Ch 7.4: Alyosha leaves the monastery #donthateme #waterintowine #alyoshahasamoment #everythingisclearnow #timetopeaceout #thebros #shortchapter #anothermiracle #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 7.4: Alyosha leaves the monastery #donthateme #waterintowine #alyoshahasamoment #everythingisclearnow #timetopeaceout #thebros #shortchapter #anothermiracle #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Chapter 2: whew! So many new old characters! #RIPbrandon #always #singlesmixer #thosesteelegirlsthough #hotmessexpress #inwalksmarycrawford #whowillendupwithwho #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
For me, once I watch The Nightmare Before Christmas, Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas has begun.
#HappyHolidays #DontHateMe #NoBahHumbugingAllowed
It‘s release day for this book, and it‘s available on Hoopla. Pretty in Pink & Groundhog Day happen to be two of my favorite movies, so this was an easy borrow.
Are you Team Duckie or Team Blane?
After watching this movie with the kids I have a really strong urge to read A Christmas Carol. #IveNeverRead #AChristmasCarol #Confession #DontHateMe #MyLoveForClassicsIsNew
It's good to be home. Even if it means sharing the bed with two cats, who love to snuggle up on either side of me while on the duvet and I feel trapped underneath it.
Since I woke up at around 4 am, I've already had close to an hour of #audiobook and cat petting and Litsy.
#donthateme I don't like the book. Russian fairy tale retellings seem to not be my thing.
WAR AND PEACE is my obvious book for #Maybookflowers # Peace and #war
I have nothing good to say about this!!! I have actually read it, I read the whole damn thing! And in all honesty that is the only reason I did finish is - bragging rights! Maybe I would have like it in Russian, maybe something got lost in translation...but I just don't get it! Nothing awesome about this book! Never disliked a book this much!!! #donthateme😉
Once, I painstakingly made my own #bookmarks out of treasured Far Side calendars, laminated lovingly with tape. I even still have a few. But, see, and please #donthateme, my fav books and I tend to be hard on each other... Many surgeries to fix bindings, and many heartbreaks. And as I get older, in my copies of beloved books, I do occasionally underline, doodle, dogear - Just like good friends, books and I sometimes damage each other #booktober
A lot of people have very mixed feelings about this one, our Intern Dana included, but what did you think of this final Harry Potter story?