My daughter wants this for Christmas and I just found a coupon for Amazon....
Amazon Coupon Code: HOLIDAYBOOK
Gets you $10 off of a $25 book order!
Ends 11/29
My daughter wants this for Christmas and I just found a coupon for Amazon....
Amazon Coupon Code: HOLIDAYBOOK
Gets you $10 off of a $25 book order!
Ends 11/29
Elizabeth Hoyt's Wicked Intentions (Maiden Lane, 1) is FREE ON KINDLE today!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄
This is one of my very most favorite series. I highly recommend it (especially since it's FREE)!!
OMGGGGG seriously go get one!!! I don't need one, but SOMEONE does. Right?!? It's so cheap!! 😱😱
"I don‘t remember giving birth...I don‘t remember…anything."
A secret baby romance where the mom is clueless?? I was totally ready for a train wreck but IT WAS AMAZING!!!
Sosie Frost seriously knocked it out of the park! I've always been a fan, but this is her BEST yet.
I got it on Kindle Unlimited....But I'd pay full cover price - no lie! ???????
(Not sure what's up w/ the cover bc it doesn't match the story...)
It was ok & following the plot of the Sandra Bullock movie was fun. H/h were good (if not very deep) and I enjoyed the secondary characters. But I did a TON of scanning bc the middle dragged & I even skipped the epilogue. If you love historical romance you'll probably enjoy this. If it is something you only read once in a while I would recommend skipping it.
#GivingThanks #ThanksGiving
I'm not much of a church person, but this book was suggested to me by a friend and it has become a part of my morning coffee. For anyone struggling or anyone sitting quietly and reflecting. ☕️📿
Find me on NaNoWriMo at "gagibsonp" and we can do this together!!
Ok another link to juicy deets because I seriously hit the jackpot with 2 of my favorite authors today and I NEEDED to share with people who care!!!!
Sarah MacLean's next comes out this summer but here's a link to some good things to the story behind this pic!!!
I so 💗 the model on this cover!! Found a great link today to Eloisa James's next book (which I have been drooling waiting for the end of Jan for).
If you're a romance geek like I am this is a squee moment!!!!
My full review of Honor is now up on by blog, www.GeekyGirlBooks.com!
Here's the link:
Happy NaNoWriMo everyone!! 50K words in 30 days! You got this!!!
#octphotochallenge #trickedortreated
Giving it up to Gone Girl! Yes #tricked and Yes #treated! And bonus because total #horrorstory
HAPPY HALLOWEEN my book lovin' tribe!
#booktober #halloweenread
This was my favorite Halloween book as a little girl. I made my mom read it year round. Happy memories!
#booktober #supernaturalbeings
Lucifer & Amenadiel...le sigh...The show is based on the comics (which I've not read) and OMG is it good! Lucy and Amenadiel are brothers trying to navigate humanity & LA.
Probably my favorite thing on the show is hearing Lucifer call Chloe's ex-husband "Detective Douche." Best part of every show ?
#vampireorwerewolf #octphotochallenge
I've read every vamp book she's turned out and they are all great...But reading Lestat come to terms with his nature and the nature of God was a phenomenal way to spend hours (and hours and hours). Every vampire book after pales in comparison.
#octphotochallenge #witchorghost WITCH no contest!
"My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage."
Haven't read the book, but love love LOVE this movie!!
In the 6th grade I dressed as Little Bear to give an oral book report on The Indian In the Cupboard. I still cringe like it was yesterday.....😂
#booktober #characteriddressas
#madscientist #octphotochallenge
Penny Dreadful was an awesome series and I'm sad to see it ended. The actor who played Victor did an amazing job at being a tortured soul!
"There is, uh . . . a line from Shelley that haunts me."
- Victor Frankenstein, Penny Dreadful
#booktober #creepycovers
I've never read (or seen) It because the covers are always so creepy!!! 😱
I love this picture SO HARD!! They are both aging beautifully.
15 years apart:
Pride & Prejudice vs. The King's Speech
My first romance novel and one I've read at least a trillion times! A little dated in terms of what's acceptable in romance H/h behavior today, but it's still my fav Garwood. 💗💗💗💗 I still own the original cover.
#booktober #rereads
Oh I dunno...Just pick one, babe. ?
"Here's the basic difference between Morelli and me. My first thought was always of cake. His first thought was always of sex. Don't get me wrong I like sex . . . a lot. But it's never going to replace sex."
- Eleven On Top
#octphotochallenge #favoritesleuth #sleuth
A haunted little poem that I've always loved!
Hubs, SIL & I took this tome on a trip to Italy when it came out...It was so heavy in hardback we took turns carrying around!
#booktober #ilikebigbooks
"You see, though we travel together, we travel alone."
I fell in love with these books in the 5th grade and have remembered them warmly ever since.
#notofthisworld #octphotochallenge
#octphotochallenge #classicmoviemonster
Sookie and crew added so much fun to the vamp genre. The audiobooks are wonderfully read. IMO this series should have stopped at book 7 and I will forever wish I hadn't watched the series or read the last book. BUT I would still recommend both versions to anyone 💗
#booktober #favegraphicnovel
I don't read graphic novels, but I binge watched me some Preacher on AMC and loved every crazy pants second of it!
I want to be Ruth Negga when I grow up 😍
#octphotochallenge #dumbandbeautiful
Never has my inner Wayne Brady wanted to "choke a bit@h" more than reading about Bella moping in her room for hundreds of pages in New Moon!!
GAH! Get a grip girl!! #TeamJacob #EdwardIsTheControllingJerkMomWarnedYouAbout
I couldn't resist! #octphotochallenge #bestkids are my own 🙊
I'm claiming Pride & Prejudice on this post because my oldest is named for Miss Elizabeth Bennet 💗
#booktober #immigrantstories
This book has stayed with me all these years. A love story and a story of strength. Such an amazing book and one of my favorite covers.
"You know what you look like?" I bellow, anger curling my fist around the steering wheel. "Serial killer candy!" - Misha to his sister when he finds her jogging on a dark road at night.
#OctPhotoChallenge #RealLifePerson
"One of the great lessons I‘ve learned from a life in politics is that no reform is ever truly complete. We must constantly keep moving forward, seeking ways to create that more perfect union."
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟/5 Stars
I finished the whole book in one sitting and loved every word! This is the last book of a 3 part series and it was just perfect!
The characters are fun and fully fleshed out. The plot was good and the pacing was on point! I highly recommend this book (and the 1st two)!
Word of warning - I think these books are tagged YA bc the H/h are in high school, but they are more New Adult with fairly explicit sex.
#octphotochallenge #ruinedbythemovie Just seeing the movie poster makes me a little sick ?
"No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true." - Nathaniel Hawthorn, The Scarlett Letter
#booktober #unforgettablewomen #OSRBC #romantsy @TapperToo
When the bomb dropped at the end of book #3 about Lady Georgiana I'm pretty sure there was a gasp heard around the historical romance world (a large world by the way)!
The ENORMOUS plot twist alone is enough to make Lady Georgiana an unforgettable woman. But her skill, intelligence, capabilities, & vulnerabilities are what stay with you past the last page. 💗
Coffee! STAT! I have an enormous book hangover 😷
🌟🌟🌟🌟/5 Stars
Honor was amazing. Everything I hoped for & much, much more. I've waited for Nassir's HEA since book 1 of the series. He's not a good person and I LOVE him for all of his slick evilness!
BUT...Honor both is & isn't a stand alone. It seems like a middle book, but it isn't.
If you love The Point u'll be sooo happy. If u haven't read books 1-3, start with Better When He's Bad.
"Like all good works of fiction, it lies like the truth."
Decisions, decisions!! Taking a break from reading #OnWriting for craft today and gonna indulge in some #FabFiction. Happy reading!
#booktober #day19 #bestcharactername
Severus Snape takes the #1 spot for me. The way his name rolls when you say it and the imagery it evokes. He's one of the best #antiheroes ever written. 💗
Twisted Palace, book 3 of The Royals series, dropped today! I love this series and I can't wait to get started!
#ILoveNA #myTBRoverfloweth #romantsy
If you'd told me in college this book would forever be on my shelf I would've laauughed!!!...I think I'm on my 3rd copy 🙊
#OnWriting #StephenKingHatesAdverbs
#octphotochallenge #worstparent
Ugh. That's all I got about the mom in this book. I read this almost 20yrs ago (😳) and it has stayed with me as one of my all-time favorite books. So much resonated. If you haven't read it, stack it! You won't be sorry!
The Amazon reviews make it sound romantic and hilarious. I'm just hoping it beats Scrappy-Doo! Let u know....
I think I'm going to cry too. On Writing isn't just about King learning writing, it's sorta a love story too. 💗
#OctPhotoChallenge #90stoys @katedfisher @LibrarianRyan
Was too old for toys in the 90s but I wanted to play today's challenge! I read Bridget Jones when it came out in '99. Totally claiming it as my 90s "toy" ?
So...1/4 in and I'm paying bills instead. What does that tell u?
I tried hard to like it. I really did. But there seems to be a windowless iron door between myself and the characters. Narration is pretty much "Detached Observer" and its painful people!!
Pain. Dead. GAH!
So the glorious full review I'd planned is dead. Beaten with the same heavy cudgel Ben Fountain is using to drive his social commentary home in this book. ?