Day 22 of #riotgrams: Current read. I'm loving this dark romance so much. I'm not even finished with it and I bought the next book today.
Day 22 of #riotgrams: Current read. I'm loving this dark romance so much. I'm not even finished with it and I bought the next book today.
While the artwork is fun and I'll essentially read anything having to do with the zodiac, sooooo many things happened on such a short amount of time. Which is also a common problem I have with single issues. Plus, I desperately wanted more background on the cast and their abilities. Still undecided about continuing once the next volume is out. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3 stars)
Day 18 of #riotgrams: Books That Made You Cry. I discovered this book in the midst of a horrible depression and it helped me get back on the path to mental wellness.
Day 17 of #riotgrams: Get crafty. I have one-third of a Jane Austen quote stitched.
Day 16 of #riotgrams: Set Near Where You Live. This piece of nonfiction is all about the unsolved Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum art theft!
Day 15 of #riotgrams: Favorite twist. A glorious, dark mindfuck of a book and I loved every second!
Day 14 of #riotgrams: Food-themed book. Come on, did you honestly think I would have featured anything else?
Day 13 of #riotgrams: Freebie. Curse my roommate for introducing me to Book Outlet. Here's my first #bookhaul from them!
Day 12 of #riotgrams: "Summer" reads. Summer reads to me are just books I'm reading this summer.
Day 11 of #riotgrams: Little Free Library. This is my very own LFL and a previous birthday gift from my parents. Curating it has been so much fun and a reader who's moving just unloaded a ton of books.
Day 10 of #riotgrams: Books in the wild. As someone who hates going outside, this is about as wild as I get.
Day 9 of #riotgrams: LGBTQ Pride 🏳️🌈. I'd rather be reading this awesome memoir, but I'm stuck playing tennis.
Day 8 of #riotgrams: Books & Ice Cream. Honestly, this was just an excuse to drag my boyfriend out for ice cream.
Day 7 of #riotgrams: Well-loved reads. A lot of my older books are in storage with my parents, so I'm interpreting this as reads that I really love. I own several editions of THE LITTLE PRINCE, including pop-up, Swedish, & Italian versions.
I really loved the first book in the series and I had high hopes for this one. It started out great, but everyone became pretty much insufferable. Oh, and the heroine's brother was going to make his sister adhere to her betrothal to a man who struck her across the face. ⭐️⭐️ (2 stars)
Scene: Soul-stealing heroine just chopped off a werewolf's pinky finger in a bar. 💕
Day 5 of #riotgrams: Something magical. I completely love paranormal romances. With their supernatural characters and fresh takes on an existing world, nothing transports me more.
Day 4 of #riotgrams: Notebooks/Journals. I use a journal to keep track of my reading challenges on Goodreads. Setting them up is always so therapeutic. The last book I've finished was WHITE HOT and now I'm suffering from a major book hangover.
Day 3 of #riotgrams: How I Read. I would say 80% of the time, I read in bed or listen to an audiobook while cross-stitching nestled against my pillows.
Day 2 of #riotgrams: Yellow covers. It's overcast outside, so I'm bringing the sunshine and spring inside.
Day 1 of #riotgrams: Shelfie. I featured the right shelf last time. This time, I'm showing the left shelf! The top three shelves house books for my Little Free Library, while the bottom two are for my YA books.
Oh boy, what a disappointment. A sex-positive heroine quickly goes downhill once she refers to nearly all other women characters as "bitches" and "skanks." ⭐️⭐️ (2 stars)
Why did it take me so long to finally read this?! An awesomely-written magical system, a tough heroine who doesn't know the depths of her own power, and powerful, magic-using hero with a teeny soft side. I think I may like this better than Andrews' KATE DANIELS series. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 (4.5 stars)
After a disastrous book, I need some Alice Clayton in my life.
When the main character isn't the most interesting character, it's hard to keep my interest. The last fifty pages somewhat made up for the slog of the beginning of the book, but there's little to no action until the last possible second. ⭐⭐(2 stars)
A romantic comedy where two Hollywood talent agents have to put aside their budding attraction once they realize their agencies are merging, especially when it's clear that the merge only has enough room to keep one of them. Funny, sweet, and it left a permanent smile on my face. Plus, the commentary on workplace sexism was amazing. It might be my favorite CLo book yet. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5 stars)
SLEEPING GIANTS is the first audiobook I've successfully finished. It felt very much like a radio play with all the narrators, and I loved the unknown interviewer. You can practically hear the knowing smile in his voice. The next book, WAKING GODS, is out in April and there's no way I'm reading it the old-fashioned way. Audio or bust! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5 stars)
Day 28 of #Riotgrams: Bookish Confessions. I'm using my roommate's stack of HP book to reveal I never finished the series. Back home, my bookmark still lurks in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX where I put it down and never picked it back up.
Day 27 of #Riotgrams: Doorstoppers. I don't own many huge books, aside from this nearly 800-page collection.
Day 26 of #Riotgrams: Most Badass Heroine. Cole's entire Immortals After Dark series is filled with badass heroines and man, it's so hard to choose a favorite. Valkyries, sorceresses, and vampires!
While it had a cute and charming feel, I just have too many questions. Does no one in the Song family feel too lazy to cook and just nukes a Hot Pocket instead? Were the letters already labeled with mailing addresses? Gen was such a one-dimensional villain and Josh was a milquetoast. But I can say the writing was so lovely. ⭐⭐⭐ (3 stars)
Day 25 of #Riotgrams: Favorite Quotation. "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
This quote alone is why I own multiple editions of THE LITTLE PRINCE, included a huge, pop-up version.
Day 24 of #Riotgrams: Rainbow Book Stack. I've got representatives from all three of my bookshelves!
Day 22 of #Riotgrams: Make a Bookface. I don't own any books with faces really, so how about a bookhand?
Was anyone else totally addicted to THE YOUNG POPE? I've got 5 reading recs for those wanting more Jude Law-sexiness and Vatican intrigue. http://bookriot.com/2017/02/20/5-books-for-the-young-pope-obssessed/