Chapter 13: Cecil doesn‘t like anyone and nobody likes Cecil 🤷🏻♀️ #sameoldstory #whydoesthischaptergetaname #notevenagoodname #solame #GEORGE #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 13: Cecil doesn‘t like anyone and nobody likes Cecil 🤷🏻♀️ #sameoldstory #whydoesthischaptergetaname #notevenagoodname #solame #GEORGE #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 11: wtf with these pretentious people?!?!? #makelucyoneofus #runlucyrun #charlotteisback #whatcouldgowrong #hotmess #lucytoldheroff #soproud #butthosevyses #horriblehumans #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 9: 🤮 Cecil judges Lucy‘s family, and …. Well…. Everyone 🤷🏻♀️ #ihatehim #wheresgeorge #sopretentious #haveimentionedgeorge #thatkisswasawkward #unlikegeorge #george #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 36: Pere and Paul try to convert Lucy and fail epically #thethingsifindongoogle #romanismvsprotestant #paulignoreslucy #hopesshewillconvert #becauseobviouslysheisevil #duh #icantwiththis #runlucyrun #notverybrotherly #sixchaptersleft #pemberlittens
Chapter 31: I was gonna post a pic of a dryad, but couldn‘t let this go…… #headmitshesacreeper #herentedaroomforit #runlucyrun #pedophile #but #heseesthenun #lucyisntnuts #unlessshemarrieshim #buthesnotthemarryingkind #ohdarn 🙄 #pemberlittens