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Blaze | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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“Master storyteller Stephen King (writing as Richard Bachman) presents this gripping and remarkable New York Times bestselling crime novel about a damaged young man who embarks on an ill-advised kidnapping plot—a work as taut and riveting as anything he has ever written.”

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Blaze | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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This was a surprise favorite in my readthrough. Though taking obvious inspiration from Of Mice and Men, Blaze tells its own unique story, one that captivates from start to finish. This is largely accomplished by way of its titular protagonist; his naive personality and cognitive deficits soften the blow of some of his more despicable acts, and his backstory, revealed piecemeal throughout, cannot help but inspire empathy for its hapless owner. 5/5

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Blaze (Canadian) | Richard Bachman
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Movie: Gerald's Game

Klou Perfect! 11mo
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Rage | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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This was interesting. I wanted to read because I knew King had chosen to stop it‘s publication, and I was curious. It‘s fascinating to see this glimpse into a more innocent time (in school shootings), and the idea of how students might have reacted to a school shooting. Now we can look back and say nope, not like that, but it‘s intriguing in a Lord of the Flies way. I also thought the ending, while not what I expected, was really good.

Rage | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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I‘m not sure how to feel about this one. King famously asked for this novella to fall out of publication, so it enjoys an allure as most King fans try to locate/read it. I was pulled into the story at first despite it‘s uncomfortable subject matter, but was left disappointed and confused with the ending. There are no redeeming characters or meaning. Ultimately, I think King was right to pull this story. It doesn‘t add anything to his omnibus. 2⭐️

Pikathulhu Very well stated! 1y
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @Pikathulhu Thank you! I read your review as well and totally agree! 1y
5feet.of.fury Interesting! 1y
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The Regulators | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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I'm glad I read this and Desperation within a gasp of one another - the parallels between the two are numerous, and can be fun to spot - but I'm even happier I read this one second this time around. Of the two, The Regulators is a lot more rough around the edges, and having started with an enjoyable read like Desperation makes it a lot easier to keep plodding through its twin. Despite its flaws, it's a fun experiment with a good ending. 4/5

Roadwork | Stephen King
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We meet Bart when everything is about to change, the government are ripping up his house and place of work to accommodate a new highway.

The Roadwork is beginning, Bart isn't moving.

The insight King has into grief I find so powerful. Bart has spent a very long time looking away and I wonder I'd he had sat with the grief, looked the horror of it in the square of the eye, maybe things would have been different.

Rage | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Can't tell you how stoked I am to FINALLY have a copy of Rage to read so I can continue my Stephen King chronological saga. This was a hard one to find. Thankfully MelCat came to the rescue because a used copy of this book ran anywhere from $500-$1250 online 😵‍💫

#libraryfinds #bachmanbooks #stephenking #constantreader

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The Regulators | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Why why WHY am I doing this to myself?!?!? I need to stop giving King more chances!!!!

TheNeverendingTBR Can you explain? 2y
IamIamIam @TheNeverendingTBR Sure! Doublemint is a chewing gum & they used a set of twins as a marketing gimmick. It just feels so out of place reading this 30-something years later. 2y
5feet.of.fury I don‘t think it was out of date at the time this book came out. 2y
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IamIamIam @TheNeverendingTBR AND it's off-putting to international readers like you!!! It's just jarring and for me, it's taking away from the story. 2y
5feet.of.fury Are you feeling that way because the pop culture references make it less timeless? 2y
IamIamIam @5feet.of.fury In 1996, it would have been more relatable but it goes back to my original comment about how dated his work feels. So many other books are set in a certain time that feel timeless. All these pop culture references are hard to relate to this many years after they were introduced. 2y
IamIamIam @5feet.of.fury Haha, I was apparently answering you as you were asking the same question... lol, I've been very vocal about my love/hate relationship with King and this was another chance I took to let him redeem himself. I'm always extra critical when it comes to his books. 😆 I'm a little bitter after all these years!!!! LMAO 2y
Read-y_Picker Let it go! Just consider it historical fiction at this point lol. 2y
IamIamIam @Read-y_Picker Haha, fair enough... King always gets my hackles raised, though!!! 2y
TheNeverendingTBR I'm aware of that. You can still buy Doublemint in the stores here. 2y
Reggie I love this book. It gave teenage me nightmares back in the day. I read this one and Desperation back to back. Loved them both. 🖤🖤🖤Also reminds me of that rap song-“Regulators!!!! Mount up! It was a clear black night and a clear white moon. Nate G was on the streets, trying to consume.” 2y
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The Regulators | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Some books are set in a certain time and feel timeless. King's books feel like the movies MST3K would make fun of. I was 18 in 1996 and have ZERO recollection of Hee Haw having been on tv... I think this is one of the hardest things to get past with his writing. It's like talking to that one relative you had who peaked in 11th grade in 1972 and can't talk about anything else...

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage That is tough 😔 2y
Kappadeemom Welp, you didn‘t miss anything. Hee Haw was just as bad as it sounds 2y
IamIamIam @Kappadeemom 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Spectacular, Melanie!!!! 2y
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5feet.of.fury I getcha I saw your 2nd post first but that makes sense. 2y
CSeydel I was 21 in 1996 and I grew up watching Hee Haw 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
IamIamIam @CSeydel Maybe it was a regional thing? 2y
CSeydel Yeah - I‘m sure I watched it in syndication but it was definitely on some channel throughout the 80s 2y
IamIamIam @CSeydel I just looked it up on Google and that was definitely not something I remember!!! LOL, I did watch Laugh-In and I guess they're similar but Hee Haw is a bit more country? A bit is being nice, though... HAHA 2y
CSeydel Do you remember in the song Punk Rock Girl where he says the line about the girl dressing like Minnie Pearl? She was a regular on Hee Haw. Fun fact 😆 2y
CSeydel Oh yes. Hee Haw was EXTREMELY country 2y
IamIamIam @CSeydel HAHA, I do know who Minnie Pearl is and it makes sense that she was on Hee Haw!!! 😂 2y
Megabooks I‘m two years younger than you and I do remember Hee Haw, but I grew up in the South. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ it‘s hard to write a timeless popular fiction book. I enjoy the throwbacks to childhood, but each reader is different. If you‘re not enjoying it, bail. #TooManyBooksTooLittleTime 💯💯 2y
IamIamIam @Megabooks 🤣🤣 Good call!! It's just that King gets me all riled up... we've got a sordid history!! I can skim it but I think I may have just grown out of his style and I need to realize that's okay!! Lol 2y
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