This was delightful! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was better than the Amazon reviews made it out to be. It was a tad predictable, but overall enjoyable. And the audio narration is fantastic. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Enjoying my rainy Sunday evening with this book. It's off to a great start so far!
Took a break from writing my term paper to relax and finish this one up. I absolutely adored this book. By far, my favorite book by John Green. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I love any good gothic story, but this one takes the cake. I enjoyed this book immensely. It had everything that I look for in a story I wish to immerse myself in. The plot was dark and complex, the characters so real I felt I knew them. The dialogue was so witty it almost hurt, and left me rereading line after line, just to experience it again. CRZ has done it again. I will read anything he writes. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Best #Owlcrate ever!
Let's see, what do you think of the indiscriminate use of adjectives and adverbs? 😂
I loved this book- loved it despite having read the rest of the series several years ago (and not having time to go back and reread). There is something to be said for that. This story is epic. And heart wrenching. And infuriating. I enjoyed everything about it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I liked it, but I definitely didn't love it. Everything about this book was mediocre. From the exasperating characters, to the hohum plot. I'm not impressed (and rather disappointed in the ending to this series). ⭐️⭐️
It's not fair. But so what? There was a scholar- more of a dramatist, really- who said, 'Hell is other people.' He was right, and he was a fool. Heaven is other people too.
I flew through this one (and enjoyed it much more than the first. No more mean girls- hurrah! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
It took me a while to get into this one, but ultimately I liked it. It's like a cross between Mean Girls (gross) and Harry Potter. I think it was the constant Mean Girls banter that put me off, but I was able to get past it about halfway through the book, and really got into the story after that. I'll definitely continue the series. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Hex Hall audiobook while I clean out my closets and pack for the big move? I think yes!
What a heart wrenching story. This audiobook was fantastic- I'd recommend it to anyone. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
So excited about my latest #bookhaul. It was about time I updated my TBR list! Now I just have to decide what to start first!
Captivating and beautiful. If I can be even half as strong as Anyanwu in the lifetime that I have, I'll be happy. Five well deserved stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #metabookclub @hermyknee @Rayleemcv @floyd_nf
So lucky to have such an amazing book club! Here is our pick this month. #metabookclub FTW! @hermyknee @Rayleemcv @floyd_nf
I got this one from #Owlcrate this month and I have to say, it was pretty good. The sentence structure was very simple, as was the vocabulary- which would make this a perfect read for a struggling reader looking for a Divergent read alike. Over all, I'd give this one ⭐️⭐️⭐️.
"What did you think, that heretics grew horns?"
I had heard words to that effect. Horns, and giant genitals, too. ? #metameta
My greatest wish for humanity is not for peace or comfort or joy. It is that we all still die a little inside every time we witness the death of another. For only the pain of empathy will keep us human. There‘s no version of God that can help us if we ever lose that.
Woah. This blew me away! I listened to the audiobook, which I think made the message even more powerful. I recommend. To everyone. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️(I'd give it more stars if that were a thing!)
Just the right amount of scary for my 4th grade class. The characters were dynamic and easy to love, plus the chapters were short, and always ended on a cliffhanger- perfect for a read aloud! All in all, I'd give this one ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Bringing in my summer break with this audio book. Hurray for rainy reading days!
My boyfriend's sister just loaned me this one, along with a glowing recommendation. I'm only 20 pages in, and already hooked!
At last something happens! An attempted assassination was just what I needed to keep myself going.
Made it to chapter six. Despite a few intriguing moments, I'm mostly just bored with this one. I hope it picks up soon!
This month's book club book arrived in the mail today- I can't think of any better way to spend my evening than on the couch with this book and some wine. #metabookclub @hermyknee @Rayleemcv @Aim-eeToothpaste
This wasn't as good as I hoped it would be, but it did provide me with just the escape from reality I was needing out of my Easter vacation. For that I am grateful. All in all, this was an interesting start to a series I will probably continue if I can get my hands on a free copy of the books.
So ready to discuss this book with you guys! I'm particularly fond of page 37. #MetaBookClub @hermyknee @Rayleemcv @Aim-eeToothpaste
I'm feeling optimistic about this one! #metabookclub
A Saturday spent reading is the best type of Saturday.
I hate jazz. I think it sounds like people being completely mad. But my dad plays it a lot, and I recall his sage advice: "whenever you need to win a situation- talk about jazz, Johanna. It confuses people." The boy continues to stare. Ali moves slightly away from me. I wait for a minute, but it seems like this conversation is over. "Well," I say. I can't believe jazz has failed me. I wonder what else my dad is wrong about.
All bad news comes in brown envelopes. I know this from experience. #metabookclub @Rayleemcv @hermyknee
I used to pretend to be dead a lot, when I was younger- ten or eleven. I don't do it so much now. This is because (1) I am becoming more mature. And (2), fewer people were believing I was dead anymore. @hermyknee @Rayleemcv #justcheckingthatyoulovedme
My book club books came today! Can't wait to get started on this month's.
I've loved everything I've ever read by Jim Butcher, but I just couldn't get into this one. It was just too mechanical for me. #dnf
He wanted me to play scrabble with him, and kiss him as if I meant it. This is one of the most bizarre things that's happened to me, ever. Context is all.
Not everyone wants the same thing. A just law can be flexible. To be just, a law has to be flexible.