Not long ago I had a brand new credit card that I used one time online and next thing I knew it was used for for a $ 1000 meal in Belgium!
Not long ago I had a brand new credit card that I used one time online and next thing I knew it was used for for a $ 1000 meal in Belgium!
I read a description of a book recently and I forget where I read it and what book it was. What I remember is the woman had a baby, a girl I think, and when she held the baby she was sure the baby disliked her. Any idea what it is?
Sorry I didn't post earlier. I went to the doctor and was exhausted when I came home. Just woke up. I love my socks etc. tea, chocolate powell's tote, book. Thank you so much. #sockswap @JPeterson @Marmie7
@VanChocStrawberry hello, did you get the #sockswap package?
What the heck is going on in Malaysia? @batsy @Beckykearns #conandoyleswap
@batsy it's getting closer. Just got another update. @Beckykearns #conandoyleswap
Wowee! Love everything. The books are gorgeous and the bookmarks are so cool. I'm really excited. @batsy what a great bunch of gifts. I hope you get yours today. I hope you like it as much as I like mine. I strayed from the theme a little and didn't wrap. @Beckykearns #conandoyleswap
I'm so excited! Love the tote and the metal card. Opening wrapped gifts next. @batsy @Beckykearns #conandoyleswap
@batsy I finally found the tracking. Looks like it was headed to Malaysia on Saturday. Hopefully "Departed, Malaysia" doesn't mean it's leaving Malaysia. @Beckykearns #conandoyleswap
Got my swap package today! #conandoyleswap @batsy @Beckykearns
I got this book in the mail today and didn't know why. This book won the 2018 Pen/Faulkner and NBCC award for 2017. I scoured my ipad to see if I ordered it used (no, plus it looks new) or maybe I won it. Finally went to the Book Riot web page and I did enter to win 1 of 10 free copies given away by the publisher. Don't think they ever notified me that I won and no letter with the book. But I'm happy. Free book!
Today is my birthday. These are gifts from my husband.
I read the kindle sample of this last night and really liked it. Realized the audio is read by the author so going to use my next audible credit to get the audio. Think that credit comes through on 4/10. Saw him on Bill Mahar last night which is what led me to look it up. He is so sincere and sensitive.
1. 788 purchases
2. My cover that looks like an old book.
3. Always prefer kindle. I like being able to change the font. I have a stand to put it on so I don't have to hold it - holding books hurts my hands. I like that it's searchable, I can make notes and I can look up words in the dictionary.
The revolution is not a dinner party!
The last poem in the book - page 510. #poetry #poetrymonth
Earlier I posted about chocolate miso - now chocolate mayo?!?
My last post was the Yeats poem "The Second Coming." Many people over the past 99 years have borrowed phrases from that poem. Complete article is here https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2015/04/07/no-slouch/
I thought this would be appropriate on the eve of National Poetry month as well as Easter.
Just got an email with this in it. Doesn't appeal to me. Anyone ever have it?
Tonight my book group discussed Spectator Bird. This book was so beautifully written.
My book group met tonight. None of us liked this book.
This is Cisco Kid and he is the answer to 3 in #tuesdaytidbits #dog
1. Merlin in The Once and Future King
2. Maltese Falcon
3. My standard poodle, Cisco Kid. (I'll post a separate photo because I don't know how to insert one here.)
Got this in the mail today. Looking forward to it.
All done. I alternated reading and listening to this book. It's this month's pick in my f2f book group. If it wasn't I would have stopped reading before the end. I don't understand the author's choice of title. And I hated the last sibling's story. Actually I truly disliked the 4th sibling.
I was just reading posts here from all the people who loved this book. I wonder if it's an age thing? I am almost 68 and didn't care for it much.
Picking the next book to read. Maybe this one?