What I‘m reading now. The Secrets We Kept for Reese‘s bookclub September pick, The Nine for another book club September pick, and The Night Olivia Fell just because!
What I‘m reading now. The Secrets We Kept for Reese‘s bookclub September pick, The Nine for another book club September pick, and The Night Olivia Fell just because!
Guilty pleasure author! I am a sucker for Elin Hilderbrand books. Reading this now so I can be ready for the second book in this series that comes out in October!
August BOTM is amazing!!!!!! I got the whisper man, the turn of the key, and the reckless oath we made. Can‘t wait to read them all.
Really enjoying this so far. I haven‘t read a collection of short stories in awhile. These are all about women and “the baby years”. About women who want to be mothers, women who don‘t know if they want to be mothers, and women who have become mothers. It‘s really hitting home for me as I am also in my “baby years” and struggling with some of the same thoughts and feelings as characters in this book.
Already super into this one! Obsession, unraveling, mania- all things that make a great book that you can‘t put down!!!
Another awesome thriller! I read this one in a few days. It started a little slow for me but man, it built up and got so good about halfway through. The ending was great and not what I was expecting. I‘m super excited because I just learned that this book is going to be made into a movie! Can‘t wait to see it.
This was gooooooood. I highly recommend. I was immediately wrapped up in the story. And the ending was great too! I‘m excited to see what else this author comes out with. Good thrillers just make me so happy!
My April BOTM!! Can‘t wait. I keep forgetting to check out the add ons and I‘m disappointed I didn‘t add a few more. Oh well, next month!
Look what came in the mail today. I am starting this immediately!
A little Sunday morning reading! Liking this so far.
I didn‘t hate it. But I didn‘t love it. I really enjoyed some parts of this book but I really struggled with the writing style and had a hard time keeping focus when reading. I felt like I slogged through the last quarter of the book and I also felt like some parts of it could have been cut way down.
So, this will be my first bail of 2019 (hopefully there won‘t be a lot because I hate giving up on a book). I don‘t know why but I just can‘t get into this one. I‘ve tried and tried but manage maybe a few pages at a time before I get bored again. I keep putting off reading it and it sits and collects dust so I just know it‘s time to bail ☹️ I‘m sure others will love this book, it just wasn‘t for me unfortunately.
Just finished this book bringing my total for 2019 up to 19 books so far! I‘m pretty proud of myself for already having read 19! This book was good! The same idea as her other book The Proposal but I liked this one more. I liked the characters much better- especially preferred Alexa to Nik (from The Proposal). I‘m really excited to read her next book due out in July and have it pre-ordered. I love how her characters are linked in each book!
Another easy read that I‘m already sucked into! I don‘t get why people give this author so much crap. Yeah, maybe her writing isn‘t for everyone but I honestly think she writes easy, fun to read books. I like how all her different books connect characters. Anyway- enjoying this one tonight!
Loved this book and I tore right through it within two days. I loved the way the book is written from piecing together interviews with the characters. This style of writing really helped me fly through the pages. I also loved how it was set in the 70‘s and I could feel that vibe throughout the whole book. 4 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #reesesbookclub
I‘d believe your soulmate was somebody who had all the things you didn‘t, that needed all the things you had.
Had to get a start on Reese‘s pick for March! Really looking forward to this one.
I got sucked right into this one! Lots of twists and turns and moments that made me go “oh!” Psychological thriller through and through. 4 stars!
Got my March BOTM in the mail today! I can‘t resist starting it tonight!
I‘m kind of at a loss for words with this book. It is beautiful. It is heartbreaking and gut wrenching. It is also full of hope and light. All I can say is that everyone needs to read this book. Easily my first ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ book of 2019. I don‘t give out 5 stars easily- a book needs to really hit me in the feels and leave me awestruck to get five. This is it.
My choice for March BOTM- I was kinda bleh about the choices this month. But this one sounds creepy and I love a good creepy book!
I‘ve been sick with a stomach bug 😷🤢 for the past two days so I haven‘t gotten much reading done. But I‘m getting started on this one before I go back to work tomorrow. I‘ve heard nothing but praise for this book and I‘m excited to read it!
I loved this book! It was so cute and easy to read. It brought up a lot of cultural and diversity issues which I also think is important and sets it apart from most chick lit books. I flew through this in just a few days. Definitely recommend for light reading! I‘m looking forward to Sonya Lalli‘s next book due out in 2020. 4 stars!
Starting Spinning Silver a few days early for a March buddy read! Really excited to start this one. I‘m also reading “The Matchmaker‘s List” by Sonya Lalli so I will be busy for awhile.
This book was not what I expected at all and I kinda liked that. It was a slow-build and it is definitely not a book for all readers. There are footnotes to read, a lot of names to remember, lingo and jargon that is not easy to keep track of. But once I got used to all of that, I was golden. This book was funny in an unexpected way and I chuckled quite a bit when reading it.
I got my first ever Advance Reading Copy today and I am SO EXCITED! #myfirstARC #readtheguestbook #flatironbooks
“I don‘t believe that blood makes a family; kin is the circle you create, hands held tight. There is something to shared genetics, but the question is, what exactly is that something?”
Sunday reading! My guy works on Sunday so I usually spend the day catching up on my books. Today I ventured out of the house and decided to read at Aroma Joe‘s. I‘m enjoying An American Marriage so far- it definitely is full of feels.
I‘m trying this new thing where I read two books at once-usually one paperback and one hardcover. Here‘s what‘s up next. I got Early Riser from my February #botm box and An American Marriage at Target (they had a b2g1 free book sale last weekend....so I couldn‘t pass that up).
Mystical, dream-like, and very much felt like reading a long fairy tale. I enjoyed this book a lot although it took me longer than most books to finish. The imagery in Once Upon a River is vivid and I was transported to the world within the book whenever I read it. A very unique reading experience! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
This book was...different. It made me feel weird emotions and I was uncomfortable quite a bit while reading it. Typically, I love that type of novel but I just can‘t describe why this book didn‘t sit right with me. I did really like the structure of the book and how it was broken up into many parts. The ending brought me some clarity and helped me appreciate the main character a little more. Overall ⭐️⭐️⭐️/ 5
Saw this book at Target and couldn‘t resist! Also the mug. And the chocolate.
There is a lot of hate about this book spreading around in the universe since Reese picked it for her book club. I really didn‘t think it was terrible. It was easy to read- one of those books where you don‘t have to think too much- sometimes I need that! I did not like the main character, Nik. I thought she was annoying to be frank. But overall, this book kept me engaged. While I‘m only giving it ⭐️⭐️⭐️, I still plan to read her other books.
It‘s been a good week for book mail! My bookcase club box for February! I‘m excited about The Mentor! I‘m not sure about the other one- I read the synopsis and it doesn‘t seem like my kind of book but I‘ll try it! Anyone read either of these?
Book mail!! My February BOTM box came in! I‘m so so excited for all three! But for now, they go to the TBR shelf while I finish up some other books.
Lunch break! Giant iced coffee (it‘s 55 degrees today!!! Heat wave!) and some reading. I‘m liking this book so far- super easy read and entertaining.
Starting two new books tonight! The Proposal because it is the book of the month for Reese‘s book club (and just happened to be sitting on my TBR shelf!) and Once Upon a River because it has a gorgeous cover and I‘ve heard rave reviews. #reesesbookclub #tbr
This may be an unpopular opinion but I didn‘t love The Silent Patient. Don‘t get me wrong, it kept me interested and I read it relatively fast but I found the ending super disappointing and anticlimactic. I did struggle to figure out the twist which I think is what kept me engaged enough to finish the book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of 5 for me.
BOTM picks for February!! I also got Early Riser but couldn‘t fit it in the screenshot! Excited! #botm #februarybotm
This book was something. I was captivated from the start with the story of Sunja and her family. I loved that the book spanned so many generations of her family and loved growing with the characters and learning about their lives. I felt like I was a part of their family as I read the book. I celebrated and mourned with them. So much tragedy and heartbreak in this story- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ from me!
So I didn‘t hate this book but I also didn‘t love it. I can‘t really fault the author or the book for this though. I am just not a fan of non-fiction. I was committed to reading it since it was the pick for Reese‘s book club. Overall, I liked it because I experienced a lot of nostalgia about my days at the library as a kid. That being said, I had to fight my way through a lot of the history sections and found myself drifting off a lot as I read.
It‘s been a week so far....one more day until the weekend! My love is gone to a clinical overnight so I‘ve decided to spend tonight with a glass of Reisling and Pachinko. Going to try to get a good chunk read before bed! #thirstythursday #wino #wineandbooks
Today‘s forecast is snow, snow, snow so I‘m planning on reading most of the day between shoveling! For the first time in a long time I‘m reading more than one book at once. Starting Pachinko by Ming Lee this morning! I‘m also reading The Library Book by Susan Orlean so I‘m mixing some historical fiction with non-fiction.
Haven‘t read non-fiction in a long time......here goes nothing #reesesbookclub
It took me longer than usual to get through this one but I think that was mostly due to work and life in general. Overall, I really enjoyed this and am looking forward to the rest of series. I haven‘t read a fantasy book in quite awhile but was sucked into the world of Faerie pretty fast. I think I‘m going to have to order book 2 today!!