Instead of driving myself crazy, or driving myself to drink, over elections results, I've decided to move to a galaxy far far away and hang with the Sith.
#Vote2020 #ReturntoCivility #BlueWave
Instead of driving myself crazy, or driving myself to drink, over elections results, I've decided to move to a galaxy far far away and hang with the Sith.
#Vote2020 #ReturntoCivility #BlueWave
I'd like to hand this quote out to everyone who voted for Trump in 2016. It's not too late to fix your error.
#Vote2020 #ReturntoCivility #BlueWave
#QuotsyNov20 #error
This rather beat up library copy has a gorgeous cover, don't you think? I was trying to relax and read this earlier, and got to the part of the story where she's working in a barber shop in Washington. Yup. I encountered politics while trying to avoid politics. So I snuck a peak at election results in spite of myself ... I think I may very well sleep soundly to the sound of waves crashing on a beach tonight. 🌊💙🇱🇷 #bluewave
Hope everyone voted.
Sounds familiar.
If there's a line at the polls, take a book to read while you wait. I suggest this one.
#vote #bluewave #redscare #SaveTheUSA #RealPatriots 💙🇱🇷💙🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊💙🇱🇷💙
So here‘s my day in a capsule: I got mad. I am heartsick. I canvassed in the nasty cold rain (had to stop but finishing tomorrow). And now I‘m starting the tagged book. The fun, spooky reads are great, but I‘m just feeling more like taking action.
#resist #readersresist #nomoreshootings #whenisenoughenough #howmanymorepeoplemustdie #hewhoshallnotbenamedisplayinghappyatarally #beyonddisgusted
(No pic because the cover is hideous.)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5)
Well researched and unbiased account of the hot mess that is the current administration, as told by the people who work there.
Goodreads review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2560087552
#bluewave #redscare #politics
Reading for a few minutes until the oldest comes out of karate. Feeling particularly happy to no longer be among the folding chairs waiting out soccer practice. I was so thrilled when my oldest decided to quit soccer and pursue other interests. #NeverReallyASoccerMom #BlueWave
The end of another chapter in our lives: @WanderingBookaneer and I said goodbye to our school in Puerto Rico yesterday, in a long day that culminated with the senior graduation and post-grad dinner. Lots of tears and bittersweet moments. Next up: moving to our new home in Bradenton, Florida at the end of the month.