My first Peter Mayle book. This is a book of essays/articles he wrote exploring the lifestyle of the rich. He pokes fun at them, yet he also relates to them. I found the book interesting and had a few LOL moments too.
My first Peter Mayle book. This is a book of essays/articles he wrote exploring the lifestyle of the rich. He pokes fun at them, yet he also relates to them. I found the book interesting and had a few LOL moments too.
My $3.50 library bookstore haul. I‘ve already started the tagged book and have caught myself LOL-ing.
Okay so I just wanted to warn everyone that this list can change on daily basis this is how I feel today. Nevertheless is really interesting to do it!
1. Roald Dahl (specially his short stories for adults)
2. Gabriel García Márquez (I am Colombian. This guy was amazing)
3. Margaret Atwood
4. Joe Hill
5. Murakami (I love how he can jump from one genre to the other. Same as Atwood and Garcia Márquez
Since I don't #work at the moment, I'm enjoying the #luxury to follow where my #creativity leads me.
This week I made soap (picture above) and lotion bars. Next week, I'll probably bake biscuits.
I'm glad that I can get creative when I want to but I don't have to be creative every day.
BTW, I can craft, I cannot decorate.
#Gratitude30 @hermyknee
1. Captions, please....
2. I‘ve lived in many places in the US & Europe, and I love all of them for different things. But for sheer freedom, ease of public transport, and wonderful walks complete with loads of folks about for good people-watching, I‘d have to say NYC, particularly Manhattan.
3. Broccoli & cheese soup 🍲
4. See my #Gratitude30 #Luxury post from yesterday. 😂
5. I bought Kindle books on Black Friday.
Happy #HumpDayPost
I‘m grateful for the #luxury to buy the books I want and the room to create a special library. #Gratitude30
There aren‘t many things in my life that I think of as a #luxury. Most of my clothes are relatively inexpensive, furniture is from Goodwill or hand me downs and I like it that way. These shoes however are a luxury. My brother gave me a pair for my birthday one year and now they are all I wear. They are expensive-in my opinion-but absolutely worth it. The fact that I stand all day makes these a luxury I afford myself. #gratitude30 #littlethings
To me this is #luxury! A full book shelf! #gratitude30 @hermyknee
This is what I call luxury:
1. Changing into pajamas after a long day
2. Getting under the comforter on the daybed
3. Letting the cat lie in the crook of my arm
4. Reading a book (pillow behind my neck)
Could finish out my life just like this, I swear!
I‘m grateful for all of the luxuries in my life, especially the above!
#Gratitude30 #Luxury
#gratitude30 #luxury It‘s turning downright chilly in South Florida, so to be snuggly wrapped in my fluffy snowflake throw with a good book after the craziness of the holiday really feels like luxury to me.