And now for something entirely different. The pollen drove me inside and Ozzie (who is not allowed outside) is pleased to have his lap back.
And now for something entirely different. The pollen drove me inside and Ozzie (who is not allowed outside) is pleased to have his lap back.
Heartbreaking. Geraldine Brooks is one of my favorite authors and I met her once at a book festival, so this felt more personal.
While Brooks is writing her book Horse at home on the Vineyard she gets a call that her husband Tony Horwitz has died suddenly in DC. This book walks you through that time frame/experience and then intermingles her process of finally fully grieving three years later while staying in a remote location in Tasmania. In telling her story you meet a unique couple. A four star read.
Though this book is centered on Brooks‘s processing the death of her husband, the aftermath and trying to grieve, she really gives the reader a guide of how to enjoy and savor the moments that one has now as we really don‘t know how long we all have to enjoy our relationships which make our lives worth living. I loved this.
My February reads. It was another fantastic reading month. Now, on to March!