooks the book is almost always better! Except for the movie Homeward Bound. The book had too much narration and too many run- on sentences. 2y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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A friend recommended the tagged book so of course I bought it and then put in on the shelf where it languished for…well…more than a few months. 😬 Today is the day it gets read! Or, at least, I start reading it.

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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The only thing that didn‘t make this book a bail for me was the authors writing is very good and it was for my book club. It took so much effort to get through the story and I cannot begin to tell you how much the structure of this book bothered me. That‘s all I have to say😒

IamIamIam McCarthy is tough for me. I totally understand. 2y
451Degrees @IamIamIam I‘m glad someone understands😫 the rest of the book club has been in love with it and it‘s just been a slog for me😆 2y
IamIamIam @451Degrees I read Outer Dark and was so confused by the flow of the story and ambiguous characters that I never understood how it was even horror!!! Lol 2y
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DGRachel I love McCarthy‘s style, but I can see how it wouldn‘t be everyone‘s cup of tea. Hopefully you‘ll enjoy your next book club selection more. 2y
451Degrees @IamIamIam yeah I was really confused who was talking and what perspective we were in for most of the book🤦🏻‍♀️ 2y
451Degrees @DGRachel yeah I liked his writing but I couldn‘t stand the format or the story🤷🏻‍♀️ not for everyone! 2y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Day 7. #21DaysofHorror I know, I know. McCarthy horror you think of The Road but lately I‘ve been thinking about the sheriff in here who is the conscience of this book. Who makes these observations that tell us maybe the world is headed in the wrong direction. Let‘s be honest, who hasn‘t felt that way lately? So much unease. There is a bargain made in here that leads to a wife‘s moment of horror that has always stuck with me. He‘s good stuff.

LeahBergen Yes! This one certainly had some “😬” parts. 3y
Reggie @LeahBergen and Anton Chigur. 😱Hello Friendo. 3y
sisilia I couldn‘t sleep after I watched the movie (edited) 3y
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vivastory I haven't read the book, but the movie is just absolutely incredible. Speaking of McCarthy I've heard that Child of God is pretty disturbing as well... 3y
Reggie @sisilia @vivastory I‘m glad I watched the movie because it had answers to questions about the book and the book had answers to questions I had about the movie. 3y
Bookzombie This and The Road are both so good. My husband also really likes The Border Trilogy. He is currently rereading The Crossing. He frequently mentions I should read them. 3y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy

Has an interesting premise but ultimately is a lot of dialogue and not a lot of interesting characters.

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Man, I am just a solid McCarthy fan. This book is atmospheric, bonkers, and has one of the best villains I‘ve read in a long time. The sheriff was my favorite. I haven‘t been so into a book that I stayed up all night to finish it in a while!

vivastory I need to read this. The movie is fantastic 3y
AshleyHoss820 @vivastory I saw the movie and I did not know it was a novel, much less a McCarthy novel. It is honestly, in my ever-so-humble opinion, one of those rare occasions when a movie is just as amazing as the book. Fantastic adaptation! 😊 3y
Readergrrl Cormac McCarthy is one of my favorite authors!! All the Pretty Horses, The Road, Blood Meridian, No Country.... all just breathtaking!! (edited) 3y
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AshleyHoss820 @Readergrrl He‘s one of mine too! The Road just devastated me! All the Pretty Horses too! And now this! I can‘t WAIT to read Blood Meridian! 😁 3y
Readergrrl @AshleyHoss820 Blood Meridian was really intense! Tell me what you thought when you finish! I found some parts to be difficult, but one doesn‘t read McCarthy expecting him to be a gentle read. 3y
AshleyHoss820 @Readergrrl Truer words were never spoken! I‘m hoping to read it this summer! I‘ll let you know how it went! 😄📖 3y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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I enjoyed this book and the story but also feel like I could read it again and it would be different. This is my second McCarthy book and I enjoyed them both. They were similar to each other in some ways and much different in others. Not sure if I will watch the movie or not.

Catherine_Willoughby I remember the movie being good . Might be worth a look. Daniel day lewis is excellent 3y
paulfrankspencer @Catherine_Willoughby You're confusing this with There Will Be Blood. That said, Javier Bardem and Tommy Lee Jones are excellent. The movie is, I believe, the best book-to-movie adaptation ever. Coen Brothers kill it. 3y
paulfrankspencer The sheriff's monologues are my favorite part of the book, by far. 3y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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10/10 just read it lol

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Another masterpiece by Cormac McCarthy.

DGRachel I love this book. It was the first Cormac McCarthy novel I read. I absolutely love his prose/style. 4y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Got my #doublespin finished and it‘s only September 3!! I liked this one, but not as much as Blood Meridian. I feel like I need to read it again to really GET it, maybe with some critical essays too. I love McCarthy but some of his books require a real deep dive to really appreciate them. In the meantime, I think the movie adaptation is in order this weekend. 😊

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 4y
paulfrankspencer Dude, I thought this was wayyyy better than blood meridian, which I didn't care for all that much. The sheriffs asides are everything I want to read. 4y
Hestapleton @paulfrankspencer I read BM in grad school and my copy is COVERED in post it‘s and marginalia! I think I could do it with this one too. I can tell there is stuff under the surface that I want to dig into. Definitely looking for some essays on this one. And yes, the sheriff‘s asides were my favorite part too!! 4y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ McCarthy originally wrote this as a screen play which makes sense as it lacks some of the intense detail of his other books. But it‘s still a solid read. I saw the film several years ago and Javier Bardem is off his ass creepy and amazing. That air gun thingy is the stuff of nightmares.

Reggie I was glad I saw the movie because it answered some questions I had from the book. Like how he was killing people. Also, yes to Bardem and that bowl cut. Hello Friendo..... 4y
britt_brooke @Reggie Yes! I‘d have been confused had I not seen the movie. Bardem was so creepy. 4y
Jinjer I think this is the movie my Mom and I watched a good 10 years ago and we're both like “What the heck was that?????“ I need to read the book. 4y
britt_brooke @Jinjer Yes, probably! I had the same reaction when we watched it. 4y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy

I think if you were Satan and you were settin around tryin to think up somethin that would just bring the human race to its knees what you would probably come up with is narcotics.

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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“And I think a man would have to put his soul at hazard. And I wont do that. I think now that maybe I never would.”

So much here to digest. Texas culture, border politics, crime, humanity, fate, politics... The book feels like a biography of west Texas, but at the same time a biography of a generation coming of age, building a darker world. Seems to all tie back to greed, chance, inevitability. Will be thinking about this one for a while.

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Begins with one of the most horrific murder scenes I've ever read and never lets up. The story itself is powerful and gripping and McCarthy's prose is laconic yet oddly poetic. He wastes no words on physical descriptions yet his characters I suspect will prove unforgettable, in particular Sheriff Bell who is wrestling with his own demons and is the main conduit for the novel's existential questions about good and evil. Simply superb.

paulfrankspencer One of the best. Movie is a top 5 for me. Book is better. 5y
Reggie It‘s so funny because I thought the movie answered questions I had about the book and the book helped me answer friends‘ questions about the movie. Lol I didn‘t know how he was killing them in the book. 5y
Minervasbutler @Reggie yeah that airpump stun gun thing had me confused too lol 5y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Loving the dialogue in this one

paulfrankspencer Best part of the book and movie. So good. Monologues are much better in the book, though. 5y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Everyone has heard of this novel, or at least the movie. It‘s a western noir type story. The audio version has a great narrator, performing each character differently, which is important here because the dialogue is where the books shines most. Overall rating: 4.29 stars.

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Had to take a detour mid-book to re-establish my reading habit by picking one up that I knew I'd speed through... Thus Cormac McCarthy.

Taylor Have you read this before, or your first time? 5y
DannyOlda First time, @Taylor . I've been meaning to for a while now. 5y
Taylor Yeah, I haven‘t read this one, I realized. I was thinking this was a post about “Blood Meridian” for some reason. Have you read this author before though? 5y
DannyOlda Ah, I haven't read Blood Meridian yet, @Taylor. I read The Road and enjoyed it. I think I liked his writing style more than the actual narrative there. This book, despite McCarthy's pared down style, leaves a lot to be parsed in a good way. I bet it's a good pick for a violent little book club. 5y
Taylor Yeah I haven‘t read “The Road” either. “Blood Meridian” is a masterpiece though. His writing is great no matter what, it seems. 5y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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#QuotsyMar19 Day 17: This is an ingenious way of reframing bad #luck. I have been reading mixed reviews about this novel, but it seems like a must-read?

Nute I like this quote for trying to be positive in today‘s world. 5y
Crazeedi I love this picture 5y
DivineDiana Agree with both @Nute and @Crazeedi ! 5y
DGRachel I love Cormac McCarthy and this book. It‘s very violent, but well written. 5y
gradcat So true, and such a lovely post...I love this one! 5y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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I enjoyed this book but I much preferred the road. first book of 2019 and not a bad start!!!

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Wow, this one was super intense

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Rereading some late Cormac McCarthy for the first time in a few years. Last time reading this was immediately preceding the movie's release 11 years ago. A lot has changed since then--for me, not for the havoc this wild beast of a tale wreaks on all who appear in it...and all who read it.

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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I thought I was not going to like this book before opening it. I surprised myself by enjoying it actually. I didn‘t like the ending but I loved Sheriff Bell. He really made this book.

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Everyday this month I am posting new book quotes over on Instagram. ❤️ I thought I‘d continue the tradition here. If you want to follow me on Insta, it‘s the same handle as my Litsy.

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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“I believe in periods, in capitals, in the occasional comma, and that‘s it.” “I mean, if you write properly you shouldn‘t have to punctuate.”

#quotsysept18 #punctuation

Cathythoughts Nice one ! It‘s on my TBR 👍🏻❤️ 6y
Leniverse I am fond of frequent commas, including the Oxford one, and of question marks, and correctly used semi colons, but I like some restraint shown in the use of exclamation marks. 6y
Abailliekaras Hmm.,., 6y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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I once took a creative writing class where the instructor asked us how much work should a reader put in? We said 50% cause we were young and dumb. But then you read Cormac and you feel like maybe that was the right answer. Lol This book and movie go #goodtogether because whatever questions you have about one the other will answer. I swear I had no idea how he was killing them until the movie came out. #SeptemberDanes

Kalalalatja I remember when this movie came out, and I was like “Nope, not going to watch it”, but I‘m beginning to think maybe I should! 6y
Reggie @Kalalalatja Have you read the book? I liked the movie and also it stars my celebrity husband, Javier Bardem who I love, crazy killer bowl cut and all.😍 Give it a shot. 6y
Kalalalatja No I haven‘t, but I think I‘ll have to try both! And Bardem‘s bowl cut might have been the thing that freaked me out the most when watching the trailer 😂😂 6y
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Cinfhen This movie was sooooo disturbing, I quit midway through 😝 6y
Reggie @Cinfhen what?!! Lol 6y
sisilia I watched the movie and I had nightmares after that 😅 Bardem‘s good, though! 6y
Reggie @sisilia Yikes, the one I had nightmares about was Cormac‘s other book, The Road. The sun doesn‘t shine while reading that one. The sun at least shined/shone for me while reading this one. 6y
DivineDiana @Kalalalatja I felt the same. But now thinking, I could probably read the book as I am curious. 🤔@Reggie I think he‘s very sexy and obviously Penelope Cruz must too! 😉 6y
Reagan @Reggie I had nightmares when I was reading The Road too. The movie was okay, they did a great job on those nightmare inducing parts 😫 6y
DGRachel I love Cormac McCarthy. This was the first book of his that I read. I think I “watched” half of this film, though, from behind my fingers (I read the book first). 6y
Reggie @DivineDiana lol, she‘s actually in 2 of my favorite films ever made. All About My Mother and Volver. Just a warning about the book. He uses no quotations and that‘s what was tough. It dawns on you, ‘Oh, they‘re talking.‘ 6y
DivineDiana Thanks for the heads up! I saw Volver so long ago that I really need a rewatch! 6y
Reggie @Reagan-reads For me, The Road fits into that category of apocalyptic future of why bother even trying to live? At the end, I kinda thought. Should I be happy that family found him? AND that they probably ate the boy the next day but the editor said,”Cormac, that‘s too far.” Lol I never watched the movie. 6y
Reggie @DGRachel I must be desensitized from reading all the horror. I didn‘t think this movie was that scary. The part that bothered me in both is what happens to the wife. 6y
Reagan @Reggie haha yes! I hear you. I really sympathized with the wife, who could blame her for bailing? It definitely caused some inner turmoil! 6y
Bookzombie Oh, @Reggie I love your thoughts on The Road and had to share them with my husband. The movie is adapted well, but yes, there is no sunshine. I love both books and movies. 6y
Reggie @Bookzombie 😊I haven‘t watched The Road the movie. It‘s weird but lately, if the book is good, I don‘t want to watch the movie. Which is a total lie because if they made a movie of My Best Friend‘s Exorcism I would watch it. Lol idk. I just didn‘t want to go through the darkness of The Road twice. 6y
Suet624 Bardem. 💕💕💕 6y
Reggie @Daniel_S this is another post I did for Cormac McCarthy. Yeah, in No Country For Old Men the moment that really affected me was the poor wife.....”You don‘t have to Mister.” And then Chigurh tells her he does because of what the husband did. And then he shoots her. It was horrible. The one I want to read by him is Blood Meridian. (edited) 5y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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This will be my next McCarthy book...

He's a brilliant author!

The Road is one of my favourite books of all time.

Blood Meridian, absolute classic!

It's a pity I watched this movie years ago, I like to read the book first! 😏

I'm sure it'll be great though! 😌

#cormacmccarthy #book #nocountryforoldmen #bookworm #booklover #litsy #bookdiscussion #booknerd #booknerdigans #bibliophile #fiction

Geeklet I need to read more of his books. The Road is my favorite book. It‘s so hauntingly beautiful. 6y
DGRachel I loved this book. I think it was the first of his that I read. I love the way he writes. 6y
literarywisdom I quite like the simplicity of this cover. 6y
Joy0201 Chigurh scared me so bad in this I had a nightmare about him. Excellent book 6y
TheWordJar I definitely have to put this on my TBR. The Road was just brilliant. 6y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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This was between a pick and a so-so. It was written without quotation marks and in phonetic dialect (used to could, bettern). It took some getting used to on my part. I feel it was a story about honor and maybe a little justice. #LitsyClassics #N #2018christyread

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Day 16 of the RiotGrams Challenge:
Spell June in Book Titles

All found on my bookshelves

@bookriot #riotgrams #spelljuneinbooktitles #day16

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Finally getting back into the swing of proper reading (more coming up on that!) and this book is MENTAL I‘ve read All The Pretty Horses but this is a whole different level! Anyone else read this or have thoughts on McCarthy?

Pogue I read one of his books and it was not the easiest thing for me to get through. It was his writing style, I just can‘t. (edited) 6y
youneverarrived I‘ve only read The Road but I didn‘t love it. I do want to try another of his books though. 6y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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I can appreciate it even though I didn‘t like how oppressively tragic it was.

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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PictureandBook Man! Some great ones in there. 6y
Kalalalatja Great pic! 👌❤️ 6y
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Decalino Love this! 6y
kspenmoll Nice snd red!! 6y
britt_brooke @kspenmoll ☺️💚 6y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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2.5🌟 Thank heavens for the SCRIBD app for pulling me through on this bookclub Read I have been putting off all month for AUDIO 🎧🎧For me it‘s a “ meh” story- ok and lots of action and details on killing, but not for me. Respect for McCarthy went out the window when I saw he doesn‘t use quotation marks in his books.🚫

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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4 hours in, 3 hours left. It‘s a blustery Presidents Day and don‘t feel like going out until I have to this evening. Thank goodness for Presidents who thought it best to give us a day off to celebrate them 😂🎉💙 Not feeling this book- it‘s OK but not my favorite. Just thankful I can listen to it as background noise as I organize and clean up around the house. I just want to finish it once and for all... Aiming to finish it by 3:30! 😂🤞🏻

No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Well, it‘s done!! I got it! Thanks everyone for your opinions!- I ended up deciding I will use SCRIBD for audiobooks,(because my local library lacks in that area) and use my library for checking out physical books. Happy reading all! I‘ll be spending the next couple hours listening on this School Holiday for Presidents Day.

Lola Great timing as Scribd just went back to its unlimited model for audiobooks earlier this month (they had gone to a limit of three per month for awhile). Happy listening! And reading!! 6y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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Last post Cont. SCRIBD Users Qs 💙Ok so I‘m interested in the Scribd app- especially that they have the Silmarillion audio on it!! OK back to my questions: 1️⃣what do the 3 monthly credits mean if you have access to all the books in the system? I saw it‘s 2 book credits,& 1 Audio,& they roll over to the next month if not used. 2️⃣ Bc I don‘t have much of a commute, I finish audios maybe every two months- would this still be worth it? @Chelleo

Emily92Bibliophile ALSO I did my free trial back in 2015 when I was in college- what I do remember I liked, but I didn‘t use it a lot bc I couldn‘t read much else other than for my literary classes ( English/ Ed Interdisciplinary) and my workload. (edited) 6y
CathyJ I just joined scribd and it's all unlimited now. You have access to everything! 6y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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SOS Need some opinions. This one is a Bookclub read from one of the menfolk in the group. Barely two chapters in and I can‘t stand the writing. I‘m already struggling to get actual reading done but I don‘t want to waste time on this one. However I aim to try new reads/ styles- but MAN I can‘t stand it. I‘m honestly grammatically correcting the parts that should have quotations because I am so bored& conflicted. What do y‘all think?

JoeStalksBeck Watch the movie and be done 😂 6y
Rachel.Rencher Ooh no! I loved the movie, and I have the book but haven't attempted it, yet... this might be a case where the movie is better? 6y
Emily92Bibliophile ☝🏻I like that @JoeStalksBeck 😂 6y
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cathysaid Skim it so you can discuss but also watch the movie. 6y
GypsyKat I agree with @JoeStalksBeck 😂 6y
Gezemice I read the Road. He just does not use quotation marks. It did not bother me. Other things did though... 6y
JoeStalksBeck Lol 👍🏻 6y
Chelleo Or maybe the audiobook? 6y
Emily92Bibliophile @Chelleo I have thought about that - I would just need to finish by March 3( our meeting date). Maybe this is a sign that I should sign up for Scribd? 6y
tpixie Do you do audio & ebooks from your library? There may be a free audio. 6y
Emily92Bibliophile @tpixie I do but sadly they don‘t have this one in Audio 😭I have already requested the limit amount so I can‘t request an audio for this one. Sadly they take a little long to fill in requests- that‘s why I miss being a librarian there because if i Recommended it, they got it pretty quick. 6y
Texreader That is his writing style. I was ok with it once I got used to it but having struggled with author styles before, I completely understand your issues. Good luck! 6y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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I am very grateful this one is done. I was probably biased because I didn't like the movie and had to read it for book club. It just wasn't for me.

tournevis He's a stylistic genius and can plot like there's no tomorrow, but it does not make his books good for all. I hated The Road. With a passion. 6y
DGRachel He is definitely not for everyone. I love everything of his I‘ve read so far, but I can totally see how/why others don‘t enjoy his work. 6y
Jinjer My mom and I watched the movie several years ago and we were both like WTF??? 6y
Reggie @Jinjer I had never encountered this until Cormac but NCFOM is a case where what questions you have about the movie are answered in the movie, and the questions I had about the book are answered in the movie. Lol 6y
Jinjer @Reggie 😂 6y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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I don't think I would have gotten through this one by reading it. Spending the day off with the audiobook. The narrator is great, still undecided about the story itself. Not my regular cup of tea.

Jenna2 I just don‘t get what the fuss is about. Definitely wouldn‘t have gotten through it if I couldn‘t half heartedly listen to it. @CathyJ 6y
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No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy
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I'll admit I'm struggling a bit with this one, but it's a book club read so I won't bail. I'm not very far in so I'm hoping it picks up.

Tadams4 Best of luck! 6y
Cinfhen Hate when a bookclub pick becomes a chore...hope it gets better (edited) 6y
CathyJ @Cinfhen I know, but I also love to get exposed to books I wouldn't normally read (and discover be authors I love that I would never have tried myself). Positive thinking, positive thinking... 6y
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Cinfhen Yes!!! That's true and I often find even if I'm not feeling a book after bookclub discussion I come to appreciate the book more 6y
CathyJ @Cinfhen Yes that is very true too! 6y
Reggie I think this one gets helped by you seeing the movie. I couldn‘t figure out how he was killing people. I will admit this book is also a challenge because good ol‘Cormac doesn‘t believe in quotations. So I had to keep rereading some passages because I realized oh yeah, they‘re talking. Ultimately, I did enjoy the book and the story of greed and consequences. Also, I love the movie cause my celebrity husband is in there looking his best ugly sexy. 6y
CathyJ @Reggie I think my problem is that I did see the movie years ago and didn't love it. Then, I went into the book expecting not to like it. The lack of quotations doesn't bother me so much (Margaret Atwood does the same), but the missing apostrophes in some words is a little annoying. 6y
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