12 Books total this month
🎧 7 audiobooks
📚 5 books
🏛 9 library books
#bestofFebruary #Feb2020
12 Books total this month
🎧 7 audiobooks
📚 5 books
🏛 9 library books
#bestofFebruary #Feb2020
• Few chapters in and it's pretty good; Tear-jerker read for Feb 2020 #ReadWithMrBook #challenge. Won't finish by the end of the month but that's all part of the plan (wink wink -- there's no plan, folks) •
#currentlyreading #challenges #tearjerker #FebTBR #Feb2020 #nonfiction #memoir #animals #dogs #paperbacks #booksiown #booktofilm
loved it! need to see the movie now with Humphrey Bogart and Gloria Grahame
#BestMysteriesOfAllTime #Feb2020
The soon to be released new book from this author, which isn‘t yet appearing on #Litsy #currentlyreading #loveozya #febrelease #bookclubbook #feb2020🇳🇿 #grief #brothers #socialissues I am expecting to be traumatised. Also, thanks #Bunnings for use of flowers for pic.