#favegraphicnovel #FebruaryFeels There‘s a lot of great graphic storytelling out there .Reading this series now , and loving it. But , wow Saga, Fun Home,Maus,.....
#favegraphicnovel #FebruaryFeels There‘s a lot of great graphic storytelling out there .Reading this series now , and loving it. But , wow Saga, Fun Home,Maus,.....
#FebruaryFeels #FaveGraphicNovel
I don‘t read many graphic novels so I don‘t know that I have a favorite, but this melancholy, slightly creepy YA ghostly tale was really good & the illustrations were gorgeous.🖤
I love superhero comics!
Day 25 - #FaveGraphicNovel #FebruaryFeels
#Watchman #AlanMoore #DaveGibbons #1001Books
I own this graphic novel which is on the 1001 Books to Read Before You Die. It is a murder mystery, an alternate world sci-fi epic and a psychological study of power and corruption in the form of a comic. I need to read this soon!
#FebruaryFeels Day 25: This definitely falls into the category of #FaveGraphicNovel. Bagieu‘s voice is facetious and pert but never jarring nor intrusive. It was just plain witty, fun, and oh-so-refreshing. I am sure if the women had their way, they would have said their dialogues the way that Bagieu has given voice to them here: with an insouciant air that is tinged with defiance. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-jHI
#booktober day 23 #favegraphicnovel is easy as I've only read one! I got this for my daughter after the raves on Literary Disco and it's brilliant - I HIGHLY recommend it.
Technically not a #graphicnovel but it is a novel with beautiful graphics. Plus it's the story of a black kitty, my fave! So for tonight it is my #favegraphicnovel
I've read illustrated novels, serial comics, comic strips, but not graphic novels yet! This is on my TBR list (random person at bookstore highly recommended it 😀) ~
Question: I tried starting but became SO overwhelmed with all the data to take in 😣 How do you keep track of the storyline without getting lost in all the non-uniform words and pictures? ~
#Day23 #FaveGraphicNovels #FaveGraphicNovel #booktober #bookphotochallenge ~ @RealLifeReading
The extent of the graphic novels I've read. All were wonderful. Now I'm beginning to feel this a hole in my reading life. With so many interesting graphic novels it there where should I start? #favegraphicnovel #booktober