This was a pretty enjoyable thriller, although it felt like it didn‘t quite hit the mark for me for some reason. Probably still worth a read though - an interesting storyline and decent enough character formation 2.5/5
This was a pretty enjoyable thriller, although it felt like it didn‘t quite hit the mark for me for some reason. Probably still worth a read though - an interesting storyline and decent enough character formation 2.5/5
I bought this book because my son‘s name is Winston, so I knew he‘d love it! It‘s been great so far - you read a chapter each day of December and there are lovely little Christmas activities each day too, like making a pompom robin, paper chains, Christmas cookies etc. My own Winston is always keen to read it each day! 😊
So, my recovery process is proving to be frustratingly slow after my latest operation and I‘ve been signed off work for another week, but....there is always the bonus of more time to read! Making the most of a Kindle Unlimited deal and getting stuck into another Mark Edwards - I really enjoyed ‘The Devil‘s Work‘ but haven‘t loved all of his novels...
Another great read! This kept me engaged and I enjoyed the storyline and the development of the characters, although the plot twists weren‘t as surprising as others I‘ve read recently. Mark Billingham‘s style reminds me a bit of Peter James - great storylines and real page turners, just don‘t expect anything too profound! 3.5/5 😊
Next on my list of books that are truly keeping me sane during this recovery process! I really need to read a different genre at some point though....😂
Having read many of Edwards‘ books, this was one of my favourites. It helped that part of the story takes place at Sussex University, at the same time that I was studying there myself, and two of the characters even have a drink in one of my favourite Brighton pubs - when you can relate to details in a story, it ups the creepiness! The story was fast paced and there were some decent twists and turns. Less farcical than some of his other work!
Next up....a Mark Edwards novel. I am preparing myself for a ridiculous storyline with unbelievable plot twists, like his other books. Despite this, there is just something that is appealing about his work and they are normally easy readers...great for post-op, medication hazed reading! 🤪
This was a brilliant novel, in the dark and atmospheric setting of a Dartmoor winter. I love S.K. Tremayne‘s voice - she paints really believable, flawed characters and always manages to weave an interesting narrative with plenty of twists and turns. I enjoyed this even more than ‘The Ice Twins‘, which has a similarly sinister, atmospheric backdrop. Highly recommended!
Time for a new book! I really enjoyed ‘The Ice Twins‘, so I‘m expecting this to be a decent read. I‘m stuck in my bed for the next two weeks, recovering from surgery...I‘m so grateful for books and films right now! 😊
I enjoyed this read, although not as much as ‘You‘. The relentless mocking of LA hipsters is entertaining at first, but it does get a little bit monotonous towards the end. I do actually think this novel would make an even better TV series than ‘You‘ though, so I look forward to that making an appearance! Overall a decent enough read, 3.5/5.
I‘ve finally arrived in my (very cramped!) London hotel room after a looong day and I couldn‘t fit my book into my hand luggage 😫 Luckily, I have this little number to start on my Kindle. The first in this series (The Butterfly Garden) is very dark and fairly ridiculous at points, but I still enjoyed it. Looking forward to getting stuck into this 😊
This book is full of classic facial expressions which remind me just how melodramatic the show was 😂
I always try to have a non-fiction book on the go at the same time as a decent bit of fiction. I bought this from a book sale at our local library a little while ago and my house could do with a deep clean, so I‘m hoping to pick up some tips! Has anyone outside the UK heard of Kim and Aggie or is this just a British thing (it was a programme here about 15 years ago...makes me feel old saying that!!) 😂
As someone who has a real interest in yoga and meditation, my husband bought this for me (not realising that it was essentially a bit of Hare Krishna propaganda!). I did read it though and actually found it fairly interesting, more so because it was an insight into the many social, political and economic factors at play when the Hare Krishnas became particularly famous, due to their link with the Beatles in the late 60s
Hoping for a hat trick of picks with this little beauty! Joe is already well and truly back in my head! For anyone remotely interested in the words on my mug, it means ‘dear Guernsey‘ (there is even a song called Sarnia Cherie, which is a bit like our anthem!) - Guernsey is my little island home in the Channel Islands 🇬🇬
I really enjoyed this Megan Abbott book, much as I‘ve enjoyed her other work so far. This is a dark story (as expected!) with a feminist slant, in a competitive laboratory setting. I find her writing to be deeply psychological, with an original and very distinctive voice. My boys are away until this evening, so what a perfect excuse to finish this in bed this morning!
Really looking forward to getting stuck into this - love a good Megan Abbott!
This book was a great read - deliciously dark and poetic. I loved the short, snappy chapters and the characters were well formed. Finishing this with a coffee in bed was the perfect way to start a Sunday morning!
This was the first Stephen King book I‘d read in quite a while and it was a bit disappointing tbh. It was ok, just not particularly memorable, and the supposedly terrible thing that happened to the main character just didn‘t really seem that terrible in the grand scheme of King‘s imagination! It was a quick read though, and major fans of his work might still like it.
Hmmm...I may have got a bit overexcited at the library today. Can you tell I love a good horror/thriller?! Particularly excited about ‘My Sister, The Serial Killer‘ and ‘Hidden Bodies‘. Perfect halloween reads 🎃🎃👻👻🎃🎃
I really enjoyed this book, which was full of twists and turns, and was a real page turner! Definitely a good pick for fans of psychological thrillers. The characters are flawed and the story is like nothing I had read previously. A really good read!
I came across this lovely bookshop on my trip to London today - isn‘t this a beautiful sight to behold! 😊
It‘s only just gone 6am over here and I‘m sat in Guernsey (Channel Islands) airport waiting for a flight for a medical appointment in London - it‘s going to be a very long day, but a good excuse to start a new book! Have a great day everyone 😊 x
This was a quick, engaging enough read, but it was very predictable. It did tackle the complex subject of grief well, but I can‘t say that it truly sucked me in! I definitely prefer a book with a decent, unpredictable twist!
Time to start a new book from my tbr pile! I have high hopes for this one.
When I started reading this memoir, I loved it. Mary Karr has a beautiful way with words and it felt as though there was such a raw honesty in her descriptions regarding her descent into alcoholism. Unfortunately, much as I understand that religion played a large part in her recovery process, I found the lengthy musings about Catholicism jarred with me, hence the overall rating! The last third of the book just wasn‘t that engaging for me.
This book felt like a healing hug. It‘s one of those books that I just know I‘ll be recommending to a lot of people! Insightful, poetic, poignant, uplifting and philosophical. At points, it felt like it was speaking directly to my soul (seriously, one part made me cry!). A beautiful book, highly recommended for any human trying to navigate this crazy modern world!
Looking forward to getting stuck into this little lot, picked up from the library today
When my little one was 2, my other half built him these lovely bookshelves and we‘ve been showing him the magic of books ever since. Now he‘s 5 and, for the first time ever, he wanted to read us 2 reading books in a row last night, saying ‘I LOVE reading‘! It was just the best moment ever #bookwormintraining😍❤️🤓
Absolutely love freaking myself out by listening to horror audiobooks whilst walking home in the dark! 🧛♂️
This resonates with me so much! Sometimes (quite often), I would rather just avoid the news and focus on more positive things. It‘s trying to strike that balance between staying optimistic and happy, yet still being informed about what‘s going on in this crazy world that we live in! That‘s my Monday musings done 😂
The household baker has also made these - how amazing do the Oreo ones look 😋 These actually weren‘t from the same cookbook - just some online recipes he fancied baking (but similar to the sort of recipes in the book)
It‘s a blustery autumn day today, so the husband has been baking oat and raisin cookies from The Hummingbird Bakery cookbook (a favourite in our household), before our family comes to visit! I may need to sneak one aside to have with a cuppa and a good book later!
I finished this book a little while ago but keep coming back to it, as it‘s a great little reference book for anyone who is embracing their inner bad ass witch! This wouldn‘t appeal to everyone, but it‘s a worthwhile read for anyone interested in witchcraft. It also helped me work out what sort of witch I am (a green witch, in case anyone is interested!). Contains useful introductory information on crystals, tarot, astrology, rituals and more
Snuggled up with my favourite little man this morning, reading some classics picked out by him. Love the illustrations in this Julie Monks book. Perfect way to spend an autumnal Saturday morning 😊
I really wanted to like this Teresa Driscoll novel, as I quite enjoyed ‘The Promise‘ and ‘I Am Watching You‘, but I just found it a bit....meh! It did have some twists in it but perhaps the characters weren‘t developed enough for me to really get into the story. Just not a very memorable read for me.
‘Such a small, pure object a poem could be, made of nothing but air, a tiny string of letters, maybe small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. But it could blow everybody‘s head off.‘