Chapter 2: whew! So many new old characters! #RIPbrandon #always #singlesmixer #thosesteelegirlsthough #hotmessexpress #inwalksmarycrawford #whowillendupwithwho #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
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Chapter 2: whew! So many new old characters! #RIPbrandon #always #singlesmixer #thosesteelegirlsthough #hotmessexpress #inwalksmarycrawford #whowillendupwithwho #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
City wide staff day = An introvert's worst nightmare... #INFJ #toomanypeople #SOS
Also, yet another who wants to rehabilitate Mary Crawford! I remember reading a “sequel“ -- Joan Aiken, maybe -- which was clearly of the mind that Mary got #arawdeal and should've been the real heroine. Never mind the whole #beingafortunehunter thing. 2y
Now I want to read an AU where Marianne dies and Brandon and Mary Crawford get married. #justkidding #donthateme 2y