Chapter 15: lavish publishes under a pen name…. #anotherkiss #butfirst #ceciliaapretentiousass #ihatehim #GEORGE #evenLucydislikesCecil #didimentionthekiss #kisssssssss #GEORGE #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 15: lavish publishes under a pen name…. #anotherkiss #butfirst #ceciliaapretentiousass #ihatehim #GEORGE #evenLucydislikesCecil #didimentionthekiss #kisssssssss #GEORGE #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 13: Cecil doesn‘t like anyone and nobody likes Cecil 🤷🏻♀️ #sameoldstory #whydoesthischaptergetaname #notevenagoodname #solame #GEORGE #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 12: #anotherunnamedchapter #whatshouldwecallit #boysinapond #freddymeetsgeorge #georgerelaxesforfiveminutes #busted #cecilthebore #GEORGE #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 10: #vittoriacorombona #incaseyouwerecurious #shewasveryscandalous #anyway #cecilarrangesbettertenants #shothimselfinthefoot #clueless #GEORGE #iamnotafanofcecil #teamGEORGE #staytuned #whatDIDhappeninRome #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 9: 🤮 Cecil judges Lucy‘s family, and …. Well…. Everyone 🤷🏻♀️ #ihatehim #wheresgeorge #sopretentious #haveimentionedgeorge #thatkisswasawkward #unlikegeorge #george #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
With just a couple of hours to spare, I finished Middlemarch in 2022! 🎉 #1001books
Thank you for understanding, @Graywacke , as I dealt with some curveballs that delayed my reading. That middle was a slog, but Eliot‘s sparkling wit and insight came back in full force for the final book and made it worthwhile for me. So glad I decided to give this DNF from college another shot and join you on this journey! #george
Cheers to 2023, everyone! 🥂
Finally, I finished. 57 days. I would love to say something profound after finally reading one of the most famous Victorian novels. It‘s a smart insightful novel on community, family and marriage with some carefully worked out structure. It‘s playful, humanizing the hero and everyone else with humor. I loved Dorothea. I think Rosamond might have been a key inspiration for Edith Wharton‘s Undine. For some reason I just didn‘t fully take to it.